Power of Herbs “Mullein”

Target: Respiratory System
Survival: “Medicine”

Mullein has a towering stalk which bears tiny yellow flowers which have antiseptic properties and when a tea is made then cooled can be used as a mouth rinse.
The leaves have the shape of a tobacco leaf but feal like flannel to touch, tiny like hair follicles should be washed off because they can cause irritation to some individuals. but overall this plant packs a powerhouse of a punch for overall respiratory issues regardless of the severity in both Adults and in Children.
Mullen Leaf is a powerful respiratory herb that is potent and targets the Respiratory system: Its properties consist of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory. Mullen has other uses but we will focus on the respiratory system in this post.

Also the small yellow flowers that appear at the top of the stalk and because of their antiseptic properties they make a good healing tea for the lungs.

A few uses of Mullein targeting the respiratory system( but not limited to)

·  Tuberculosis

·  Bronchtis

·  Pneumonia

·  Colds

·  Flu

·  Asthma

·  Inflammation

·  Sores

·  Tumors

Mullein leaf can kill a virus on contact. Also its antibacterial properties is efficient enough to treat Infections especially Tuberculosis as it inhibits mycobacterium, the bacteria which causes the disease.

There are no serious side effect, however excess usage can cause an upset stomach.

Dosage:(ADULT) Liquid Extract: 1/2 teaspoon to 1 teaspoon daily. TINCTURE:1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 to 4 times daily.
Dried Mullein Flowers: 1 to 2 teaspoons in a cup of 8 ounces of boiling water steeped for 30 minutes. once or twice a day. For Children dosages refer to Clarks rule of pediatric dosing on the here

Mullein tea recipe:

You will need:
10 ounces of boiling water
2 teaspoons of dried mullein leaves

Directions: Add dried herb in a tea ball or infuser ,add boiling water and let steep a min of 30 minutes.