Minutes of the Committee Meeting at


Monday 6 March 2017 at 7.00 pm

1.Welcome and Apologies.

CommitteeMembers –
Present: / John Hewer (Chairman)
Peter Morris (Vice Chairman and Secretary)
John Thurston
Pam Thurston
Philip Archer (Treasurer)
Angela Thomson (Beranburh Fields Representative)
Phil Ball
Ollie Payne
Sara Cummins (Facebook and Website Co-ordinator)
Mark Bilney
Alexandra Park Residents –
Present: / Stanislava Vitko-Bilney
CommitteeMembers - Apologies Received: / Janice Mitchell
CommitteeMembers –
Not Present: / Su / Chris Covell
Vanessa Emanuel

John, the Chairman, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  1. Minutes of Previous Committee Meeting (13 February 2017).

The minutes of the previous Committee meeting had been previously agreed by the Committee and were subsequently sent out by the Secretary. The Committee members present confirmed their agreement with those minutes.

Ongoing Items, Matters Arising From Previous Meetings and New Items.

3. Unspent Section 106 Monies (Must be spent by 2018)

Subject / Discussion and Any New / Ongoing Decisions / Actions
Section 106 Monies –
Monies must be spent by 2018. / At the 2015 AGM, the numberedlist below was ratified by the residents as an initial order of preference for the unspent Section 106 monies based on resident feedback and AGM input.
At the 2016 AGM, the Chairman reminded the residents that any unspent Section 106 monies must be spent by 2018 or they would have to be returned, with interest, to the developer.
  1. Traffic calming and Road Safety
a)Traffic Calming on Comet Way (Completed 14 Oct 2016) and Whittingham Drive.
b)Bus Shelter for Comet Way (Completed July 2016).
c)White line markings on approach road (Still to be scheduled). White side lines now agreed in principle by the Councillors. These will go along the main road up to Comet way. (Highways Departmentwill not authorise a central line). Drawings to be done first.
At the AP residents’ meeting on 26th February 2016 options for traffic calming were discussed and the residents agreed to the following options:
A build-out on Whittingham Drive by the exit of the AH (Completed Dec 2016)
Priority signs by AH and AP entrance on Whittingham Drive (Using existing build-out).
Numerous ‘speed gates’ around AP (Completed Sep 2016).
Speed platformon Comet Way (Completed 14 October 2016).
The Chairman, with the help of Councillor Cathy Martin, is progressing the remaining items as a matter of urgency.
  1. Footpaths and Gates
a)Tarmac and kerbing the footpath - remedial work for the poor original job.
The Committee felt that, as the path was relatively new, spending S106 money on removing / rectifying the hoggin surface and tarmacking it was a low priority.
The Chairman, with the help of Councillor Cathy Martin, is progressing these items as a matter of urgency.
b)Footpath from hoggin path to the N.E. corner to join up with footpath on main road.
Now started and due completion in the next week.
c)Fill in gap in NE corner hedgeline with hedge/fence and gates.
Now started and due completion in the next week.
d)Complete footpath on Whittingham Drive to meet up with the hoggin path. (Completed Dec 2016).
e)Knee rail beside the newly completed tarmac footpath.
The Chairman would discuss the previously received quote with Adams and Watt and advise that it should only cover a knee rail length beside the new footpath.
The Committee had previously agreed to fund this, out of APRA funds, to a maximum of £200.
f)Splayed Brick entrance on Whittingham Drive
Similar to the entrance to Alexandra House.
g)Lighting for footpath / Chairman

4.Wroughton PC and Swindon BC Issues.

Subject / Discussion and Any New / Ongoing Decisions / Actions
Libraries –
Wroughton Ellunduneand Mobile Libraries / Wroughton Library, including the mobile library, is under threat of closure to find cost savings.
This is ongoing. Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman
Local Governance Review / Middle and West Wichel to be included in Wroughton Parish but not East Wichel.
Many services being transferred out by SBC to the Parishes.
All councils allowed to raise basic council tax by 4.9 %.
7.2 % likely rise in Wroughton plus rises to WPC precept and fire services etc.
The Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman

5. First Port Property Including Grounds Maintenance Contract.

Subject / Discussion and Any New / Ongoing Decisions / Actions
First Port Property (FPP) –
Grounds Maintenance Contract Renewal.
Budget Review / Grounds Maintenance Contract - 2017 Contract
The quote from Adams and Watt Ltd for the 2017 contract had been received. There was an increase for the additional hedge cutting requested by residents and an inflation increase as well. On balance, the Committee felt that the price was a fair one. This was now in FPP hands.
The Chairman would monitor and update.
2017 / 2018 – Budget Review.
The Chairman advised that details had now been received from FPP regarding the Budget Review.
The details were distributed and discussed at length.
The Chairman advised that he had been informed by the FPP PM that the reserve fund would be used for the hoggin path repair works and the tree survey.
The Chairman had previously advised the Committee by email that he had received the following response from FPP regarding the terrorism element of the insurance:
We act on behalf of the Management Company, Holding and Management (Solitaire) Limited. Thank you for your recent email which has been passed for our attention with regards to your insurance enquiry therein. To clarify, the total Estates premium for the period 1st July 2016 until 30th June 2017 is £2,361.14 including Terrorism and Insurance Premium Tax.
Please note that if there is a discrepancy between the premium and the amount you have been charged, this may be a budgeting issue. Your budget is an estimate of costs to be incurred and this is arranged by Firstport Property Services. Therefore we would kindly refer you to Firstport directly for further information regarding this matter. We can confirm that the 1st July 2017 renewal terms have not yet been agreed by the insurers as we are still some time away from renewal.
Under the terms of your original Transfer Document, Schedule 6 Part 1, the Company is responsible for effecting ‘insurance against liability of the Company to third parties and against such other risks in respect of the Estate and in such amount and through such insurers underwriters and through such agency as the Company shall in its absolute discretion think fit’.
Please be advised that Terrorism insurance is a mandatory requirement of our client. The ever increasing investor and buy-to-let market has proven that there is nothing to stop a dedicated group discreetly renting property in various parts of the United Kingdom, going about their daily routines, with the sole intention of manufacturing a device that will eventually be used to cause material and human carnage. In our experience the First Tier Tribunal agree that this risk should be covered. Furthermore, this matter has been considered by the Lands Tribunal, who found the provision of Terrorism insurance to be allowable and reasonable. This decision is binding on future First Tier Tribunals.
In addition, The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Management Code recommends that strong consideration is taken in regards to placing Terrorism cover. Over the last few years insurers have been reviewing their premiums both in respect of material damage and liability. In recent years the UK has suffered billions of pounds worth of damage due to storms and flooding which has impacted heavily on insurers. Also as a society we are becoming far more litigious and more liability claims are being presented to insurers. In addition courts are awarding higher levels of compensation. If the worst case claim happens, resulting in the need for life long care, the awards made by the courts and the defence costs can run into millions. Insurance companies have been affected by these changes and have been increasing their premiums. However we have negotiated with Zurich Insurance Company PLC to keep the premium increase in respect of Alexandra Park to circa £10 per property. / Chairman
Tree Survey and Remedial Tree Work. / Tree Survey and Remedial Tree Work Contract - Progress
The 2016 work had now been completed.
FPP have stated that the reserve Fund would be used for a 2017 Tree Survey.
Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman
Remedial Works / General Remedial Works to the AP Landscape -
The following AP POS issues are ongoing:
  1. Missing hedging along the roadside hedge.
It is planned that this will be dealt with in the next few weeks using S106 monies – Contract let to Adams and Watt Ltd.
  1. Sunken parts of the hoggin path leading to ponding after rain. The scope has been agreed between APRA, the FPP PM and Adams & Watt.
The Adams and Watt quote has now been received and FPP must now decide.
Hopefully, it will be dealt with in Q1 2017 using the FPP AP contingency / reserve fund monies.
  1. Path / Grass wooden border posts protruding causing a trip hazard.
Some work had already been done on this issue.
Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman
First Port Property –
Dog Fouling Signs / Paul Smith at FPP had agreed to look into some signs for the AP POS that would advise visitors that the POS was maintained at the Residents’ expense and asking them to pick up after their dog.
The Chairman to take up with the new FPP manager and update. / Chairman
First Port Property -
Commercial Van Parking / The Chairman had previously advised that some residents who were breaching the covenants by parking commercial vans on the development had been spoken to by the new FPP Property Manager.
The Chairman advised that he had been informed that the FPP PM would be writing to residents regarding parking of pavements.
Sara to put a reminder on Facebook regarding considerate parking by residents.
Chairman to monitor and update. / Sara

6. Miscellaneous Ongoing Issues.

Subject / Discussion and Any New / Ongoing Decisions / Actions
APRA Website
AP Facebook Group / The Chairman advised that the AP Facebook site now has 172 members.
Sara had agreed to take on the role of APRA Website Manager.
The Chairman would get in contact with Andy to arrange a handover to Sara. / Chairman
New Residents’ Welcome Pack / Ollie had previously volunteered to arrange a welcome pack and put it through new residents’ doors. It was envisaged that the welcome pack would contain the following:
Welcome letter / Wroughton monthly / website details / last set of APRA minutes / local services / contact details etc.
Matt had volunteered to help Ollie on this. / Matt
Wroughton Airfield Issues / Wilts and Dorset Fire Service have applied to use one of the hangars as a ‘Safety centre’.
Additionally, Wilts and Dorset Fire Service were considering using the second commercial premises (beside the shop) as the marketing centre / ticket office for the Safety Centre.
Chairman to liaise with Wilts and Dorset Fire Service and update. / Chairman
Burderop Park Development / The initial plan was to include the existing tennis court to remain, the greenhouse renovated, the walled garden expanded and kept and the manor house and listed buildings renovated. Additionally, the CH2M pavilions would be demolished and houses built on the site of these and the car parks.
‘Acquired for development’ signs are now up.
Plans submitted.
Next public meeting next week 16 March 2017 (3.00 pm – 7.00 pm).
Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman
AH Hotel Residents’ Card / Benefits / The Chairman had held an introductory meeting with the new AH Hotel Interim Manager on this subject.
The Manager (Gareth Barron) is considering a residents’ swim only membership and a bar discount of circa 20 %.
Ollieagreed to pursue this and to update. / Ollie
Woodland seat / A resident had raised on FB the subject of a seat on the perimeter path for residents to sit and enjoy the surroundings.
The Committee agreed that this would be nice and that a rustic seat in the daffodil / woodland area would be ideal.
The Committee would look to fund this from APRA funds after appropriate fund-raising at future events.
The Chairman would scope the cost. / Chairman
Damage to verge on Nocton Road / This had been caused by a large vehicle (Possible a refuse truck) manoeuvring to avoid a black car parked on the bend.
This had been repaired the day after the last meeting. Item closed.
Damaged kerb due to build out avoidance. / This was due to vehicles turning right into the Hotel and catching the kerb.
Chairman had raised with SBC Highways Department and the rectification work was targeted to be repaired within 6 weeks.
Chairman to monitor and update. / Chairman


Subject / Discussion and Any New / Ongoing Decisions / Actions
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter 2017 (Cancelled) / Event Details: Although some residents had volunteered to help, it was felt that this was still an insufficient number. As such, the Committee decided to defer until next year.
Date – TBD.
Start and Finish Location – AP Play area.
Forms – To be submitted to TBD.
APRA Arrangements:
Lead Organisers – TBD
Details – TBD.
Flyer – TBD.
List of responsibilities – TBD.
Eggs – TBD.
Facebook - TBD.
Date -
9 June 2017. / Event Details:
Date – 9 June 2017.
Place – AH Hotel.
Response – TBD.
Drinks Vouchers – TBD.
APRA Arrangements:
Lead Organiser – Mark.
Food bookings – £TBD per meal – form on flyer.
Food Timings – 7.30 start
Quiz Timings - 8.00 pm start.
Flyer – The Chairman.
Room – Private dining room / TBD.
Mic and Amp – TBD. / Mark
Annual General Meeting
Date -
October 2017. / Event Details:
Date – TBD October 2017.
Time – 8.00 pm prompt start.
Place – Alexandra House Hotel and Conference Centre
Room – TBN – Ask at Reception.
APRA Arrangements:
Lead Organiser – Chairman.
Flyer – Chairman.
Invites – Invites to local councillors - Chairman.
Chairman’s Address – Chairman.
Secretary – Peter.
Treasurer’s Report – Philip
Agenda items so far:
Chairman’s Address – Powerpoint presentation.
Re-election of Committee.
Renewal of Grounds Maintenance Contract. / All
Alexandra Park Annual Carols
3 Dec 2017 / Event Details:
Date – Sunday 3 Dec 2017.
Times – 1.30 pm for a 2.00 pm start (1.00 pm for APRA Committee).
Place – Alexandra House Hotel and Conference Centre.
Room – To be booked.
Charges - £2.00 per adult payable at the door (Children free).
Running Order – 2.00pm Ronstars – 2.25 Band – 3.00 Break – 3.15 Band.
APRA Arrangements:
Ronni – Jan to book.
WS Band – Jan to book.
WS Band Cheque – Philip / Chairman to arrange.
Money / Door / Provision of Entry Tickets – Ollie and John T.
Raffle – Pam and Josie.
Raffle Prizes – Committee members / residents to contribute.
Flyer – Chairman.
Name Badges – The Chairman.
Cash Float – Philip to drop to Ollie.
Microphone – Jan to arrange.
8 x Tables - Jan to arrange for APRA.
Refreshments (APRA) – Jan to arrange.
Refreshments (Hotel) – Jan to arrange.
Donation Receptacles - Jan to arrange.
Signs for Donations / Refreshments – The Chairman to arrange / laminate.
Refreshment Stations During Break – All.
Bin bags – Jan. / Jan
Philip / Chairman Ollie / John T
Pam / Josie
Philip / Ollie

8. Any Other Business.

The Chairman asked around the room for items of Any Other Business. The following were raised:

Person / Subject, Discussion and Decisions / Actions
Chairman / Superfast Broadband
Andrew Gruar from UK Broadband Networks is attending.
Meeting on Friday in AH to discuss the residents’ concerns regarding the performance of the service.
7.30 start.
All residents welcome
(See Chairman’s Facebook article for more details). / ALL
SVB / Council Tax
Queried how the net Council Tax rate has been calculated.
John explained how this had been calculated.
WPC has allowed £43,000 in the precept ‘ringfenced’ for the library.
Peter / WPC Notice Board on the AP Shop
Advised that, due to the positioning of the notices and the thickness of the door frame, it was not possible to completely read many of the notices.
Chairman to discuss with the appropriate WPC team. / Chairman
Pam T / Dog Fouling
Raised the issue of the ongoing issue of dog fouling on the AP POS.
Sara to put a gentle reminder on the Facebook Page. / Sara

9.Thanks and Arrangements for the Next Meeting.

The Chairman closed the meeting and thanked everyone forattending.

The provisional arrangements for the next meetingsare as follows:

Date / Routine Committee Meeting – 7.00 pm.
(Please note the earlier start time).
Date to be decided by the Chairman. / All
Location / Alexandra House Hotel.
Jan to book the room. / Jan