Resident Qualifying/Move-In Process

  1. Marketing Director Generates Leads
  2. Call Social Workers, Hospitals, ALF’s SNF’s, Foster Homes, Families, etc.
  3. Follow-Up on incoming leads
  1. Marketing Director Pre-Qualifies New Resident
  2. If our inquiry will be admitted to a secure memory care community does the resident have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s/Dementia?
  3. Medicaid or Private Pay? If they have Medicaid make sure it’s an open service
  4. Progression of disease? Any behaviors?
  5. Level of Care Needed?
  1. Marketing Director Sets up Tour &/or Home Visit with family
  1. Marketing Director Collects Medical Records
  2. Current nursing notes, MARS, med sheets, psych evals, CBG’s, labs.
  3. Obtain records from current & previous residences, hospitals, rehab
  4. Do they have a current doctor? If so, whom?
  1. Marketing Director Presents Medical Records - to RN for evaluation, follow up on any further info requested
  • If any further information needs to be collected for clarification of potential resident, our nurse will ask theMarketing Director to obtain further data.
  • Should our nurse/administrator see physical or behavioral information that is concerning and wish to personally inquire to make an evaluation the nurse/administrator will first speak with the marketing director and then inform the marketing director that they need to inquire. The marketing director will than call the inquiry’s decision maker (our customer) and inform them that a member of our management team will be calling to gain additional insight into care needs. After the marketing director speaks with the customer and informs them of the call, then tells our nurse/administrator this contact has been made, our nurse/administrator can go ahead and call to evaluate as needed. (This process is in place so as not to confuse the customer with phone calls from people they don’t know. Also, phone calls by our nurse/administrator to evaluate unknown information, fill in the blanks should not be confused with documentation gathering that is the marketing director’s responsibility)
  1. Marketing Director Completes Pre-Move-In Assessment
  2. Meet with resident, family members, caregivers, social worker, charge nurse, resident care coordinator.
  1. Marketing Director Presents all Medical Records, Assessment & Notes to RN/Admin for Approval
  • If resident does not meet move-in criteria, RN/Admin must consult VP of Operations for final assessment and decision.
  • If potential resident does not meet move-in criteria and approved by VP of Operations, the family is notified by Director of Marketing and Director of Marketing will maintain file in their office.
  1. Marketing Director Schedules Move-In - with current building, family & transportation
  1. Marketing Director Supplies Completed Face Sheet to Business Office Manager
  1. Marketing Director Turnsin Completed File into RN - set up of meds & temporary service plan
  • Marketing Director will maintain potential resident file in their possession until move-in is scheduled.
  • At the time of move-in scheduled, Marketing Director hands off file to RN
  • Marketing Director checks to make sure room is ready for admission
  1. Welcome Resident &/or Family at building for Move-In