
Leader Evaluation

The answers that you provide will be kept confidential. Please fill in as much information as possible regarding the questions below. If you have other topics which you’d like me to know about, please add them at the end.

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I want to have this rocket built, and this will require a collaborative, well coordinated group effort. The more feedback I get, the better I will be able to self-regulate as a team leader, and the better our group will function as a whole for MSD2.

For the questions about other team members, please do not hesitate to name a team member. I am not interested in deciphering who is writing which response; therefore please don’t name too many names (Process of elimination)! I am, however, very concerned about ensuring that everyone it treated with equity.

If you have things that you would like to discuss with me without anonymity, please just email me from your personal email. Thanks for your time, I appreciate your feedback.


  • What did you find positive about my leadership style?

A lot of your own personal time was used to research other teams information. The amount of personal effort was enough for me in the sense that every time someone else, or myself asked a reasonable question, you always had an intelligent answer. In other words, you knew everyone else’s job as well as your own. I especially liked the way you were able to deal with Patru and Kozak offline to make our lives easier last quarter. By you we were able to earn our A. Nice work.

  • How can my leadership style be improved for spring quarter? What would you do differently if you were to be team leader?

Delegation is the key to producing results bigger than the individual. More structure is needed ahead of time to maximize efficiency at every meeting, but more importantly, what happens outside of meetings. For a first time go you did exceptional, but we as a collective need to step it up a few notches simply because all the other teams are now more dependent on us than we are of them. We are in charge from here on out. If we say it is Chalice, then everyone must comply and retrofit their designs to fit ours. Our defining moment is March 23. The final design is due then. That is where we shine, but we have a lot to do between now and then. Do not be afraid to delegate and expect more for us. We are capable of so much more and none of will blame you for doing so. I think last quarter was easy, but our current deadlines will force more of a need for delegation. By now we know that we are pressed for time and the group probable expects more structure and delegation to meet these more rigorous standards.

  • Are there any group members whom you felt were favored? Why?

That is a loaded question. The simple answer is no. I think it was easier for you to relate to the ‘Aero’ guys then the others. Overall, you were very fair and made sure that our grades reflected our individual efforts aside from the professors giving us our final grades.

  • Were there times when you felt that you didn't receive sufficient credit for your efforts?

No. However, I felt that my efforts were for naught; especially with spending way too much time on the Embedded Fuel design. I guess it’s just practice.

  • Do you have any other comments/concerns?

Not really. A lot of this leadership thing is just trial and error. Try what you think is best, relax, observe, evaluate, adapt, improvise, implement and overcome your obstacles. This form is a great start. Do a self-assessment too and look at your own dimensions (strengths and weaknesses). Good luck this quarter.