Jason S. Debley, M.D.


Jason S. Debley, M.D., M.P.H. March 2009

Personal Data

Born: January 25, 1969

Los Angeles, California

Married: Cara Kirks Debley on December 30, 1994

Children: Erica Laura Debley (5/12/2001)

Patrick Daniel Debley (9/22/06)

Christopher Liam Debley (9/22/06)


Undergraduate: 1987-91 University of California, San Diego, California - Major Biology, B.A.

Graduate: 1991-95 Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago,

Illinois - M.D.

Graduate: 2001-03 University of Washington, School of Public Health,

Department of Epidemiology – M.P.H.

Masters Thesis: Changes in Washington State Childhood Asthma Hospitalization Rates by Gender and Age

Postgraduate Training

Internship: 1995-96 Pediatrics, Northwestern University School of Medicine,

Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Residency: 1996-98 Pediatrics, Northwestern University School of Medicine,

Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois

Chief Residency: 1998-99 Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon

Fellowship: 2000-03 Pediatric Pulmonology, Department of Pediatrics,

University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA.

Faculty Positions Held

2003-2006 Acting Assistant Professor, Pediatrics- University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division, Seattle, WA.

2006-present Assistant Professor, Pediatrics- University of Washington School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonary Division, Seattle, WA.

Hospital Positions Held

2003-present Attending Physician, Pulmonary Medicine- Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

2003-present Director Flexible Bronchoscopy Services- Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

2003-present Consulting Staff, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional Hospital, Bethel, Alaska.

1999-2000  Attending Inpatient Physician- Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon

1998-2000 Attending Physician- Emergency Medicine Division/Pediatric Acute Care, Legacy Emanuel Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon

Honors and Awards

1991 B.A. cum laude in Biology

1995 Sarah Baskin Award for Excellence in Research, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

2001-03 Research Training Grant, American Lung Association of Washington, Seattle, Washington

2003 Fellow Teaching Award 2003, awarded by the University of Washington Pediatric Housestaff for outstanding teaching efforts

2005-08  NIH Pediatric Research Loan Repayment Award.

2007 University of Washington Pediatric Clinical Research Center – Young Investigator Award.

Board Certification

1997 National Board of Medical Examiners

1998 American Board of Pediatrics- Board Certified in Pediatrics

2006 American Board of Pediatrics- Board Certified in Pediatric Pulmonology

Licensure to Practice

1997-99 Illinois (# 036095922)

1998-2001  Oregon (# MD21138)

2000 - present Washington (# MD00038637)

2005 - present Alaska (# 3264)

Professional Organizations

1995-2003  American Academy of Pediatrics

2001- present American Thoracic Society

Teaching Responsibilities

1998-1999  Oregon Health Sciences Medical Students and Pediatric Residents as Chief Pediatric Resident, Emanuel Children’s Hospital

1999-2000  Oregon Health Sciences Medical Students and Pediatric Residents as Attending Inpatient Physician, Emanuel Children’s Hospital

2003-present Teaching and supervision of University of Washington Pediatric Residents and medical students in pulmonary medicine as a Pulmonary Medicine Attending

2003-present Guest Lecturer for annual UW graduate course NURSING 514: “Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity”

2006-present Annual noon conference lecture to Pediatric Housestaff: “Evaluation and Management of Wheezy Infants and Toddlers”.

2007-present Annual lecture to Pediatric Critical Care Fellows: “Pulmonary Physiology”

Special Local Responsibilities/Committees

2006-present University of Washington Pediatric Scientific Advisory Committee- Core Member.

2007 Research Center Strategic Planning Committee Member for the Center for Tissue & Cell Biology (Spring/Summer 2007).

2007 University of Washington General Clinical Research Center - Pilot Grant


2007- Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Scholarship Oversight Committee Member for the following fellows: Trisha Wong, MD, Rebecca Emmons, MD, Phoenix Ho, MD.

2007- Fellowship Scholarship Oversight Committee Member for Pulmonary fellow Dr. Danny Hsia.

2006- American Lung Association of Washington, Asthma Walk Leadership Committee Member

2003- King County Asthma Forum, Clinical Services Committee Member

Research Funding

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Project Title: Noninvasive Measures in Wheezy Infants

Dates of Project: 08/01/05 – 07/31/10

Funded: 0.75 FTE

Amount: $633,225 (+ awarded $20,000 supplement year 4)

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: CHRMC Young Investigator Award

Project Title: Noninvasive Measures in Wheezy Infants and Toddlers

Dates of Project: 04/01/05 – 06/30/08

Amount: $200,000

Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Teal Hallstrand, MD)

Source: GCRC Pilot Grant

Project Title: Epithelial Regulation of Cysteinyl Leukotriene Synthesis during Acute Asthma.

Dates of Project: 03/31/06 – 06/30/08

Amount: $25,000

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceuticals

Project Title: Biomarkers of Airway Inflammation During and Following Acute Exacerbations of Childhood Asthma.

Dates of Project: 07/01/07 – 06/30/09

Amount: $38,316

Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Danny Hsia MD, fellow)

Source: Firland Foundation

Project Title: Exhaled Nitric Oxide Levels During and Following RSV Bronchiolitis

Dates of Project: 09/01/06 – 8/30/09

Amount: $25,000

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: American Lung Association.

Project Title: Airway Epithelial Cell Cytokine Profiles of Children with and without Asthma

Dates of Project: 07/01/08 – 06/30/10

Amount: $80,000

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: Merck

Project Title: Effect of Montelukast on production of pro-remodeling and pro-inflammatory cytokines by bronchial epithelial cells following IL-4/IL-13 stimulation, and rhinovirus infection, in children with and without asthma.

Dates of Project: 12/15/08 – 12/14/10

Amount: $ 97,518

Role: Principal Investigator

Source: Firland Foundation

Project Title: Effects of Azithromycin on Airway Epithelial Cell Production of Factors Associated with Airway Inflammation, Remodeling, and Mucus Secretion in Children with and without Asthma.

Dates of Project: 08/01/08 – 07/31/10

Amount: $ 25,000


Peer-Reviewed Publications

1.  Harding C.O., Pillars D.A., Steiner R.D., Bottiglieri T., Rosenblatt D.S., Debley J.S., Campbell P, Gibson K.M. Potential for Misdiagnosis Due to Lack of Acute Metabolic Derangement in Combined Methylmalonic Aciduria/hyperhomocysteinemia (cblC) in the neonate. J Perinatol. 2003 Jul-Aug;23(5):384-6

2 Debley JS, Smith JM, Redding GJ, Critchlow CW. Childhood Asthma Hospitalization Following Cesarean Delivery Among Former Term and Preterm Infants. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005;94:228-233.

3. Debley JS, Redding GJ, Critchlow CW. Impact of Adolescence and Gender on Asthma Hospitalization: A Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. Pediatr Pulmonol 2004;38(6):443-450.

4.  Carter ER, Debley JS, Redding, GJ. Changes in asthma prevalence and impact on health and function in Seattle middle-school children: 1995 versus 2003. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005 Jun;94(6):634-9.

5. Debley JS, Carter ER, Rosenfeld M, Gibson R, Redding GJ. The Prevalence of Ibuprofen-Sensitive Asthma in Children: A Randomized Controlled Bronchoprovocation Challenge Study. J Pediatrics 2005 August;.147(2): 233-38.

6. Debley JS, Carter ER, Redding, GJ. The Prevalence and Impact of Gastroesophageal Reflux in Adolescents with Asthma: A Population-Based Study. Pediatr Pulmonol 2006 May; 41(5):475-81.

7. Carter ER, Debley JS, Redding, GJ. Chronic productive cough in school children: prevalence and associations with asthma and environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Cough 2006;27:2-11.

8. Hallstrand, TS, Debley JS, Farin FM, Henderson WR. Role of MUC5AC in the pathogenesis of Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007;119(5):1092-8..

9. Debley JS, Hallstrand TS, Monge T, Ohanian A, Redding G, Zimmerman J. Methods to Improve Measurement of Cysteinyl Leukotrienes in Exhaled Breath Condensate from Asthmatics and Healthy Controls. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2007;120(5):1216-7.

10. Hsia D, Diblasi RM, Richardson P, Crotwell D, Debley J, Carter E. The Effects of Flexible Bronchoscopy on Mechanical Ventilation in a Pediatric Lung Model. Chest 2009;135(1):33-40.

Book Chapters, Reviews, Case Reports

Marshall SG, Debley JS. The Respiratory System. Nelson Essential Pediatrics, 5th Edition, chapters 133-138. 2005.

Debley JS, Katz B, et al. Histiocytic Necrotizing Lymphadenitis with Autoimmune Phenomena and Meningitis in a 14-Year-Old Girl, Pediatrics. 1996; Volume 98: 130-132


1. Debley JS, Redding G. Thoracic Index as a Measure of Hyperinflation During and Following RSV Hospitalization. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Seattle, May 2003.

2. Debley JS, Carter E, Stamey D, Redding GJ. Comparison of Different Tidal Breathing Methods to Measure Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Preschool Children. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, May 2005.

3. Debley JS, Carter E, Stamey D, Redding GJ. Measures of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (eNO) During Tidal Breathing in Recurrently Wheezy and Healthy Preschool Children. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, May 2005.

4. Debley JS, Zimmerman J, Hallstrand T, Redding G. Variability of IL-4 in Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC). American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, May 2006.

5. Debley JS, Zimmerman J, Hallstrand T, Redding G. IL-4 in Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC) from Asthmatics and Healthy Subjects. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, May 2006.

6. Debley JS, Stamey D, Worrell K, Rosenfeld M, Redding G. Reproducibility of a Standardized Method of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (ENO) Measurement in Infants Using a Single-Breath Technique. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisico, May 2007.

7. Debley JS, Ohanian A, Aitken ML, and Hallstrand TS. Airway Affects on Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC) Composition. American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisico, 2007.

8. Debley JS, Ohanian A, Hallstrand TS, Zimmerman J. Cysteinyl Leukotriene Storage Stability in Exhaled Breath Condensate (EBC). American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisico, 2007.

9. Debley JS, Fleishman R, Stamey D, Worrell K, Redding G. Comparison of Exhaled Nitric Oxide (ENO) Measurements in Infants Using Single-Breath and Tidal Breathing Techniques. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2008.

10. Debley JS, Fleishman R, Stamey D, Worrell K, Redding G. Comparison of Different Tidal Breathing Techniques to Measure Exhaled Nitric Oxide (ENO) in Infants. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2008.

11. Debley JS, Cochrane E, Stamey D, Worrell K, Redding G Exhaled Nitric Oxide (eNO), Lung Function, and Exacerbations in Wheezy Infants. Accepted for oral presentation at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Diego, 2009.


Invited lecture to University of Washington Allergy Division, Northwest Asthma and Allergy group, and affiliated allergists in WWAMI region and Oregon: “The Role of Exhaled Nitric Oxide in the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma in Children: FeNO as a Clinical and Research Tool” November, 2008.

North Pacific Pediatric Society Meeting Invited Talk: “Analysis of Exhaled Breath to Assist in the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma”. March 2007.

Pediatric Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital & Regional Medical Center, “Analysis of Exhaled Breath in Pulmonary Disease: Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Biomarkers in Breath Condensate as Clinical and Research Tools”. December 1, 2005.

Pediatric Grand Rounds, Emanuel Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon. “Asthma Update: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Management”. December 16, 2003