Curriculum Maps
1. What is a curriculum map?
A curriculum map communicates how the program’s courses and other learning experiences support the achievement of each student learning outcome. Curriculum maps are required for major programs of study, stand-alone minors, and certificate programs. The benefits of curriculum mapping include:
· encouraging reflective practice in curriculum design and assessment of student learning;
· improving communication among faculty concerning the program’s identified learning outcomes and the curricular design;
· identifying potential gaps in support of achievement of the learning outcomes; and
· communicating how the curriculum supports the achievement of the learning outcomes. (Curriculum maps help to answer the question, “Why do I have to take this course?”).
2. How is a curriculum map created?
1. Identify: a) the program's intended student learning outcomes, b) recommended and required courses (including General Education courses if appropriate), and c) other required educational experiences (e.g., internships, practica, recitals).
2. Create a table with the student learning outcomes across the top and the courses and other experiences in the left column. (See the attached template).
3. Identify the courses and experiences that support the achievement of each learning outcome, using the following code:
o "I" indicates that students are introduced to the outcome;
o "D" indicates the outcome is developed/reinforced and students are given opportunities to practice;
o "M" indicates that students have sufficiently practiced and can demonstrate mastery; and
o "A" indicates where evidence might be collected and evaluated for program-level assessment. (Note: Data collection might occur at the beginning and end of the program if longitudinal comparisons are indicated in the program’s assessment plan.)
4. Archive the curriculum map is in the program’s assessment folder in the UMKC Box application.
3. What’s next?
1. Program faculty analyze the curriculum map and identify any gaps in support for achievement of the learning outcomes. Curricular revisions are made so that each outcome is appropriately introduced, developed, and then mastered, and that evidence is collected for program-level assessment.
2. For a) program revisions, b) course revisions, and c) new courses: a revised program curriculum map should be submitted along with other supporting documentation in CourseLeaf when curricular changes are proposed; the revised map should also be uploaded to the program’s assessment folder in the UMKC Box application.
3. For new programs: the curriculum map should be submitted together with other required documentation as part of the program proposal in CourseLeaf and included with the program’s assessment plan.
For additional information concerning curriculum mapping, contact Ruth Cain, Director of Assessment at , or 816-235-6084.
v.2, Feb2016