Checklist for ACP seeing Adult and children

Name:Hospital site of practice:

Registration number:

Area of curriculum / Evidence required / In library or certificates? / Date, type of assessment and name of assessor
Logbook output / All competences/presentations/procedures reviewed by supervisor and are satisfactory / Please sign to confirm you have reviewed all elements
Curriculum / All curriculum elements have evidence linked to them / Please sign to confirm you have reviewed and all curriculum elements have evidence presented
Common competences / Level 2 for all CCs – self and supervisor assessment
ACAT-EM or ESLE led by consultant for:
CC4 - time management and decision making
CC8 - team working and patient safety
CC19 requires adult Safeguarding certificate AND level 3 safeguarding children certificate
Major presentations / Consultant assessment for:
Cardiac arrest (or ALS)
Major Trauma
Shocked patient
Unconscious patientious ent(or ALS)
Use the generic summative CBD or the specific mini-CEX for each presentation (ie mini-CEX unconscious patient)ious ent(or ALS)
Area of curriculum / Evidence required / In library or certificates? / Date, type of assessment and name of assessor
Acute presentations / Consultant assessment for:
Chest pain
Abdominal pain
Mental health
Head injury
Use the generic summative CBD or the specific mini-CEX for each presentation (ie mini-CEX mental health)
Alternatively an ACAT (by a consultant) may be utilised which covers these presentations.
Additional Major Presentation / Consultant assessments for
Major trauma chest
Major trauma abdominal injury
Major trauma spine
Major trauma maxfax
Major trauma burns
For the Major trauma presentations above use mini-CEX major trauma and describe the case or use summative CBD
Additional acute presentations / Consultant assessments for:
Traumatic limb/joint injuries
Interpretation of abnormal blood gas
Abnormal blood glucose
For these use a summative generic mini-CEX or CBD. Alternatively an ACAT may be utilised which covers these presentations.
One patient two injuries may be appropriate.
Paediatric Major presentations / Consultant assessment for all presentations:
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Apnoea stridor and airway obstruction
  • Cardiorespiratory arrest (or APLS/EPLS)
  • Major trauma
  • Shocked child
  • Unconscious child

Paediatric Acute presentations / Consultant led assessment for:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Acute life threatening event
  • Concerning presentation
  • Head injury
  • Mental health
ACAT may be utilised which covers 3 or more presentations.
Airway management / Consultant assessment for A5B using generic summative mini-CEX or CBD
Multisource feedback / 1 MSF per year with at least 15 respondents of which 2 are EM consultants
Life support courses / Adult: ALS
European Trauma Course/ATLS (as a full candidate not observer)
Audit / Evidence of leadership and implementation of actions from audit or quality improvement project with reflection
Area of curriculum / Evidence required / In library or certificates? / Date, type of assessment and name of assessor
Practical procedures / By a consultant DOPS
Airway protection* - PP11
DC cardioversion – PP13
Reduction of dislocation/fracture - PP16
Large joint examination – PP17
Wound management - PP18
Trauma primary survey - PP19
Initial assessment of the acutely unwell – PP20
Secondary assessment of the acutely unwell – PP21
By consultant using CbD or DOPS
Arterial cannulation– PP1
Central venous cannulation– PP3
Lumbar puncture– PP5
Pleural tap and aspiration – PP6
Intercostal drain – Seldinger– PP7
Intercostal drain – Open – PP8
Knee aspiration – PP14
By a trained assessor
Peripheral venous cannulation PP2
Arterial blood gas sampling PP4
Basic and advanced life support– PP12
Temporary pacing (external)– PP15 (or by sim)
Intra-osseous access– PP46
Area of curriculum / Evidence required / In library or certificates? / Date, type of assessment and name of assessor
Practical procedures continued / Consultant led assessment for:
  • Airway assessment and maintenance
  • Safe sedation in children
  • Primary survey in a child*
Using generic summative mini-CEX or CBD

Educational supervisor name:GMC number

I confirm I have reviewed all the contents of the portfolio and the evidence presented in the checklist is present, appropriate and complete as required by the process.
