TCCS/Developers Consultation Meeting 3/2016

Tuesday, 11th October 2016, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Present TCCS: / Andrew Pedersen- Assets, Schools and Active Travel, Gabriel Joseph – Development Review and Coordination (DRC), Lingam – DRC, Kuga Kugathas – TCCS,Maggie Dunn – DRC, Darwin Zeta – Roads ACT (DZ), Sanzida Akhter -Waste Feasibility Study, George Rooks -WFS
Present Consultants: / Tony Carey – Riverview Group, Guna Seelan- LDA, Ian McRae – IconWater, Brett Roantree – KnightFrank, Ivo Matesic- Capital Estate, Greg Garner – Village Building,


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Administrative information

Gabriel explained;
-evacuation procedure
-exit and meeting area
-conveniences / N/A
2 / Action items from the previous meeting
Canberra Streetscape Guideline
Kuga to consult draft of the guideline with stakeholders / The following consultations have been conducted:
  • Industry representatives participated in the workshop help in July 2016.
  • LDA representatives are involved in an ongoing manner.
  • City presentation area is developing the nature strip guidelines and the draft is close to finalisation.
/ Kuga / complete
Most common issues with submissions
Gabriel to collate list of most common issues with the post DA submissions /
  • Incorrect details such as naming of a project;
  • Incorrect staging;
  • Planting Schedule not supplied or incomplete;
  • Using obsolete forms (submission cover sheets or ADF’s);
  • Different number of assets on ADF ‘sand Summary drawing documents;
  • No signature on TCD;
  • Consolidation Maintenance Plan – Works Program incomplete when submitted at commencement and not dated and signed off accordingly when lodged for handover;
  • Lack of relevant certifications;
  • No electronic version of submissions, or
  • Electronic version of the submission doesn’t have all submission components.
/ Gabriel / By 1st November
3 / Update on standards
Additional missing design standard content is currently being completed, which includes content for
-Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS);
-Stormwater Quality Improvement Devices (SQID);
-Equestrian facilities;
-Alignment with ICON Water new design standards; and
-Incorporation of the technical details for Shared Trenches
Further engagement work with the industry regarding the ICON Water and Shared Trenches will occur in early 2017 and is anticipated to be completed in time with the other Design Standards.
Currently TCCS is working closely with MBA/CCF regarding finalising the Technical Specifications. It is anticipated that finalised draft versions will be made available on the TAMS website before Christmas. / To test MIS on chosen projects and provide comments / Industry / Ongoing
3 / Transport Impact Assessment Guideline
The TIA Guideline complements Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Part 12, and, gives ACT specific information and provide guide on active travel and public transport. The Industry has already trialled the guideline over a period of more than 12 months, and the comments have already been incorporated.
The Guideline is now available on the TCCS website under the following link; (
The Guideline is a living document and will be updated annually or when number of comments, issues and suggestions is received by DRC. Justification must be provided by the consultant in case TIA is not provided with the Design Acceptance submission. / For information only
4. / Directorate Transport Canberra and City Services
GJ notified attendees about the restructure and changes to the names of the directorate, division and section;
Territory and Municipal Services - Transport Canberra and City Services
Operational Support Branch - Strategy, Innovation and Customer Experience
Asset Acceptance – Development Review and Coordination / N/A
5. / Canberra Streetscape Guidelines
The guideline provides vision linking the ACT Planning Intent and the Estate Development Code and Design Guidelines.
The purpose of the document is to provide guidance on the functional aspects of streets in three parts:
Movement of all road users;
Place; and
Number of consultation and workshops has been held in the development of the guidelines and Stakeholders are welcome to join in the process.
The Guideline is being developed in 2 stages;
Stage I
It is anticipated that the draft guidelines will be available by the end of this year.
Stage II
Comments from users and other stakeholders will provide basis for further development of the guideline. / N/A
6. / Icon Water / TCCS requirements
Icon Water and TCCS had series of meetings to resolve issue of overlapping and contradicting requirements. As a result, the following have been agreed;
the ICON Water will cross reference and use TCCS standard for verge designs on estate developments;
TCCS will use ICON Water’s standards for verge designs on trunk and main infrastructure; and
TCCS and ICON Water will mutually engage and consult each other for any reviews of the standards / For information
7. / Estate Development Plan workshop
Capital Works and Metro divisions of TCCS will be included in the EDP process. Gabriel also reminded that the purpose of the EPD workshop is to discuss projects vision and the journey to achieve the presented design. TCCS would like to understand why some standards couldn’t be met and what challenges had to be resolved to achieve the targeted outcomes.
Tony questioned the possibility of joining the EPD and TCCS workshops and Gabriel and Andrew will discuss internally if this is possible. / For information only
To investigate possibility of joined EDP workshop / Gabriel and Andrew / TBC
Certification of the design
Gabriel met with the legal team to discuss the obligations and responsibilities of TCCS in regards to design acceptance. In result of this discussion DRC will change the name of the Certificate of Design Acceptance to Letter of Design Review.
This change will come to the effect after consultations with all Industry groups. This will be advised by the separate email. / To advice about concerns / all
Christmas Break
Gabriel presented Christmas shutdown calendar. Guna questioned the necessity of early closure for handover of soft landscape and operational acceptance of hard landscape assets.
Andrew and Gabriel will discuss with the asset owners and address appropriately. / As the outcome of the discussion with the asset owner the following dates have been negotiated:
- Handover of soft landscape works are required by 18/11/2016 as these items are programmed into maintenance schedules over the Christmas period.
-Operational Acceptance submissions of the following hard landscape assets ; playgrounds, barbeques and bins, must be submitted by 18/11/2016.
-Operational Acceptance of hard landscape assets outside of the above can be submitted by 2/12/2016. / Andrew and Gabriel
8. / Survey Monkey
/ Please provide feedback with the survey link / All

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