Sixth Grade Mathematics & Science

Mr. Harvey~Carson Valley Middle School


Welcome to sixth grade at Carson Valley Middle School. My name is Mr. Harvey, you are scheduled to be in both Mathematics and Science with me during this school year. Your other two “core” classes will be Language Arts and Social Studies with Mrs. O’Donnell in room #44. Besides these four classes, during regular weeks you will have a “PLUS” period and advisory period with one of the eight 6th grade teachers. Don’t worry, you will get the schedule figured out very quickly. As you transition to middle school life there are some absolute important items to remember:

  • The teachers and staff at CVMS are here to help you, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
  • Following the TIGER TOP TEN list will keep you on track with your behavior and choices.
  • REMEMBER: What you put into middle school is what you are going to getting out of middle school.

As for my classroom expectations, I keep to five simple, but important rules

  1. Follow directions the first time.
  2. Respect yourself and others.
  3. Be ready to learn.
  4. Be an active learner.
  5. Do YOUR best!!

Classroom Procedures

*Be in your seat when the bell rings

*Be prepared for class. This includes:

  • Binder (either Math or Science depending on the class period)
  • Sharpened PENCILS
  • Planner
  • Homework when assigned
  • Readiness to learn

* Come to class on time

  • Tardy slip from office if late

* Use the passing periods for personal use

  • bathroom breaks

*Keep cell phones turned off and put away 7:30am-2:06pm

  • Any phone that goes off in class or is in use will be sent to the office (with you!)

Behavior Expectations (school-wide)

  • Be safe
  • Be responsible
  • Be respectful
  • Be honest

Behavior Consequences

  1. Teacher warning (followed by self-management)
  2. White Behavior Slip sent home for parent signature
  3. Written Essays
  4. Phone call/email home
  5. CVMS Behavioral Incident Form
  6. Office Referral

Positive behavior results include Student of the Month, Citizenship Award, and Most Improved Award, pride, self-respect, personal growth and whole class rewards!


Each student will need the following supplies by Monday August 21, 2017. If you are in need of one or more of these items, please come see me, so I can help you be prepared.

2-2 ½ -inch white 3-ring binder with clear cover (example was shown in class)

Zipper Pouch w/ three holes to be put into binder

Each binder needs 5-tab dividers

Regular Pencils (mechanical pencils ok)

Colored pencils


Small hand-held pencil sharpener

*There may be additional items needed once the school year gets underway.

Math: Over the course of the year, you will learn Math topics related to The Number System, Ratios and Proportions, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, and Statistics. Embedded in all Math learning will be the 8-Mathematical Practices, real-world application, and fluency in basic computation.

Science: Over the course of the year, you will learn Science topics related to Life Science, Physical Science, Earth & Space Science, and Engineering & Technology. Embedded in all Science learning will be 8-Scientific Practices, and connections to other subjects such as Math and Language Arts.

**COMMUNICATION: There are many ways to communicate with me such as the CVMS Webpage, Email, Phone (782-2265 ext.2355), planners, or schedule a meeting time for issues of high-importance.

Above all things, I expect you to have a successful sixth-grade year that will prepare you for the next steps of your educational journey.

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not! ~ Author Unknown