IMS9001 Systems Analysis and Design

Tutorial 12 - Quality in Information Systems Development:

Technical Reviews

Tutorial Objectives:

- to develop a basic understanding of the role of reviews in the development of a quality information system

- to further develop your group skills.

Tutorial Task:

You will need a copy of the technical review action list:

download TechRev.t12.DOC from the unit tutorial web page.

You will need a copy of the DFD to be reviewed:

download RevDFD.t12.PPT from the unit tutorial web page.

You will need to form into review groups of either 4 (ideally) or 5 members.

Technical reviews:

• each group has to review the Level 1 DFD for the “Prepare Results Notification” process.

• each group has to select:

- a moderator (leader) who will stop fights, encourage input from everyone, run the review to ensure it stays on the track, stop reviewers solving problems when they should just be highlighting them.

- a scribe(note-taker) who will note the changes to be made on the review action list

reviewers who are all members, including the moderator and the scribe.

The review action list is filled out in the following way:

Deliverable being reviewed: is the name of the deliverable being reviewed

Participants: names of the various members of the group

Preparation time: the total time taken by all the members to review the document before the review

Review time: the time spent by the group reviewing the document

Standards used: the name of the standards used and whether they are mandatory or not

For each issue raised by the group, the following needs to be filled out:

Deliverable reference: the location of the issue raised within the deliverable.

eg. if this line is the problem is should be marked

the deliverable reference would then be 1

If the problem is with the whole deliverable then the reference should say 'All'

Issue raised: a description of the issue that is seen as a problem .. note: the aim of the review is to highlight problems, not solve them

Fix Category:

1 = the document will be changed there and then to fix the problem

2 = the producer of the document will change the document outside the review and take it back to the designated group member to be checked and signed off.

3 = the group is unable to agree about whether an issue is a problem or not. The issue is written down and solved outside the review with the aid of an expert.

Corrections to be: (note: this is not filled out for fix category 1)

checked by: the initials of the person in the group who will check that the issue has been followed up

signed off by: the signature of the person who has checked that the issue has been fixed