Bubble Ball Soccer Tournament Rules
Revised March 2015
Current FIFA Rules will govern all play with the following exceptions:
Equipment, Players, &Timing
1. All players must show their CWU Student I.D. card to the scorekeeper when he/she report their number, prior to each game.
2. All equipment will be provided by the Recreation Center.
3. Only indoor tennis shoes must be worn. (Absolutely NO black soled shoes.)
4. There will be no gender requirements.
5. The game shall consist of two 7.5 minute halves. (May change)
6. If the game is not over in 25 minutes the game will be called.
7. ABSOLUTELY NO JEWELRY!! No player will be allowed to participate with any jewelry.
8. Games will be played 4v4 when played inside. Games outside will be played 6v6. Substitutions can be made during any deadball.
9. Teams will be allowed 2 – 30 second timeouts per half.
10. Bubble balls will be cleaned after every game.
General Rules & Scoring
1. Kick-Off – The ball will be placed in the center of the court, and teams line up along their goal line. When the whistle blows teams may run to the ball for possession. This will occur every time a goal is scored.
2. Kick-Ins – All kick-ins from the side line must be kicked in by the opposite team that kicked it out. The kicker must have both feet behind the side line when the ball is kicked. There must be a gap of 10 ft. from where the ball is kicked in.
3. Corners will be played as per normal.
4. A foul kick will result in a free kick to the opposition. Players must remain 10 ft. away.
5. There is no designated Goal Keeper. If you wish to have one of your team members stay in front of the goals, this is acceptable.
6. There is no offsides.
7. Any player on the ground must be left alone until they are on their feet; and that player may not play the ball while on the ground.
8. If the ball ends up in a player’s bubble ball, play will stop and the official will implement a drop kick between one player from each team.
9. Players must remain inside the ball at all times with straps tight and resting on their shoulders.
10. Though players may hit other players there are the following fouls:
a. No hard hits from behind (this will be determined by the official and is the final say. Any argument will result in a penalty kick).
b. Hits from the front and side will have more leniency on force; however, the player must involved in the play. Any hit to someone not near/involved with the play will be called a foul.
c. A player forcefully hitting another player without the ball will be a foul.
d. Any player keeping another player on the ground after they have been hit will be called for a foul.
e. Any hit deemed unnecessary by the official will result in a foul or penalty kick if the official decides.
f. Any player who does not follow these rules will be immediately ejected without warning.
g. Again all decisions will be made by the official and is made to keep the players and the equipment safe.
11. Any player using the equipment in an inappropriate manner will be removed from competition.
12. Any verbal or physical abuse of a player, fan, or official will not be tolerated and will result in ejection from the tournament. That player must meet with the Intramural Coordinator before participating in any recreational activity.
The official may award a Blue, Yellow, or Red card for any of the above offenses and all other foul not listed here.
1. Blue Card: A blue card indicates that a foul has been committed that is punishable by a 2-minute ejection, during which the players’ team may field a different player. Receiving 2 blue cards is the equivalent to receiving a yellow card.
2. Yellow Card: A yellow card indicates a personal foul was committed that warrants both a 5 minute suspension and a $10 fine. The offending player’s team must play short sided until a goal or time is up; however, in case of a goal, the offending player may not return to the field until the time is up. A teammate must take the field instead. The fine must be paid to continue playing in the league. Receiving 2 yellow cards is the equivalent to receiving a red card.
3. Red Card: A red card indicates intent to harm or injure another player, unsporting or unsafe behavior, or any other manner of play that the official deems unfitting. In the event of a red card, the player is immediately ejected from the Intramural League, must pay a $20 fine, and must meet with the Intramural Coordinator to be reinstated into Intramural Competition. The team must play short sided for the rest of the game.
Overtime and Playoff Rules:
1. Overtime will in best 2 out of 3 sumo wrestling. Teams will select one member to battle in a small circle. Whoever gets knocked out of the circle loses that round. Each round must be a different player.
2. Playoff timing may be changed due to the conditions of the tournament.
Sportsmanship, Forfeits, Fines, and Ejections:
1. Teams that are not present at game time with the minimum number of players required will forfeit the match. There is a $20 fine for each forfeit. Teams that forfeit more than 1 game will not be eligible for playoffs.
2. All players are expected to abide by the Intramural Code of Conduct.
3. All players ejected from play must leave the game site immediately. Ejections will result in a minimum penalty of a 1 game suspension and $20 fine.
4. Teams will be graded on their sportsmanship on a 4.0 scale. Sportsmanship rating will be used as the first tiebreaker when determining the playoff schedule and final standings.
5. Teams that do not maintain a 2.5 average will not be included in the playoff schedule; teams that do not maintain a 2.0 average during the season will be dropped from the remainder of the schedule.
6. See the Online Intramural Handbook for the complete policies and procedures.
University Recreation - Intramural Sports - Badminton Rules
Recreation Center Room 170 Phone: 509-963-3511 Email: