Biotechnology Policy – West Bengal


Biotechnology has been described as the last great technical innovation of mankind in the century we have just left behind. It covers a wide range of scientific and technological activities that include the isolation and purification of any targeted DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes etc.; cloning and amplification of genes; construction of stream processing methods; production of genetically modified organisms etc. Human intervention in gene technology has enabled the production of organisms which are either self-replicating or can replicate via host organism. The contribution of Biotechnology to the world economics appears to be quite significant as it has already found vast applications in diverse areas like healthcare, agriculture, industrial product development and environmental management. There are several examples of the use of the recombinant products in health care management. Introduction of transgenic plants and crops in commercial agriculture is being considered with great emphasis in many parts of the world. Application of Biotechnology for the production of transgenic plants is primarily meant for higher yield potentials, increased resistance to stress and better crops. Plant tissue culture is now capable of producing a large number of clones with specific traits and the technique when applied in conjunction with transgenic plant development by gene technology, will be able to produce better crop varieties in the shortest possible time.

Looking at the world scenario, it is observed that since the first introduction of viral resistant tobacco by China in 1990, a good number of transgenic crops are so far approved by the countries around the world. Globally, more than 60 commercially important plants including maize, cotton, tomato, potato, rice, wheat, papya etc. have been utilised for incorporating transgenic traits. New varieties of rice having 50% excess yield is already incorporated with Afro-Asian strains and are rich in protein. They are more tolerant to disease, drought and acidic soil. The pro-vitamin A enriched Indian rice varieties is expected to go a long way to help the poor farmers. In fact the pro-vitamin A enriched golden rice is now commonly found in several Asian countries. A number of enzyme based textile products have already become the claimants of being processed in an eco-friendly manner without using any hazardous chemical. The chemical like jasmonic acid to trigger the self-defence system in plants against pests and environmental stresses is now well known. Production of transgenic plants with the ability of overproducing these chemicals is under way. There has been a notable trend in DNA finger printing to detect spurious seeds. Different strains of marine algae are already cultured, extracted and encapsulated for being used as natural sources of vitamins. It has now become very important to know the protein-protein interaction for understanding the specific disease pathway and therefore, technology development to the extent of combining genomics with proteomics in a single step is in the offing. Allosteric ribozyme technology is already developed for making protein in connection with drug development. Many health care food products with fungi as the main ingredient are already developed in China, the world's largest fungi producing country. The advent of molecular diagnostics has made it possible to detect microbial contamination too.

Though the research and development work in the field of Biotechnology has been quite remarkable, the concomitant growth of biotechnology industries has remained far from being satisfactory. This has resulted in an under-utilisation of knowledge and manpower already created in this area. Considering the high return on investment, it is the high time to take up a suitable strategy for furthering Biotech activities in the field of health care, agriculture, medical appliances, diagnostics and environment protection.

2.Possibilities of Application of Biotechnology in West Bengal

Over the past 25 years, implementation of rural land reform programme in West Bengal has unleashed an economic resurgence which is expected to propel its rapid stride into a highly industrialized state. The policy envisaged here would ensure that all sections of our society are equal partners in the march towards progress. Twentieth century gave birth to two technological revolutions in the areas of Information Technology and Biotechnology. These two are expected to touch every sphere of human activity. Information Technology has already matured and has given rise to huge opportunities for revenue generation and jobs. However, before this waive begins to subside, the state should be ready for growth in another quarter so that the natural and human resources of West Bengal are utilized to their fullest potential. Hence the need of the hour is to harness these resources for developmental activity through a visionary policy in the area of Biotechnology. It should be emphasized that the strengths of West Bengal lie in its highly successful agricultural sector. It also has untapped unique resources in the mangroves unlike any other part of the country. Focusing on these strengths, a Biotechnology vision statement for West Bengal has been developed to enhance and organize the existing strengths and strengthen the weaker but potentially important development programs.

Our mission is to ensure scientific and technological empowerment of West Bengal's human resources. We aim at creating a strong infrastructure both for research and commercialisation. We intend to launch a major well directed effort for generation of products, processes and technologies to enhance the cost effectiveness and productivity of agriculture, modern medicine, pollution control, biodiversity conservation and bio-industrial development.

2.1. West Bengal – A Bird's eye view of the positive aspects:

2.1.1 Quality of competent R & D Institutions:

The important advantage of initiating any scientific and technical endeavour in West Bengal is the availability of a good number of Research and Development Organisations with a tradition of high quality basic as well as applied research. Of them, many have already existing infrastructure and teams of highly competent scientists and technologists having exquisite achievements in Biotechnology and allied fields. Institutions deserving mention in this context are listed below :-

·  Indian Institute of Chemical Biology

·  Bose Institute

·  Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

·  Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

·  Indian Statistical Institute

·  Calcutta University

·  Jadavpur University

·  Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya

·  Visva-Bharati University

·  Kalyani University

·  North Bengal University

·  Burdwan University

·  Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine

·  All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health

·  University of Fishery and Animal Husbandry

2.1.2 Availability of high quality of human resources:

West Bengal, often described as the intellectual epicentre of India, is well-known for the high quality of human resource it holds. Apart from stalwarts in different fields of natural as well as social sciences, the state has a high concentration of competent skilled manpower suitable for working in upcoming Biotechnology ventures. The State has a good network of scientific non-government organisations who had been implementing the task of popularising science among the people in general. The State Government with its decentralised developmental institutions is capable of utilising the combined strength of the people's science organisations in generating awareness of the utilities of Biotechnology in agriculture among the farmers so as to create an environment demanding the growth of agricultural biotechnology. As such, the state does also have the qualitative ability to tune up its human resource especially in the agriculture sector.

2.1.3 Development in the agrarian sector in the last few decades:

The State Government has effectively implemented land reforms in the last few decades. Simultaneously, it has developed a well-established Panchayat System whereby it has been possible to achieve notable success in running a live, active and interacting institutional framework of decentralised planning and development. The Panchayaty institutions, through their protracted efforts of overall development, have tangibly contributed in improving road network and other infrastructure facilities in rural West Bengal. Through land reforms and related follow-up activities, it has been possible to establish relations of production in agriculture suitable for introduction of new and potent upcoming technologies.

2.1.4 Upcoming Industrial Scenario of West Bengal :

The State Government announced Policy Resolutions on Industry in 1994. Since then, sustained endeavours for facilitating rapid industrialisation have been made. The State being highly rich in bioresources, being rich in trained and resourceful manpower in chemical, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries and being the gateway to various South-East Asian countries, has its natural potential for developing Biotech Industries which have been declared as a high priority sector by the Govt. of West Bengal.

3. Aims & Objectives of Biotechnology Policy

3.1. Objectives :

3.1.1.  Conservation of bio-diversity through mapping and sustainable use of bio-resources.

3.1.2.  To encourage and facilitate introduction of Biotechnology at the grass-root level to strengthen agricultural economy of the state.

3.1.3.  To encourage all agro-based Biotechnological activities for the promotion of village level industries in the state.

3.1.4.  To spread general awareness for optimum utilisation of Biotechnology in the agriculture sector.

3.1.5.  To support all employment generating activities in the field of Biotechnology industry.

3.1.6.  To create a "Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology" as a high quality support service to Biotech Industries.

3.1.7.  To create or to act as a catalyst for creating high quality infrastructure for Biotech Industries e.g. Biotechnology parks in different parts of the state.

3.1.8.  To facilitate development of human resources at different levels in the field of Biotechnology.

3.1.9.  To bring potentials of all relevant departments of the State Government under one umbrella of coordination so that Government efforts on Biotechnology can be consolidated. The Government undertakings having potentials in this area shall also be gradually taken into this umbrella.

3.1.10.  To create congenial environment for Biotech Industry through process simplification in the clearance of commercial biotechnology projects.

3.1.11.  To attract private investment for perceptible growth in Biotechnological industries.

3.1.12.  To promote the field of Bioinformatics and to address the issues related to IPR protection, Bio-safety, Bio-ethics etc.

3.1.13.  To facilitate the flow of venture capital funds and bank credit to Biotech companies.

3.1.14.  To extend fiscal incentives and concessions to Biotechnology Industry.

3.1.15.  To provide an appropriate institutional framework to achieve the above objectives.

3.1.16.  To formulate document on vision for the next ten years to fulfil the kernel of the policy.

3.1.17.  To draw an action plan for the next five years to improve the quality of life through appropriate Biotechnology.

3.2.  Mapping of Bio-resources of West Bengal:

3.2.1.  To take major initiatives in inventorisation and mapping of the bioresources within the state. This will be done within the next five years with the help of the universities, undergraduate colleges, schools, research institutions, NGO's and private companies.

3.2.2.  To identify specific biosphere zones and ensure sustainable exploitation of the bioresources from these regions while maintaining ecological balance and conservation of biodiversity.

3.2.3.  Molecular characterization and bio-prospecting of indigenous resources.

3.2.4.  To highlight natural and unique reserves in the mangroves, forests, marine life, fresh water resources and develop them further, using Biotechnology, for maximal benefit.

3.2.5.  To use specialised technology for enhancing sericulture and improving silk and tussar quality through Biotechnology.

3.3  Research & Development in Biotechnology:

In view of the fact that West Bengal has a good number of R & D institutions with excellent expertise and manpower quality, it is considered worthwhile to concentrate further on the development of R & D facilities in the area of Biotechnology. The effort shall consist of :-

3.3.1.  Setting up of new R & D facilities in the universities for Biotech research and development.

3.3.2.  Encouraging institutions and universities to take up contract research in field of Biotechnology on behalf of private and public sector companies.

3.3.3.  Providing requisite infrastructure and support services for private sector companies to take up contract research.

3.3.4.  Creating conditions for furtherance of collaborative research with internationally reputed R & D organisations

3.4 Development of Infrastructure:

In order to enhance the socially relevant Biotech activities, the Government of West Bengal will be focussed on the development of adequate infrastructure within the state. In the process, the Government will act :

3.4.1.  To develop selected high quality infrastructure through institution of Biotech Park, Agritech Park, Ecology Park, Bioinformatics Park in different regions of the state. Type and quality of the infrastructure will be chosen considering different agro-climatic, agro-economic and other socio-economic parameters specific for a region.

3.4.2.  To ensure better coordination between different R&D organisations working in the area of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics.

3.4.3.  To encourage organisations involved in entrepreneurship development programmes to enter partnerships with private companies for manufacture, marketing and transfer of technology so that the products of Biotechnology research can be brought to the common man.

3.4.4.  To create an environment for growth of Biotech Industry by opening up the locked resources in the universities and research institutions, through entrepreneurship development programme.

3.4.5.  To set up service centres either by the government or in partnership with business groups for diagnosis of diseases by sophisticated methods.

3.4.6.  To implement the fruits of Biotechnological development in the health sector by promoting interaction between medical professionals and scientists in allied fields.

3.4.7.  To set up a core facility for Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics which may be used by research and industry organizations on payment of fees.

3.4.8.  To create infrastructure support for the implementation of grass-root level rural Biotechnology programmes at the district level highlighting the needs of agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, waste management, biomass development for animal, poultry, fish etc.

3.4.9.  To create central facilities for preservation, storage of value added agricultural products to ensure effective marketing strategy for the products of agricultural Biotechnology.

3.5. Biotechnology Park

The Government of West Bengal intends to promote the creation of Biotechnology parks within the State.

3.5.1.  Biotechnology Park will act as an instrument to develop Biotech industries for socio-economic development of the state.