Secondment Policy (External)Version 3

External Secondment


Version 3

Greater Manchester Police

Date: November 2015

Secondment Policy (External)1

Secondment Policy (External)Version 3

Table of Contents

1.Introduction and Background


3.Terms and Definitions...... 2

4.Roles & Responsibilities...... 3

5.Principles...... 5

6.Procedure...... 7

7.Associated Documents...... 8

8.Consultation & Statutory Compliance...... 9

9.Appendices...... 10

1.Introduction and Background

Policy Statement

GMPis committed to promoting career development. We believe that external secondments can support our operational needs as well as provide development opportunities for staff. If it’s operationally possible, we’ll support staff who apply for secondments.


The aims of this policy are to:

  • give you a clear understanding of the External Secondment Policy, and
  • explain the procedureyou shouldfollow when applying for an external secondment.


This policy applies to all Police Staff and Police Officers.

Where we refer to ‘staff’ in this policy, it also applies to officers unless we say otherwise.

This policy does not apply to:

  • internal police staff secondments,
  • internal police officer secondments;
  • movements within your own Branch or Division or;
  • you, if you’re undertaking reserve forces deployments.

This policy coversexternal secondment opportunities which have an application process.

If you’re seconded into GMP from an external organisation your organisation’s own Secondment Policy will apply. Please see your individual Secondment Agreementor offer letterfor detailsof the specific terms of your secondment.

3.Terms and Definitions

Secondment (external)

An external secondment is the temporary transfer of staff from GMP to an outsideorganisation.


The member of staff who’ll be seconded to another role.

External or ‘Host’ Organisation

The external or hostorganisation refers to the company, Police Force ororganisation that you’re temporarily seconded to. It can also be known as the ‘receiving’ organisation.

Secondment Agreement

A written contract between:

  • employer (GMP),
  • external or host organisation, and
  • you.

A signed agreement between you, GMP and the external or host organisation that documents the terms and arrangements of the secondment. This would include employment status, the job/role, start and end date, expenses, leave etc.

Substantive Post

This is the role you would return to following your secondment.

Specialist Post(Police Officer only)

A specialist post is any role undertaken by a Police Officer within the following areas:

  • Change Branch
  • Counter Terrorism
  • Criminal Justice Branch
  • External Relations and Performance
  • Force Command
  • Information Services
  • Operational Communications
  • Organisational Learning and Workforce Development
  • Professional Standards
  • Specialist Protective Services

An external secondment is also referred to as a ‘Specialist Police Post’ (‘SPP’)

Workforce Development Unit (WDU)

The WDU is part of Organisational Learning and Workforce Development Branch (OLWD) who are the main point of contact for staff who are seconded.

Tactical Resource Group (TRG)

Staff from the WDU review current external secondment levels and new external secondment opportunities.

4.Roles & Responsibilities

Responsibility of Staff

Whilst on external secondment you should provide the Workforce Development Unit (WDU) with your contact details for work and home, including your ‘host’ line manager’s details.

Respond to any queries you receive from WDU and advise them of any changes to your circumstances during your secondment.

Update WDU of any training you receive so your records can be maintained.

Comply with GMP policies and procedures as per the terms and conditions of your employment and comply with the agreed secondment agreement.

Responsibility of Line Manager

Seriously consider all requests for external secondments that are approved by the Tactical Resource Group and where the secondment is up to 2 years, consider filling the substantive post on a temporary basis (Police Staff only).

Liaise with WDU if it exceeds 2 years to determine if we’re able to keep the substantive post open (Policestaff only).

Meet with the member of staff to discuss their application. Complete the application form and send it to your SLT to confirm their support.

Following the secondment, ensure you devise a re-entry programme for staff returning to work including any changes to policies/procedures.

Responsibility of SLT’s

Review applications for external secondments fairly and consistently, and confirm to the secondee whether or not you support it and the reasons why.

Forward supported applications to WDU for eligibility checks and processing.

Responsibility of Workforce Development Unit (WDU)

Via the TRG process, authorise and advertise secondment opportunities up to the rank of Chief Superintendent (or Police Staff equivalent) based on the strength or numbers of the workforce, specialist roles currently undertaken and the need to retain certain skills.

Manage all applications for external secondments, liaising with the substantive Manager, Recruitment Unit, Professional Standards Branch and the external organisation to ensure eligibility, agree start and end dates, prepare offer letters and agree secondment agreements.

Act as the specific point of contact (SPOC) for staff on external secondments, ensuring they are kept up to date with Force changes, developments or news e.g. via sharing Chief Constables Orders.

Ensure any documents/information received from the secondee/host organisation e.g. Attendance Management, Annual Leave, ADR forms, Training, Discipline, Grievance etc is sent to HR Services for placing on the personnel file and systems are updated accordingly.

Responsibility of Finance Branch

Advise WDU of where the new secondee should be coded to e.g. project code or cost centre and raise invoices (quarterly) for all secondment costs. Ensure full costs are received from the host organisation.

Responsibility of HR Branch

The HR Branch will advertise authorised external secondments, transfer the member of staff to the new post, apply any new allowances and process overtime and expenses.

HR Services will ensure all correspondence is placed on to the personal files and update the appropriate computer systems.


Secondments will usually be for a period of 12 months – 2 years. In exceptional circumstances, this may be extended to 5 years with approval from theHead of Workforce Development Unit.

Extensions beyond 5 years will require a full business case supplied by the external organisation for consideration by the ACC Lead and Chief Constable.

You’ll remain employed by GMP for the duration of an external secondment. For Police Staff this means that the terms and conditions outlined in your substantive contract of employment (the role you return to after your secondment) still apply for the duration of your secondment. Police Officers remain subject to GMP agreed terms and conditions and you’ll be re posted by WDU at the conclusion of your secondment.

Should the host employer wish to vary any of your conditions then full consultation/consent is required with GMP. This will be a temporary variation for the duration of your secondment only. If there is a pay award or changes to conditions (substantive post) while you’re seconded, you will receive additional payment.

The number of (Police Officer) external secondments should not exceed 0.6% of our Officer strength or numbers.

Usually we would expect the external/host organisation to fully fund your secondment.

When considering your secondment request we’ll take the following factors into account:

  • the number and position of staff currently on secondment,
  • the financial implications (if any),
  • the impact and potential benefit to GMP,
  • the potential benefit to you and;
  • if there’re any Service Level Agreements with the receiving organisation.

5.1 Secondment Eligibility

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, you won’t be eligible to apply for a secondment if:

  • you’re in your probationary period,
  • you’re the subject of an outstanding complaintor discipline investigation,
  • your performance or attendance is unsatisfactory and you’re in the formal stages of the Standards, Performance and Attendance Policy,
  • this would be your third consecutive specialist post (Police Officer),
  • you’ve not completed 12 months core policing since the return from your last external secondment (Police Officer); and
  • it’s for an overseas armed mission.

5.2 Returning from secondment – Impact on your substantive post

Police Staff: In most circumstances, you can expect to return to your substantive post at the end of your secondment (see Exceptions in 5.4.2 & 6.1)

Police Officer:Officers are required to give up their substantive post when taking up a secondment. This means that you’ll return to a different post when your secondment ends. Please note:

  • You’ll be posted to a core policing role on Division according to the organisation’s requirements. This is the case even if you were in a specialist post prior to your secondment.
  • You can only apply for a further specialist post/external secondmentafter you’vecompleted a 12 month period in a core policing role.

5.3 Probationary Period (for your secondment role)

Some external secondments may require you to complete a probationary periodfor the secondment.For example, you may be required to completea period of training or gain a qualification.(Your Secondment Agreement will list the specifc terms of the secondment).

If you’re unsuccessful in your probationary period you may have to return to GMP.

5.4 Exceptions

5.4.1Rejecting an application for secondment

Exceptionally, even if you meet all of the recruitment criteria, on some occasions we may not approve the secondment application. WDU may decide that your specialist skills need to be retained or the secondment would not support operational objectives.

5.4.2 Part Funded Secondment and Extending a secondment

Head of Workforce Development may approve secondments that are not fully funded by the host organisation, and or exceed 2 years in length.

GMP would need at least 3 months notice to consider all extension requests.

If your secondment exceeds 2 years, we’ll consider if it’s appropriate to keep your substantive post open for you (Police Staff only).

Requests for extending secondments beyond 5 years will require a business case from the external organisation for consideration by the ACC Lead and Chief Constable.

5.4.3 Time in Lieu

In exceptional circumstances, you may be allowed to take your outstanding time accrued to the host organisation or on your return to GMP. You’ll need to provide details of extenuating circumstances and gain the support of the appropriate SLT.


6.1How to Apply for an ExternalSecondment

External secondment opportunities(that have been authorised by WDU in liaison with HR Performance & Resource Management Team) will be advertised on the Force Intranet. If you see a secondment opportunity on an external website, please contact the WDU before you complete the application form. It’s important that you check the secondment has been authorised for GMP applicants.

Complete the application form (attached to the advert) and discuss the application with your manager. Your manager should complete their section of the form and send it to your SLT for consideration.

If SLT support your application, pleasecontact the WDU to confirm your interest in the secondment. Forward the completed application form to WDU to confirm SLT’s support.

WDU will consider your application, undertake the relevant eligibility checks, including conducting enquiries with the Professional Standards Branch. If the application is supported (and you’re eligible for secondment) the WDU will forward your application onto the external organisation for consideration.

WDU willconfirm if your application is successful (or unsuccessful). If successful, they’llliaise with your manager to agree your release date, prepare your offer letter, secondment agreement (if applicable), prepare a payroll assignment form and inform the HR Services Unit to update all records.

Police Staff only: Taking up a secondment that exceeds 2 years may impact on whether we’re able to hold your substantive post open for you, to return to. We’ll consider this on a case-by-case basis. If we’re unable to hold your post open for you, we’ll discuss this with you before you agree to the secondment. If your post can’t be held open for you then the Redeployment Procedure will apply when you return.

6.2What you can expect whilst on Secondment

Before you start your secondment you’ll be asked to sign a Secondment Agreement that sets out the arrangements/terms that are specific to your secondment such as; reporting relationships, sickness reporting, leave, claiming expenses, allowances etc.

Police Staff:

  • you’ll be paid at the advertised grade, and;
  • excess travel expenses will not usually be paid during your secondment.

Police Officer:

  • you’ll be seconded at your existing pay point
  • if you’re receiving shift allowances (or other allowances) these won’t be paid during your secondment (unless you’re still required to work unsocial hours) and;
  • you won’t be eligible for excess travel once you start your secondment.

The WDU will be your specificpoint of contact while you’re seconded out of Force.They can be contacted by email by telephone on 0161-856-2323/3803.

Sickness Absence while on Secondment

  • any sickness absence will be managed by the host organisation who’ll maintain a full sickness record and notify WDU of all sickness absence;
  • if you’re absent due to sickness absence for 28 days or more, the host organisation may request that your secondment is brought to an end;
  • WDU will make a referral to GMP Occupational Health Unit if appropriate.

Training while on Secondment

  • the external organisation will fund any necessary training and;
  • we may ask you to attend the occasional meeting, seminar or training course while you’re seconded. You should make every effort to attend. We’ll meet any costs associated with attendance.

Annual Leave/Time Accrued while on Secondment

  • you can take your current annual leave balance to your new place work,
  • you should use any ‘time due’ accrued before you start your secondment,
  • confirm your annual leave balance with your new line manager, and
  • book annual leave with your new manager.

Performance and Conduct while on Secondment

  • your host organisation will make us aware of any unsatisfactory performance issues and;
  • if allegations of misconduct are made against you, the WDU and the external organisation will discuss appropriate action. You may be required to return to GMP while allegations are investigated.

Expenses while on Secondment

  • submit all travel expenses and overtime costs though your line manager as these will be paid by your host organisation.

6.3At the End of your Secondment

At least 3 months prior to the end of your secondment, contact WDU to discuss your return to GMP.

Take any time accrued at your host organisation before you return to GMP (see Exceptions 5.4.3 above).

Your annual leave balance will return with you from the host organisation. Ask the host organisation to e-mail a copy of your annual leave balance to WDU or HR Services.

6.4 Retirement or Resignation while on Secondment

If you would like to retire or resign while your’re seconded, please complete a Leavers Form and send this to WDU. Leavers Forms are available on GMP People Pages or the WDU can send you a form (on request). WDU/HR Services process your Leavers Form in the usual way.

7.Associated Documents

GMP Forms

  • Leavers Form (Form 003)

GMP Policies/Guidance

  • Attendance Management Policy
  • Postings Policy
  • Standards of Professional Behaviour
  • Redeployment Procedure
  • Recruitment Management Toolkit
  • Standards, Performance and Attendance Policy
  • Police Misconduct Regulations
  • Police Staff Discipline Police
  • People Pages: Leaving GMP

8.Consultation & Statutory Compliance


Department / Comments
UNISON / Detailed consultation has taken place with Unison on all revisions to the Policy and their views have taken into account.
Police Federation / The Federation have been consulted on the revisions to the Policy and have agreed it.

8.2Freedom of Information Act (2000) & Data Protection Act (1998)

The Policy and procedures are compliant with the Acts.

9.3Equality Act 2010

The Policy supports the General Equality Duty, which requires the Force to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that it prohibited by or under the 2010 Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who don’t share it.

The relevant protected characteristics to be considered are: age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Due regard has been had to the Equality Act implications. The External Secondment Policy is open to all staff.


Appendix ASample Secondment Agreement(Secondments from GMP to an external organisation – Key Principles)

Appendix A

Sample Content of a Secondment Agreement

Secondments from GMP to an external organisation – Key Principles

  • Thepost title and rank/grade
  • The secondment start and end date
  • The terms of and duration of a probationary period (if this applies)
  • Your place of work during secondment
  • Any other relevant information such as the procedures for claiming allowances, expenses etc.

Employment Status – your Employer, Terms and Conditions

While you’re seconded you remain employed by GMP. For Police Staff this means that the terms and conditions outlined in your substantive contract of employment (the role you return to after your secondment) still apply for the duration of your secondment. Police Officers remain subject to GMP agreed terms and conditions and you’ll be re posted by Workforce Development Unit (WDU) at the conclusion of your secondment.

Should the host employer wish to vary any of your conditions then full consultation/consent is required with GMP and this will be a temporary variation for the duration of your secondment only. If there is a pay award or changes to conditions (substantive post) while you’re seconded, you’ll receive additional payment.