James S. Gerber


Institute on the Environment (IonE)

University of Minnesota



Professional Experience

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

·  2014 - Present: Co-Director and Lead Scientist, Global Landscapes Initiative, Institute on the Environment (IonE)

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

·  2009-2014: Lead Scientist, Global Landscapes Initiative, Institute on the Environment (IonE)

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc., Pennington, New Jersey

·  2001-2009 : Senior Hydrodynamicist

École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, Paris

·  1999-2000: Chateaubriand Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique


Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1999

B.S., Physics (with honors), Brown University, 1990

Recent Publications

Gerber, JS, KM Carlson, I Garcia, P Havlík, M Herrero, M Launay, D Makowski, ND Mueller, CS O’Connell, P Smith, PC West. 2016. Spatially explicit estimates of N2O emissions from croplands suggest climate mitigation opportunities from improved fertilizer management.Global Change Biology. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13341

Smith P, MF Cotrufo, C Rumpel, K Paustian, PJ Kuikman, JA Elliott, R McDowell, RI Griffiths, S Asakawa, M Bustamante, JI House, JSobocká, R Harper, G Pan, PC West, JS Gerber, JM Clark, TAdhya, RJ Scholes,and MC Scholes. 2015.Biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity as key drivers of ecosystem services provided by

Chaplin-Kramer R, I Ramler, R Sharp, NM Haddad, JS Gerber, PC West, L Mandle, P Engstrom, A Baccini, S Sim, C Mueller, H King. 2015. Degradation in carbon stocks near tropical forest edges.Nature Communications. 6:10158. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10158.

Oakleaf JR, CM Kennedy, S Baruch-Mordo, PC West, JS Gerber, L Jarvis, J Kiesecker. 2015. A world at risk: aggregating development trends to forecast global habitat conversion.PLoS-ONEPublished: October 7, 2015 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138334

Ray, DK, JS Gerber, GK MacDonald, PC West. 2015. The effect of climate variability on global crop yields.Nature Communications6:5989. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6989

MacDonald, GK, KA Brauman, S Sun, ES Cassidy, PC West. 2015.Rethinking agricultural trade relationships in an era of globalization.BioScience.65:275-289.doi: 10.1093/biosci/biu225

*article featured on the cover

Chaplin-Kramer R,E Dombeck,JS Gerber, K Knuth,ND Mueller, M Mueller, G Ziv, A-M Klein. 2014 Global malnutrition overlaps with pollinator-dependentmicronutrient production. Phil Rev B

West PC,JS Gerber,ND Mueller,KA Brauman,KM Carlson,ES Cassidy,PM Engstrom,M Johnston,GK MacDonald,DK Ray, S Siebert,JA Foley.2014 Leverage points for improving food security and the environment. Science.345:325-328.

Mueller ND,PC West,JS Gerber,GK MacDonald, S Polasky andJA Foley. 2014. A tradeoff frontier for global nitrogen use and cereal production.Environmental Research Letters9:054002.

Cassidy ES,PC West,JS Gerber,JA Foley. 2013. Redefining agricultural yields: from tonnes to people nourished per hectare.Environmental Research Letters8:034015

Van Wart, J., van Bussel, L.G.J., Wolf, J., Licker, R., Grassini, P., Nelson, A., Boogaard, H., Gerber, J., Mueller, N.D., Claessens, L., van Ittersum, M.K., Cassman, K.G. (2012). Use of agro-climatic zones to upscale simulated crop yield potential.Field Crops Research,

Mueller, N.D., J.S. Gerber, D.K. Ray, N. Ramankutty, and J.A. Foley (2012). Closing yield gaps: Nutrient and water management to boost crop production.Nature,doi:10.1038/nature.2012.11306.

Carlisle Ford Runge, John J Sheehan, Benjamin Senauer, Jonathan Foley, James Gerber, Justin Andrew Johnson, Stephen Polasky and Carlisle Piehl Runge (2012) Assessing the comparative productivity advantage of bioenergy feedstocks at different latitudesEnviron. Res. Lett.7045906

Foley, J.A., N. Ramankutty, K.A. Brauman, E.S. Cassidy, J.S. Gerber, M. Johnston, N.D. Mueller, C. O’Connell, D.K. Ray, P.C. West, C. Balzer, E.M. Bennett, S.R. Carpenter, J. Hill, C. Monfreda, S. Polasky, J. Rockstrom, J. Sheehan, S. Siebert, D. Tilman and D.P.M. Zaks (2011). Solutions for a cultivated planet, Nature, doi:10.1038/nature10452.

Invited talks

American Geophysical Union 2014 - Trends in Systemic Risks to Food Security

American Association for the Advancement of Science 2015 - Agricultural Trends and Global Food Security

University of Aberdeen, May 2015: Agricultural Trends and Global Food Security

University Federal de Lavras (Brazil) August 2015: Trends in feeding the world

Major grants & fundraising

250,000€ Delivering Food Security on Limited Land (DEVIL), co-Principal Investigator (US portion of the research team), Belmont Forum & Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), awarded March 2015

$900,000 Managing for Risk and Sustainability in the Global Food System, Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, co-PI, awarded December 2014

$110,000 Assessment and Indicators for Bioclimatic regulation in Latin America, Inter-Americas Development Bank, Principal Investigator, awarded December 2014

$2,200,000 Global Landscapes Initiative, Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, co-Principal Investigator, awarded September 2011

Selected Patents

Wave energy converter (WEC) , Gerber J. et al. , US6765307

Wave energy converter (WEC) device and system, Gerber, J., Stewart, D., US7140180

Active Impedance Matching Systems for Wave Energy Converter. Stewart, D. and Gerber, J. US7305823

“Expandable Wave Energy System” Gerber, J. and Stewart, D, US7476137

Wave energy converter utilizing internal reaction mass and spring,” Gerber, J. and Stewart D. US7443046

“Tunable Wave Energy Converter” Gerber, J., US 7658067

“Protection of apparatus for capturing wave energy” Gerber, J., US8123579

Improved cross-sectional shape for WEC float” J. Gerber et. al. US 8464527

“Robust method of WEC Control” Gerber J., (Pending)

Wave energy converter with asymmetrical float” Gerber, J. and Taylor, G. US 8904778