Acting as a Resource Person: A Case Study

Homework #1

Your Name: ______

You have been asked to consult with the Washtenaw County Health Department’s Health Education Program to help them as they build a comprehensive stress management web site for Washtenaw County residents. Specifically, they need your help locating information about stress management strategies and locating existing web pages that would be good to provide links to. Before you start, be sure to read Chapter 3 in your HLED 305 textbook.

Part A—Web Links

The health education manager has asked you to locate web resources that can be used as links. The web site the health department is building will have three main age groups as target populations: 1) elementary age children, 2) adolescents, and 3) adults.

  1. Search the web and find one appropriate stress management web page for each of the three target populations.
  2. Copy and paste the web addresses below.
  3. Briefly describe what you would say to the health education manager about why you are recommending each web page as a link for the specific target population.
  1. Elementary age children (grades K – 5)

Web Address:

Why do you recommend this as a link?

  1. Adolescents (grades 6 – 12)

Web Address:

Why do you recommend this as a link?

  1. Adults (ages 18 and older)

Web Address:

Why do you recommend this as a link?

Part B: Background Information on Stress Management

The health educator in charge of writing the stress management content for the health department’s web page also needs your help. She requests that you locate current professional journal articles that provide reliable and valid information on different ways to effectively manage stress. She emphasizes that she needs sources from 2009 or more recent.

  1. Locate one appropriate current professional journal article about a stress management technique.
  2. Write the journal reference information here.
  3. Author(s):
  4. Year published:
  5. Title of the article:
  6. Title of the journal:
  7. Volume #:
  8. Page number(s):
  9. Copy and paste the article “abstract” here.
  1. Briefly describe what you would tell the health educator about why you think this journal article would be a good source for her to use when writing the stress management web pages for the Washtenaw County Health Department.

Part C: Turn In This Worksheet for Participation Credit

  1. Save this document with your last name as the first word.
  2. Example: Conley_Resource_Person.docx
  3. Email the document as an attachment to Dr. Conley before class on the due date.

a.  NOTE: Be sure to spell Dr. Conley’s email correctly
