Appendix 4 - Sub Group Members List

Regulation & Licensing
Skills & Training
Innovation & Technology


Economic Advisory Group
Chairman - Keith Lough - LASMO
Geoffrey Riggs - OG, DTI
Mike Earp - OG, DTI
Philip Beckett - OG, DTI
Ray Hall - BP Amoco
Geoff Frewer - Amerada Hess
Nigel Essex - UKOOA
Ian Stewart - Inland Revenue
Ambrose Richardson - Inland Revenue
Steve Hayes - ARCO
David Morrison - Wood Mackenzie
Jim Campbell - IEP
Communications Group
Chairmen - Francis Gugen - Amerada Hess
John McDonald - Texaco (UK) North Sea Ltd
Julian Thomson - Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd
Wendy Kennedy - IEP
Margaret Porteous - IEP
Malcolm Wells - Amerada Hess, UKOOA
Steve Harris - UKOOA
Alan Lewendon - Energy Industries Council
Dave Stuart - Shell
SteveColville - Chevron
Erika Coghlan - Amerada Hess
Tim Smith - BP Amoco
Sally Ann Melia - CRINE



Sub Group Members
Adrian Rose - Transocean Offshore
Colin Guy - Woolmill Industries
Charlie McLaughlan - Salamis
Stewart Richie - Atlantic Power
John Rahtz - Brown & Root AOC
Bob Thom - Aker Oil & Gas
John Welsh - Cape
John Ferguson - Kværner Oil & Gas Ltd
Chris Vickers - Schlumberger
Adrian Jones - Transocean Offshore
Ian Murray - IME Ltd
Steve Marples - ASCO Group
Chris Bond - AMEC Process & Energy
John Simpson - Rigblast Group
Ron Peddie - AMEC
Alan Brackenridge - JP Kenny Caledonia Ltd
Willie Rennie - ASCO UK Ltd
Andrew MacLeod - Coflexip Stena Offshore
Annette Brooks-Rooney - SPN
Dennis Krahn - IADC
Brian Nixon - John Wood Group plc
Mike Straughen - AMEC
Mike Salter - Abbot Group
Bill McGillivray - Brown & Root
Bob McChesney - Sedco-Forex
James McCallum - Global Marine IS
Ian Knott - The Expro Group
Les Mosco - Amerada Hess
Granville Clutterbuck - BP Amoco
Tony Collins - Shell


Fiscal (Other Participants)

Sub Group Members
Neil Barnes - HM Treasury
John Bartlett - BP Amoco
Jean-Marie Bonnet - Total
Bobby Buirds - AEEU
Bob Connon - Chevron, UKOOA
Erika Coghlan - Amerada Hess
Phil Dimmock - Ranger
Jac d’Silva - Texaco
Steve Colville - Chevron
Nigel Essex - UKOOA
Geoff Frewer - Amerada Hess
Ray Hall - BP Amoco
Peter Harrington - Inland Revenue
Neville Howlett - Elf
Roger Jelfs - Esso
Joe Groeger - Veba Oil & Gas
James May - UKOOA
Dan McGeachie - Conoco
Dave McManus - ARCO
Dawn Muir - Kerr McGee
Doug Newlyn - British Gas
Ruth Parkhouse - UKOOA
Tony Perry - Mobil
Sid Price - Mobil
Paul Reinbolt - Marathon
Ambrose Richardson - Inland Revenue
Richard Ritchie - BP Amoco
Mike Salter - Abbot Group
Graeme Slater - Inland Revenue
Peter Smedley - Inland Revenue
Ian Smith - Shell
Nick Welch - Shell
Paul Winfrow - Enterprise
Sir Ian Wood - John Wood Group plc
Andrew Wood-Hill - Veba Oil & Gas


Regulation & Licensing

Sub Group Members
Steve Allen - Data by Design
Carl Bainton - Shell Expro
Dick Bridger - Talisman
John Brooks - OG, DTI
Shirley Brown - Shell Expro
Christian Bukovics - Shell Expro
Craig Bunyan - John Wood Group plc
Cynthia Chaplin - BP Amoco
Andy Child - Amerada Hess
Marla Corone - Elf
Sinead Dowling - British Gas
Nigel Essex - UKOOA
Eric Faulds - Shell Expro
Robert Fitzpatrick - Amerada Hess
Mark Goodfellow - Elf
James Hargreaves - Kerr McGee
Julian Hicks - Amerada Hess
Peter Holt - OG, DTI
Tony Kilcullen - Shell Expro
Chris Linskaill - Shell Expro
David Loosley - BP Amoco
Alison McNeil - Shell Expro
Deirdre Michie - Shell Expro
David Miller - OG, DTI
Richard Milton-Worssell - OG, DTI
Miles Newman - Kerr McGee
Stewart Officer - Shell Expro
Anne Pirie - BP Amoco
Marc Potts - Amerada Hess
Sally Powell - Paladin
Stewart Robinson - OG, DTI
Flemming Rolle - PARAS Ltd
Mark Routh - Amerada Hess
Peter Schwarz - British Gas
Mike Skitmore - BP Amoco
Don Taylor - Kerr McGee
Peter Thomson - Shell Expro
Simon Toole - OG, DTI
Ian Whyte - Shell Expro
Sylvia Williams - Shell Expro
Gary Zemp - Talisman


Skills & Training

Sub Group 1 - (Change attitudes towards training)
Chairperson - Celine Mitchell - Texaco
Mike McCulloch - Kværner Oil & Gas Ltd
Jan Corpe - Biffie Management Services
Texaco’s Organisational Effectiveness Department
Sub Group 2 - (Over-arching body)
Chairman - Syd Fudge - Kværner Oil & Gas Ltd
John Ramsay - OPITO
Peter Griffiths - ECITB
Jim Penman - Aberdeen University
James Dorrian - Shell
Peter Hewitt - DfEE
Brian Tilley - FPAL
Lydia Ross - NESSCO Ltd
Simon Sawers - Kværner Oil & Gas Ltd
Sub Group 3 - (Identify future new skills)
Chairman - John Lee - John Wood Group plc
Lawrie Bain - OPITO
Doug Sheal - Salamis
Bobby Buirds - AEEU
George Beattie - Brown & Root AOC
Sub Group 4 - (Improve S/NVQ’s)
Chairman - William Serle - Diamond Offshore
Rab Wilson - AEEU
Kal Karmous - Sedco-Forex
Mel Keenan - Elf
Tom McIntosh - OPITO
Jim McNeillie - ECITB
Sub Group 5 - (Pan Industry graduate & trainee strategy)
Chairman - John Wils - UKOOA
Steve Price - Schlumberger
Annette Thomas - UKOOA
Isobel Maughan - Scottish Enterprise
John Ramsay - OPITO
Louise Ferguson - Atlantic Power
Ronnie Robb - Shell
Danny Gorman - Aberdeen University
Keith Webster - Conoco
Gill Haben - Institute of Petroleum
Bobby Buirds - AEEU
Nicol Webster - Rowanhill Consultants
Sub Group 6 - (World Class training centre)
Chairman - Julian Thomson - Stolt Comex Seaway Ltd
Terry Hirst - IMCA
Bruce Armitage - Grampian Enterprise
Larry Cairns - TUC Education Service
John Clark - AMEC
Dick Malkowski - KCA Drilling
Bill McIntosh - RGU
Ken Jones - Cyberactive Ltd
Sub Group 7 - (Radical Overhaul of funding)
Chairman - John Ramsay - OPITO
Rich Broderick - Schlumberger
Peter Crowther - Shell
Ray Smith - Diamond Offshore Drilling

Innovation & Technology

Business Process
Chairman - Al Bolea - BP Amoco
John Mitchell - Scottish Enterprise
Eamon Gorman - Shell Expro
Derek Redman - Shell Expro
Simon Hird - Zenocean
Professor Brian Smart - Heriot Watt
Andy Carr - OG, DTI
John Foote - IEP
Phil Smith - Global Marine Integrated Services
Jim Campbell - IEP
Tony Aldhouse - Grampian Enterprise
Per Arno - Corpro
Irene Hepburn - Former CMPT
Mike Salter - Abbot Group
Chairman - Eric Faulds - Shell Expro
Gary Phillips - AEA Technology
Brian Twomey - Reverse Engineering Ltd
Joe Jaggers - BP Amoco
Colin Weaver - OG, DTI
Development (incl. marginal fields)
Chairman - Mike Taylor - Mobil
Neil Oakes - Shell Expro
Ian Stuart - Zenocean
Ragbir Chana - OG, DTI
Will Sutton - BP Amoco
Jonathan Calvert - Veba Oil & Gas
Dick Winchester - Former CMPT
Nick Gee - Global Marine Integrated Services
Process Facilities
Chairman - Steve Davis - AEA Technology
John Purvis - Shell Expro
John Endacott - ODB Global Consultants Ltd
Ragbir Chana - OG, DTI
David Parkinson - Merpro
Chris Bond - AMEC
Dave Workman - Atlantic Power
Jim Brady - Mustang
Sub Surface
Chairman - Mike Bowyer - PES International Ltd
Bob Black - Shell Expro
Bob Foulser - AEA Technology
Professor Ken Sorbie - Heriot Watt
Andy Carr - OG, DTI
Peter Elach - RDS
Chris Brown - BP Amoco
Par Neve - Reservoir Management
Andrew Hurst - Aberdeen University
Chairman - Dick Winchester - Former CMPT
John Dewar - Shell Expro
Laurie Ayling - Maris International
Dr John Ford - Heriot Watt
Mike Sheppard - Schlumberger
Ian Williamson - Global Marine Integrated Services
Ian Norbury - Amerada Hess
Paul Martins - BP Amoco
Gerry Cameron - Amerada Hess
Terry Moore - Corpro
Bruce Adam - Marktec Support Services Ltd
Paul Ardair - BP Exploration