Bumblebee Conservation Trust-Risk assessment for guided walks

Assessment undertaken by: / * Risk level
Slight harm / Harmful / Very harmful
Unlikely / Trivial / Slight / Moderate
Likely / Slight / Moderate / Substantial
Very likely / Moderate / substantial / intolerable
Date of assessment:
Position (e.g. volunteer)
Supervisor confirming assessment:
Risk assessment :Guided walks
Ref. No. / Hazards/hazardous events / Who is affected / Potential outcome / Current mitigation measures in place / Hazard present? / Risk level*
1 / Travel to/ from walk site. / Event staff and volunteers / Accident / Event staff / volunteers will allow adequate time to reach the walk site without the need to rush.
2 / Fire atwalk venue (if meeting point/ initial briefing takes place in a building) / Event staff, volunteers and members of the public / Burns, smoke inhalation / Event staff / volunteers will familiarise themselves with fire evacuation procedures and communicate this information to delegates at the beginning of events.
3 / Slips, trips and falls on uneven ground, steps, etc. / Event staff, volunteers and members of the public / Bruises, sprains, cuts. / Any load carried should be small enough to allow route to be seen.
Walking routes checked in advance and trip hazards removed or highlighted where removal is not possible.
Attendees will be advised in pre-event communications to wear suitable footwear.
4 / Exposure to heat/ cold at outdoor events. / Event staff, volunteers and members of the public / Sunburn, heatstroke, dehydration, colds / Event staff / volunteers will be appropriately dressed for the elements e.g. warm waterproof clothing in cold/ wet weather; lightweight materials, sunhat and sunscreen in hot/ sunny weather.
Event staff / volunteers to take regular breaks and drink plenty of fluids during events.
5 / Allergies/Allergic reactions. / Event staff, volunteers and members of the public / Pain and swelling, potential allergic reaction / Event staff will check with volunteers and members of the public whether anyone has any allergies to plants and insect bites at the start of the event.
Volunteers and members of the public will be asked to avoid plants/insects which they may have an allergic reaction to.
Volunteers and members of the public will be asked to avoid handling bumblebees.
Event staff / volunteers will have a mobile phone in case an ambulance is required.
Ref. No. / Hazards/hazardous events / Who is affected / Potential outcome / Current mitigation measures in place / Hazard present? / Risk level*
6 / Hazards on route, e.g. cliff edges, rivers, cyclists, horses, cars. / Event staff, delegates and volunteers / Collision resulting in injury. / Routes will be selected to avoid cliff edges, busy roads, river edges or cycle paths/ bridleways.
Where the route cannot avoid these areas, delegates will be warned at the beginning of the walk and asked to remain alert to potential dangers.
7 / Lone working. / Event staff and volunteers / Risk to personal safety / Event staff / volunteer will nominate a buddy, ideally a family member/ friend and provide that individual with details of the walk location, timing and contact number. On completion of the walk the staff member/ volunteer will check-in with their buddy to confirm their safe return. If the buddy does not hear from and cannot contact the staff member/ volunteer within a pre-agreed time after the scheduled completion time then they will contact the appropriate authorities.