Further Education – new starters’ checklist
If you have young people starting a further education (post year 11) course at college, school or a training provider, then this is intended to help ensure everything is in place (see also the Financial Policy):
Topic area / Action required / Complete?Course/Offer / Have you confirmed the details of the course that the young person is starting/has applied for (provider/level/course name)?
Does the YP understand the requirements if they have been given a conditional offer (i.e. GCSE results dependent, having to attend a taster day etc.)?
Does the YP have a plan to collect relevant exam results (e.g. GCSEs) and access appropriate support (school/college/Virtual School/SWEET worker) if they are not as expected?
Does the young person know the date and time their course starts, and when they have to enrol?
Funding/ Finance / If your young person is aged 16-18 at the start of the academic year have they completed the application for the guaranteed bursary, and have you provided a supporting letter confirming their looked-after/leaving care status?
If the YP is 18 or older are they claiming the correct benefits to cover subsistence and rent, and have they made the appropriate changes of circumstances?
If the YP is aged 21 or over at the start of the academic year, how are they funding their rent and subsistence costs?
If the YP is aged 19+ at the start of the course are they eligible for fee remission, or how are they planning on paying course fees?
Kit and equipment/other course costs - has the YP applied to provider based funding to cover these costs (e.g. 16-19 bursary, discretionary learner support fund for 19+)? If social care are contributing upfront have you agreed how repayments will be made if the YP receives an award from their provider?
Topic area / Action required / Complete?
Finance (continued) / Childcare - if the YP is a parent, and under 20 at the start of the course, have they applied for Care to Learn support? If they are over 20 have they applied for discretionary learner support?
Does the YP have a bank account in order to receive bursary or similar payments?
Does the YP need a bag or stationery for the start of their course (see financial policy)?
YP who are not UK Citizens will need to provide evidence of their immigration status to the learning provider to confirm their eligibility for funding
Travel / Is the YP eligible for a low-cost bus pass from their learning provider (e.g. as at OCVC)? If not, have you arranged an appropriate bus pass?
Is the YP familiar with the route to their learning provider? Do they need support in accessing public transport?
Support / Have you discussed with your YP the benefits of sharing information about looked after/care leaver status with their teaching staff, and outlined the advantages of your establishing contact with their tutors?
Does your YP have any risk factors relevant to the educational setting that need to be shared with the provider?
Do you know the name and contact details of the YP's tutor? And do they have yours?
If your YP has additional support needs, but doesn't need additional input from a specialist EET worker, have you completed an EET support plan?
If your YP has additional support needs, and does need additional input from a specialist EET worker, have you completed a SWEET referral?
Have you considered whether your YP will need any additional support from you at the start of the course (starting in new environment etc)?
Any questions then please contact a member of the team at the Virtual School
Last updated: 23/12/2018Page 1 of 2