February 2017 FiveTwo Local Meeting Agenda
11:30 Lunch.[A time to visit, laugh, connect and eat.]
12:00 Introductions & Opening Prayer
12:05 FiveTwo updates[A time for casting FiveTwo vision, discussing the progress of the three goals (see bottom of page) and reviewing the latest FiveTwo news.]
12:10 Celebration Story: A member of the local shares a 4 to 5 minute story about a success in their ministry related to starting something new to reach lost people.
12:15 In triads and foursomes, discuss the status of a sacramental entrepreneurial next step you’ve been personally taking or share that step you intend to take. Share how those in your triad or foursome can support you and hold you gracefully accountable with that step. Share prayer requests with one another.
12:35 Presentation & Discussion (FOUND ON PAGE 2):Normally uses the video and discussion guide provided by FiveTwo.
1:20 Schedule next gathering & location. [The local catalyst to insert specific next meeting information.]
1:25 Closing prayer
1:30 Done for the day!
GOALS (The goals we ask every FiveTwo leader to adopt)
· 1 from 10 | 1 new Vocational SE from every 10 leaders in a FiveTwo Local
We need a more robust leadership pipeline from within our congregations and communities.
· 1 in 10 | 1 new start in each congregation in the next 10 months
These starts may be small or large, full-blown Word and Sacrament ministries or bridge ministries that lead to such.
· 1 to 10 | 1 baptism to every 10 people in worship
This goal stresses the bottom line: more people in the baptized body of believers through our Spirit-led efforts.
Topic: Bill Woolsey’s Seven Steps To Start 8-week Small Group Study
Week 5—Step 4 (please read Step 4 – Enlist The People pages before your local gathering to best prepare)
1. Connecting the dots to our last meeting…we were given the action step to “share the ‘Tell mes’ with your close friend or spouse. Ask for feedback. Don’t hesitate to ask if he or she would want to be your first official team member and embark on this startup journey with you. How did this go? What did you learn? Did the individual take you up on your invitation?
2. “People help the vision become a plan. People are the plan. They are the why and the who and integral to the what. Jesus’ heart for people becomes the sacramental entrepreneur’s heart. Our endgame is to enlarge His Kingdom...If your startup will ever reach people, it must include people at every step.”
Read Exodus 18:13-27. Before Jethro’s advice, how was it going for Moses leading solo? How did Jethro’s advice make people the plan for Moses in successfully leading Israel?
3. We want to make Seven Steps To Start as practical, doable, and accessible for the reader (especially for the non-pastor and non-church worker) as can be. So you may not be planting a church. You may not launch the next Pixar. But you can still start something, something new to reach new for Jesus. As a follower of Jesus, with other followers among you, “you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5 ESV) This is your identity. And it doesn’t matter if you are 12 years old or 70. You, with the help of others, can start something new!
For the rest of this discussion break up into triads and/or foursomes (the same as during the last meeting or with different people who may provide newer insight and perspective).
Going with that one startup idea you chose last week (or a new one), share with the others in your triad or foursome responses to the following. If you are stuck, ask for their thoughts and opinions. Take turns. Each person should have a minimum of 7 minutes to share and 3 minutes to receive feedback/questions from the others.
For your startup who could fill the role of…
· Team members - those who “bring knowledge you don’t have, experience you lack, and wisdom that might be missing from your view.”
· Community members - experts who live in the community, business leaders, church experts, your pastor, your teacher/professor, etc.
· Coach - “someone with experience in your situation or someone with a clean slate.” Someone who would know how to maximize your leadership gifts. Maybe this could even be a former coach of yours, from a sport you played - someone who knows your strengths and areas of growth.
· Boss - “an individual or a board to be accountable to...someone that can hold you accountable for your character and your goals.”
· Friend - one possibly apart from your family. Maybe one who is even apart from the startup. Such “a friend outside of the mix allows you to be loved not for how you perform but for who you are.”
4. After everyone has completed #3, return to the larger group. What did you learn/gain from thisexercise? What surprised you? (Who surprised you?) What questions arose?
5. “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Proverbs 11:14 ESV)
First, back in your triads or foursomes, go to God in prayer with the names of people
you identified.
Second, an action step for you to take before we meet again…Start asking. Start enlisting. Set
up meetings/appointments/coffees with the people you mentioned. You may not have the time
to meet with all before the small group meets next, but meet with as many as possible so that this
can be discussed when opening the meeting on Step Five - Practice & Progress.
Full-version 8-week small group study guide available at