Minutesof the June meeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council held on Tuesday 30th |June 2015 2015at 7.00pm at Skellingthorpe Village Office, Lincoln Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln
Present: CllrsGoldson (Chair of meeting), Scott, Ms Bennett, Mrs Scarborough, Snedden, Hauton, Cheeseman, Pepper, Shaw and Richardson.
1member of the public wasin attendance. Clerk of the meeting M Rouston
The Chairman introduced Parishioner’s Question Time and invited the members of public present to speak on matters of concern. There were no matters for discussion.
The meeting went into formal session for the Junemeeting of Skellingthorpe Parish Council.
1.Apologies for absence and reasons given.
Apologies for absence and reasons given were accepted from CllrsShore and Pannell (prior engagements) Cllr Jackman (illness)
2.To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any applications for dispensations in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests.
There were no declarations of interest at this point.
3.To Inspect the Parish Council Insignia
4. Chairman’s Report
Cllr Goldson Thanked all involved with the Annual Gala, which he said was a fantastic weekend. He also thanked the Clerks for their help and work in the office.
5.Police Report.
The Police had not responded to the invitation to attend or leave a report
6. Clerks Report.
Clerk reported on the card thanking all involved with 50/61 Reunion service. Also reported that there was to be a visit on the 20th July, of dignitaries from an area in France, where a Lancaster Bomber flewfrom Skellingthorpe and crashed in France, this was to be hosted by 50/61 Squadron. Cllr Goldson asked if the Parish Council should be involved in any way, there was a general consensus the Council should. It was discussed that a framed picture of the Memorial Stone in Skellingthorpe should be presented along with Pin Badges and a Skellingthorpe flag, with Parish Council insignia and worded on the flag
Cllr Snedden proposed a Budget of £200 Cllr Scott seconded and it was passed with a unanimous show of hands
Cllr Cheeseman was to look into the Flag with the manufacturers
7.Notes of the Parish Council Meeting of the 26th May to be approved as the minutes of that meeting
Cllr Cheeseman nominated the minutes to be correct Cllr Pepper seconded. Unanimously approved on show of hands.
8. Approve the payment of Accounts for June 2015
Cllr Scott nominated to accept the accounts Cllr Bennett seconded and carried with a unanimous show of hands
9. District and County Councillors reports
There was no reports due to Cllrs Shore and Pannell not attending meeting
10. Skellingthorpe 10 year plan – Actions and Updates
a) Hub
At the moment Council is in process of asking Council solicitors, Epton and Co, to advise what we can and cannot do with the progression of the hub, as there is an ongoing lease with Community Centre and Youth Hall Management Committee which needs to be checked to ensure all areas co-operate.
b) CCTV/Playing Field
LED Lights are now in, cabling to the poles have been delayed due to Contractors illness, but have promised to be done by the end of the month. Wicksteed are happy to keep equipment in hand until date for installation is set, once the electrical work is completed.
c) Speed Initiative Update and Consider purchasing SID’s that logs transport levels
The problems that are occurring with the installation of the SID devices were discussedand Cllr Goldson has now asked the Speed Enforcement agency to be involved for their advice to overcome these problems.
Cllr Scott gave information to the council on why they may wish to change to order, at this time as it cannot be changed retrospectively, devices that log the movement of traffic within the village as it was felt this may help any future problems regarding excess movement due to new housing and other relevant factors. The current cost of the non logging SIDs is £7450.95 with the budget set at £7,500. The SID’s with loggings is £8211. Cllr Snedden thought it was a good idea to have the traffic logs. Cllr Snedden proposed to purchase the SID’s with the logging facility Cllr Scott seconded there was a show of hands with 7 for and 3 against, but was carried with the majority vote.
d) Sustrans/Railway Paths Partnership
The council owned area on the Sustrans path is being improved in association with Hill Holt from a £500 grant given , but with no financial assistance by Sustrans themselves. The council had a good meeting with Sustrans outlining what the Council is hoping to do, and this is ongoing.
11.Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Update
Letter from Central Lincolnshire regarding the local plans and timetables. Noted
12. 50/61 Squadron Memorial Service Review
An update on the day was discussed and it was said the day had been very successful. The memorial garden and stone looked nice with positive feedback. Discussion took place on the seating that next year the 2 front rows of seating should be reserved for the Veteran’s.
13. Correspondence and Letters
Parish Council Vacancy 3 Letters of Application. A vote took place for the vacancy of Parish Councillor and on a majority vote Mollie Samms was elected to stand on Skellingthorpe Parish Council.
13ia) Email from James Corscadden re Affordable HomesNoted
b) Email from NKDC re A Hughes Retrospect planning application–
to be discussed at next Planning Meeting Noted
c) Email from ROSPA re inspection of play areas – inspection to be booked Clerk to arrange
d) Letter from Party in the ParkNoted
e) Letter from Skellingthorpe Bowls Club re Brown Bins and Trees. Cllr Bennett to check the trees Clerk towrite regarding the Brown Bins.
f) Letter handed in from Gardenfield stores regarding the Gala Clerk to write
14. Consider re-siting the Ornamental Black Bin
Cllr Scott requested the re-siting of the ornamental black bin, currently positioned near to the Heritage Room, this bin in present position is not being used. He produced a map on possible sites to reposition the bin. Cllr Goldson was totally opposed to his plans to place the bin in the Memorial Garden area, which he felt was not right, as the area had been cleared of all things like bins to keep it clean and tidy. The Councillors had a site visit and it was felt best to be positioned on the corner of the building adjacent to the CCTV pole Cllr Hauton proposed to re- site the Ornamental Bin on the corner Cllr Pepper seconded carried on show of hands with one against.
15. Approve Submission to Chatterbox
Thanks was given to Cllr Snedden for his latest write up for the Chat magazine, and it as felt that it was the best and most interesting article for a very long time.
. Submission to be an Update on Railway Paths Partnership
. Events Committee and asking Parishioners to join in with the meetings for their opinions on village events. . .Election of Mollie Samms to be on Parish Council Cllr Snedden to submit to Chat
16. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage.
Proposed Cllr Snedden, seconded by Cllr Scott and unanimously approved on a show of hands that council move into closed session. The members of public present left at this point.
There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.
Chairman...... Date......