Name: ______Date: ______Period; ______

Chapter 33

Politics of Boom and Bust


1. Provide three examples of how businesses were able to gain more control and influence throughout the 1920s.




2. Explain the provisions of each of the following treaties and conferences.

-Disarmament Conference

-Five-Power Naval Treaty

-Four-Power Treaty

-Kellog-Briand Peace Pact

3. Describe the tariff trends throughout the 1920s. How did the tariffs affect the farmers?

4. Describe the Teapot Dome Scandal. What was Harding’s role in the scandal?

5.  1924 Presidential Election Results

Calvin Coolidge / John W. Davis / Robert LaFollette
Electoral Votes
Popular Votes

Generalizations of how Coolidge won the 1924 Election:

6.  To what extent did relations between the US and Latin America improve during Coolidge’s term?

7.  Explain the provisions of the Dawes Plan of 1924. What was the European perception towards this Plan?

8.  1928 Presidential Election Results

Herbert Hoover / John W. Davis
Electoral Votes
Popular Votes

Generalizations of how Hoover won the1928 Election:

9.  To what extent did Hoover’s policies assist farmers?

10.  List five causes that led to the 1929 stock market crash.






11.  What is the significance of “Black Tuesday?”

12.  Provide five social consequences of the GD on US citizens.






13.  Describe Hoover’s philosophy of rugged individualism and its approach to the solving the economy anguish.

14.  List three actions taken by the federal government under Hoover that tried to improve the economy. To what extent were they effective?




15.  Explain the proposals supported by the Bonus Army. How did the federal government react to the Bonus Army?

16.  How did the United States and Western Europe react to Japanese aggression in Manchuria in 1931?

17.  Explain Hoover’s foreign policy towards Latin American countries throughout the GD.