Worksheet #3

Roadstar uses the stop, drop and go zone

Use the stop, drop and go zone the Roadstar way!

When Roadstar uses the stop, drop and go zone on the way to school, he:

  • gets ready to go into school as his car comes to the zone
  • unbuckles his seat belt and grabs his bag when the car stops at the head of the queue
  • says goodbye, gets out of the car at the kerbside and goes straight in the school gate.

When Roadstar waits to be picked up after school, he:

  • waits at the pick up area looking out for his car
  • keeps his bag close and ready to go
  • waits till his car stops at the head of the queue
  • gets in to his car using the kerbside door and puts on his seatbelt.

Ask your parents

Question: Ask your Mum or Dad if they were ever driven to or from primary school.


Stop, drop and go zones, or two-minute passenger loading zones, are great for kids and kind to drivers

Here’s how they work:

  • stop, drop and go zones are a safe place to be dropped off or picked up outside your school
  • they operate like a fast moving taxi rank picking up students from the front of the zone
  • there is a two minute stopping limit on school days usually from 8am to 9am in the mornings and 2.30pm to 3.30pm in the afternoons
  • two minutes gives kids time to get in or out of the car without holding up the traffic too much. (Can you do this in less than two minutes?)

Roadstar's tips for drivers

  • only pick up or let someone out when you have stopped at the front of the queue
  • stay in the car unless you need to help with bags or seatbelts
  • do not park in the zone or walk away from your car
  • if your passenger is not ready, drive around the block to re-join the queue or find a legal place to park
  • never double park to pick up children – it is illegal and dangerous
  • think about timing your trip to avoid the busiest times.

Roadstar says two-minute passengerloading zones are cool because

  • students are dropped off and picked up at the same place on the same side of the road
  • the zones are close to the school gate
  • drivers have a safe, legal place to stop for two minutes
  • some schools have volunteers to supervise children and help cars move through the zone smoothly.

Find these words




















The left-over letters spell: ______

Help Roadstar work through the loading zone maze by following the words – ready, unbuckle, goodbye

Roadstar says two-minute passenger loading zones are COOL!

Fill in the missing words

The answers are in the information on the other side of this page.

  1. You can stop in the two-min passenger loading zone for __ minutes.
  2. They are a s _ _ _ place to stop.
  3. After school, w _ _ _ _ for your car.
  4. Put your b _ _ in the car.
  5. Put on your s ______.
  6. Two-min passenger loading zones are safe p _ _ _ - u _ points for kids.

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