North Cave Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting
The meeting of North Cave Parish Council was held in the rear room of North Cave Village Hall on Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 7pm.
Public Forum: Two residents attended the meeting. One resident wanted to highlight the following issues:
- Lateinformation has been put into our Village Link article. A suggestion was made to Cllr Mrs L. Bayram.
- To congratulate the Council on the recent cleaning works to the War Memorial.
- A suggestion that the Cherry Tree near the bus shelter should be cut back by ERYC as it is their land, and should not be paid for out of our precept.
- Representatives’ from North Cave in Bloom recently attended a meeting at JZ Flowers which had gone very well and they were very happy with the supply of free plants.
160301 Present: CllrStrong (Chairman), Whitlock, Moore, Pile, Searle & Bayram.
Apologies: CllrCarver. No Apologies: Cllr Moore
160302 Declarations of Interest:
To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interested being declared. Cllr Mrs M. Whitlock declared an interest in 160305/04 as she is the Village Hall Committee Secretary.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
160303 Approval of previous meeting minutes 17 February 2016. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on the 17 February 2016 were approved and signed as a true record. Proposed Cllr. Pile. Seconded by Cllr. Searle. Resolution passed.
160304 Matters arising from previous meetings minutes: To receive information on the following ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary as per Clerk’s report.
1a. North Cave – Neighbourhood Plan - Info. circulated, from:
Clerk: Please note that I have not received any community volunteers to assist in the progression of the Design Guide, following on from our Village link article.
1b. Neighbourhood Plan – going forward to progress the ‘Design Guide’ to form a Neighbourhood Plan: A long discussion took place and many points/issues were discussed and reiterated from previous meetings. The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow a member of the public to speak, ‘in his opinion, thought the plan failed due to issues relating to land allocation and the lack of interest from the community’. The Chairman reconvened the meeting. Cllr Mrs Whitlock proposed herself and Cllr Pile put together a formal proposal, to see if further groups can progress, the Design Guide to form a Neighbourhood Plan, and bring it to our next meeting. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Bayram. Resolved by a majority decision. Action: Cllr Mrs Whitlock & Pile.
2. Preventing further flooding upstream now that the flood run-off from Townend Lane to the Wetlands has been completed: P.C. Flood Liaison Officer, representatives from the Environment Agency, ERYC & Parish Council attended a recent site visit to see if they could come up with a solution to prevent further flooding. A number of options were discussed and disregarded due to the Utility Services and the Highway Agency. ERYC & E.A. representatives both thought it might be an option to put a pipe under the road. They agreed to talk to their relevant colleagues and work out possible costings and then report back to the Council. Cllr Mrs Whitlock proposed we have a survey done and use the money from the flood fund. Seconded by Cllr Pile. Resolved by a unanimous decision.
3. Traffic Issues: Reported to ERYC: Road sign deteriorated, Dryham lane: Response: A works ticket has been issued, and the works will be completed by end March. Drain/soak-away blocked near the War Memorial on Station Road. Response: logged, no further response received. New Issues: Pothole: Corner of Everthorpe Lane. Action: Clerk
4. Management of the Millennium Walk: No updates
5. War Memorial - Grant Application: Our contractorsstarted the cleaning process on the 10th March. The Clerk has liaised with the War Memorial Trust & Contractors prior to the commencement of cleaning works, to ensure that it is done sympathetically to maintain its historical character. Two representative from the Trust will attend a site visit, to meet with the Contractor and Cllr MrsWhitlock, on Friday 1st April, prior to any inscription work taking place.
6. Parish Council Website: Cllr Searle informed the Council that the draft layout of the website is complete and ready for information to be uploaded over the next few weeks. He will send the Council members the link to view the site.
7. Trees surrounding the War Memorial (Conservation Area): After the Clerk had made further investigations with ERYC, they attended a site visit and informed the Clerk that their ground maintenance team had cut back some trees to enable them to cut the grass. Our contractor will start the works when the War Memorial is completed, date yet to be agreed.
8. Two Cherry trees end of Blanshards Lane/Church Street: The Clerk has not received any recentresponse from ERYC and the tree has not yet been cut back. Action: Clerk
9. White Hart Public House – Nomination for Assets of Community Value: ERYC has confirmed that the White Hart Public House has been accepted as an Asset of Community Value, which will be added to their list of Assets of Community Value for a period of 5 years.
10. JZ Flowers - Re donations/sponsorship: Representatives’ from N.C.P.C; North Cave in Bloom and the Playing Field Committee attended a meeting to put forward ideas for consideration how they can support our Village Community. JZ are now working independently with each organisation. It was resolved by a unanimous decision to send them a letter of thanks, and take the item off the agenda. Action: Clerk
11. Parish Council Notice Board/lead roof: still awaitingadrawing and further material options from the contractor. It was resolved by a unanimous decision to defer this item until our next meeting.
12a.Wooden seats located around the Parish – treat/varnish: Cllr Strong proposed the seats are refurbished by the local contractor for £330.00. Seconded Cllr Mrs Bayram. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk
12b.Seat on the Green is in need of repair or replacement: This matter was discussed. Clerk to contact the family regards the seat, and bring quotes for repair/replacement to our next meeting. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk
13. Local Grant Fund – Any ideas to be put forward at the meeting for consideration: This matter was discussed. It was suggested that we consider applying for a grant to put towards the drainage issue on Townend Lane.
14. Amenity Area formed by NCAA – possible options/ideas from local residents’ & Parish Councillors - e.g. public space: Responses received from South Cave & Rowley Parish re costings/maintenance of their Urban Gym, which had been circulated. Cllr Searle informed the Council that they could be planning restrictions regards the urban gym but he was still looking at all the other options. Action: Cllr Searle
15. Letter received re the B1230 immediately East of North Cave Village: info. circulated prior to the meeting.Due to several accidents on this stretch of road ERYC are currently assessing how they can improve signage/road markings. The road surface has been tested, and ER see no problem with the grip. The surface will be tested again after the Easter break. Action: ERYC
16a.Celebration to commemorate Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday, officially celebrated in June 2016: After a discussion it was suggested we consider doing a tea party on the Village Green on Saturday 11 June. It was agreed to defer this until our next meeting.
16b.HM Queen Elizabeth II 90th Birthday Commemorative Medal for Schools & Councils: This matter was discussed. It was resolved by a unanimous decision not to purchase any of the medals and pass the information onto the School. Action: Cllr Pile
16c.Clean for the Queen – Litter pick: The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow a member of the public to speak, who informed the Council that the Women’s Institute had recently done a litter pick on Newport Road, up to Townend Laneand they were organising a further pick on Cliff Road. The Chairman reconvened the meeting. It was resolved by a unanimous decision to write a letter of thanks. Action: Clerk
17. Quaker Lane/Well – Schedule 14 application: The Clerk met Ward Councillor Aitken at Quaker Well and issued her with a synopsis of events since January 2007. Cllr Aitken will look into this further. No further updates received to date. Action: Clerk
160305 Financial Matters:
1. To approve schedule of payments/salaries for signature: Please note that the balance may differ from current account statements due to unpresented cheques and transfers. The Council agreed by a unanimous decision regards the employees’ salaries for March, agreeing to the Clerk transferring Bacs payments into the employees’ bank accountsand to East Riding Council in respect of Pension payments. Any relevant paperwork/cheques were initialled by two councillors.
£Opening Balance / Parish Council / 25208.43
Flood Account / 5746.56
Neigh. Plan Account
Transfer funds into Community A/C for payment of two N.P. meetings 19 Nov. 2015 & 13 January 2016 / 6088.30
- 28.00
Salaries / March / 1406.50
Village Hall / Hire 17 February 2016 / 16.00
ER & NL SLCC / Training Day - Clerk / 15.00
Kingston Comm. / Telephone & Internet 15 February 2016 – 14 March 2016 / 39.87 pd
HMRC / Quarterly Tax & N.I. / 157.15
Payments from cheque account/D.D./ Bank Transfers / Total / 1594.65
Receipts / 0.00
Closing balance
Petty Cash / Opening balance / 199.32
Recorded Delivery letter to the War Memorial Trust / 2.36
Staples – Paper x 5, 3 x Ink cartridges / 83.92
Petty Cash Bal / 113.04
2. Further new information received re First Communication from the Chair of Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Limited: Following new information received which the Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Strong proposed we opt-in and formally be appointed an external auditor from the new company, ‘Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd’. Seconded by Cllr Pile. Resolved by a unanimous decision.
3. Financial Regulations: to add under No. 6 Payment of Accounts 6.1 clause regards payments by Bacs & Direct Debit: The Clerk recommended that the clause should be amended to read ‘All payments shall be effected by Cheque, BACS and Direct Debit drawn on the Councils bankers’. Proposed by Cllr Strong. Seconded by Cllr Pile. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk to amend and circulate copy to each Councillor.
4. Village Hall Committee: request the Council consider purchasing a new emergency cupboard to install emergency equipment. Cllr Mrs Whitlock informed the Council that the current cupboard is not fit for purpose and needs replacing. This matter was discussed and the Clerk can an example of size/cost which is in ERYC Supplies brochure. Cllr Strong proposed the Council contribute £68 towards the cost of a replacement. Seconded by Cllr Pile. Resolved by a majority decision. Action: Clerk
160306 Matters arising from new correspondence requiring a decision: or for information only, usually circulated in advance to members.
1. ERYC – Village Taskforce Walkabout – Wednesday 25 May 2016 at 9.45 am: resolved by a unanimous decision that Cllr Mrs Whitlock, Strong and the Clerk will attend the walkabout to highlight works to be done around our parish. Action: Clerk, Cllr Strong & Whitlock.
160307 Items under notice to the Clerk:
1. East Riding Parish News March 2016: The Council had no comments to make.
2. To confirm a date for our Annual General & Village meetings: The Clerk informed the Council that we have previously had all three meeting on one evening. Cllr Strong proposed we have all three meeting on Wednesday 18th May, Village meeting starting at 6.30pm, followed by the AGM Full Council meeting. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Whitlock. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk
160308 Matters arising by members:
1. Everthorpe pots at the entrance of Breck Lane: Cllr Mrs Bayraminformed the Council that due to the cubic meterage of the pots they do require planning permission, she went on to say that many of the residents’ do not like them.
2. Cllr Mrs M. Whitlocksuggested if Councillors attended any courses/meetings/site visits could they provide the Clerk with a written account, so that the Clerk can circulate to member Councillors prior to any subsequent meetings. Resolved by a unanimous decision.Action: Councillors
160309 Matters arising from previous minutes not on the agenda. As per Clerk’s report:
1. Parish/Town News Release March 2016Howdenshire Local Crime report March 2016: The Councillors had no comments to make.
2. Allotments: The Clerk informed the Council that she has booked two dates in April to hold surgeries in the Anteroom for tenants to sign their new agreements and pay their annual fees. Letters have gone out to all tenants to ascertain if they wish to keep/relinquish all or part of their plots. Action: Clerk
160310 Councillors Items:
Cllr Mrs Whitlock informed the Council that at her last Village Hall meeting, the committee discussed the idea of having a New Village Centre, possibly on the Playing Fields, which could be a combined facility instead of the committee maintaining the Village Hall. They intend to look into this further and see what possible options could be considered.
160311 Pension contribution for Employees – all following items to discussed with the exclusion of members of the public:
1. Information received on pension course attended by the Chairman & Clerk - Pension payments are not just calculated on Employees Basic Salary.
2. Local Government Pension Scheme Statement of Policy: (Info. circulated prior to the meeting): This matter was discussed. Cllr Strong proposed under ‘Flexible Retirement Regulation 30(6) the Councils Policy should read: ‘The Parish Council will consider requests for Flexible Retirement on an individual basis. In order for the application to be approved, there must be financial and/or operational benefit to the Council’. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Whitlock. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk
3. For discussion/decision re outsourcing the work due to ‘Conflict of Interest’ re employee/s: This matter was discussed. Cllr Strong proposed the work is not outsourced as this could be costly and we do have strict internal control within the council. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Whitlock. Resolved by a unanimous decision. Action: Clerk
4. Employees ‘Contract of Employment’ to add clause re pension: The Chairman read out a mandatory letter, which is signed by the Chairman, which the Council has to issue to any employees, who is offered a pension which relates to their ‘Variation of your terms and conditions of employment’.
Any employees who have agreed to join a pension scheme offered by the Council has to have the following clause added to their ‘Contract of Employment’. ‘The Council is a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme, which operates a contributory pension scheme which you are entitled to join’.
160312 Clerks Annual Appraisal & salary review/working from home allowance - to discuss with the exclusion of members of the public: This matter was discussed. Cllr Strong proposed the Council agree to increase the Clerks salary and working from home allowance by 1.5%, from 5th April 2016. Seconded by Cllr Pile. Resolved by a unanimous decision.
160313 Date of planning meeting: Monday 11 April 2016
160314 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20 April 2016
Meeting closure: 9.24 pm
S. Malton
Mrs S. Malton – North Cave Parish Council Clerk, Proper Officer of the Council & Responsible Financial Officer