Pre-AP 9th Grade Integrated Science NAME______PERIOD______

Dear Student and Parent(s):

Welcome! Our class is going to be involved in integrated science (primarily Physics/Chemistry with some integrated Earth Science). I am excited and am looking forward to a successful school year! In order for the year to be a success, students must understand what is expected of them in the science lab / classroom. The following information is to let you be aware of what is required for the year:


*raise your hand if you want to share something

*stay in your seat

*teacher dismisses class, NOT the bell!

2. BE PREPARED! (notebook, pen or sharpened pencil, and assignment)

3. BE ON TIME! (in your seat before the bell rings)

CONSEQUENCES: If a student chooses to break a rule, a consequence will be given.

(verbal warning, seat changed, conference in hall, parent contact, etc.).

ELECTRONICS: Students will OCCASIONALLY be allowed to use their cell phone camera or ipod –type device, but ONLY when given permission by teacher. Although many other teachers allow use of these devices on a daily basis, they are NOT allowed in the science class/lab and WILL be confiscated!

TEXTBOOKS: A classroom set of the Physical Science book WILL be used. These books are available for OPTIONAL* student checkout from the HHS Book Depository. <Sufficient resources/notes will be provided, so textbook checkout is NOT required. > An ONLINE textbook is also available on Hobbs School website:

1.  Go to

2.  Under student, go to textbooks (password: eagles) and click on science/9th grade. Our Prentice Hall Physical Science book is there to use.

REMIND 101: I am using the Remind system to allow me to send updates to my students/parents. No cell phone numbers will be exchanged. Please follow the directions below to sign up for either text messages or email reminders:

To receive text messages:

·  Send a text message to the number 81010 enter text message @nerdsrus

·  After message is sent you will receive a notification that you have been added. Please reply with your Full Name.

To receive e-mail messages:

·  Send a blank email to

MATERIALS: *3 ring binder (1.5 inch) w/ 5 dividers

*pens, pencils

*paper (NO spirals)


*highlighter pens – assorted colors

*assorted materials will be needed later for class project(s).

Students will also need the following, HOWEVER, a class set is provided for those that do not have: *calculator *colored pencils

*metric ruler *graph paper

NOTEBOOK: The notebook is an essential part of the course! ---BRING TO CLASS EVERY DAY!

TARDIES: Students are expected to be in their ASSIGNED seat by the time the bell has completed ringing or they will be marked tardy and assigned d-hall. No loitering in halls!

GRADES: 9-weeks grades will be determined as follows:

Daily grades 10% of grade

Labs/Quizzes 40% of grade

Tests 50% of grade

9-WK PROJECTS: These are mandatory projects that count a major part of the 9-weeks grade! A minimum of ONE project will be required every 9-week period. MOST of the projects will involve group work and will be done OUTSIDE of school hours! If you do not intend to do these GROUP projects, please reconsider being a part of the pre-AP program!

BELL WORK: Students will be responsible for the posted daily bellwork.

ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: As per school policy, ONLY excused absences will be allowed to make-up any work missed. It is the student's responsibly to make-up all missed work!

LATE WORK: NO late work is allowed! Students will turn work in on time or not at all!

HALL PASSES: Unless an emergency, NO student will be allowed a hall pass.

COURSE OVERVIEW: Freshman science will cover selected physics concepts in the fall semester in addition to selected chemistry topics in the spring semester based on New Mexico State Science Standards. Some Earth Science concepts are imbedded in the course.

TUTORING: Students are encouraged to take advantage of science tutoring if it is needed! Do NOT wait until the end of the 9-weeks to get the help you need to bring up your grade!

PARENTS--your cooperation is greatly appreciated! I'm sure if we work together, it will be a better year for all. Please sign the attached sheet and feel free to contact me at the Freshman School at any time!! If you would like to volunteer for any help at the HFHS campus or in the science lab, please contact one of us or one of the school secretaries. I'm looking forward to meeting with you!

STUDENTS--Welcome to the Wonderful World of Science. I'm looking forward to working with you! Smile!


Pre-AP Science Staff

Laboratory Safety Acknowledgement Form

Name ______Period ______

Laboratory Safety Procedures:

1.  Read the activity instructions before attempting any laboratory procedure.

2.  Long hair must be tied back and lab aprons must be worn when working with glassware / chemicals.

3.  NO “horseplay” or “fooling around” is permitted.

4.  NO optional or original experiments may be conducted without prior approval / adult supervision.

5.  Do NOT taste any chemicals / NO eating or drinking in the lab.

6.  Do NOT pour any unused chemicals back into stock bottles / containers.

7.  NO jewelry or loosing clothing allowed when working with glassware / chemicals.

8.  Broken glass / equipment needs to be reported immediately and cleaned up properly.

9.  Clean up all lab stations and return necessary materials to the instructor at the end of every lab.

10.  Report any accident or injury to the instructor immediately, and then follow emergency procedure as necessary.

Eye Safety:

Education Law requires that students wear approved eye safety devices (safety glasses) whenever instructional programs involve the use of hot solids or liquids, caustic or explosive materials, and certain tools or machinery. In short, safety eyewear must be worn in the laboratory at all times except when specifically told by the instructor that they are not needed.

This is to certify that I have read the attached letter and the above “Lab Safety Acknowledgement” form and will be given ongoing verbal instructions from the classroom science teacher concerning safety procedures. I realize that failure to observe these instructions could result in serious injury to myself and to others. I acknowledge my responsibility towards the care used in handling all materials and equipment.

In order to avoid damage to equipment and injuries, I promise to observe and obey these rules at all times. If I neglect these safety rules, I understand that I may be suspended from future lab work in this integrated science course.

Student Signature______Date ______

Parent(s) Signature______Date ______

Phone ______(work) ______(home) ______(cell)

No lab work may be completed until both the student and parent sign and return this form!