Wednesday,September30, 2015
MENU:Hamburger steak/gravy, Whole wheat roll, Steamed brown rice, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Glazed carrots, Green beans w/ham, Pears, Orange wedges
Students check with your teacher or sponsor to see if you are on the fee list. It is important that you pay before the first nine weeks exams, which will begin on Monday, October 5. All computer fees will need to be paid to Mrs. Accardo in the front office. All other fees will need to go to band, Career Complex and club sponsors. Once the exams begin, you will continue to pay your teacher or sponsor you will not come to the front office to pay your fees.
Students must purchase a parking decal in order to drive on campus. No one is allowed to park in the reserved parking spots (along the sidewalk closest to the building) without a reserved parking decal. You may purchase your decal in the front office during homeroom and during lunch.
- Students please vote for Cam Akers for the Blitz 16 player of the game. You can vote through Wednesday during Homeroom! PLEASE VOTE!! HE NEEDS THE VOTES!!! http;//
- Any Sophomore or Junior girls that are interested in the Distinguished Young Women’s Scholarship program can pick up a form in the counselors office.
- ANCHOR CLUB: The $15 fee is due this Friday. Please pay before school, during homeroom, or after school. No fees will be accepted late. If you are interested in volunteering at the "Pink Out" softball game Thursday, sign up on the Anchor bulletin board.
- NHS Members: If you missed our last regular meeting on Wed. Sept 23, you have until Wed. Sept 30 to come by W210 ( Darnell) to read and sign the minutes from our meeting.
- Students need to log in to Canvas to find details of the Homecoming Dance. Information will be posted under Announcements for your Sophomore, Junior, or Senior class page. Under Files, you will find the powerpoint for the dress code. Please review the powerpoint, and take the quiz that is labeled "Dress Code." Within the quiz, you will need to type your name in the blank provided stating that you understand and agree to follow the dress code. If you have any questions about your dress or attire, please see Mrs. Stepp in room W211 before school, after school or between classes.
- If you are not afraid of heights, then come Sign up for POLE VAULTING!! Come see Coach Perkins in W206
- Jostens will be back on October 1st during lunch to take orders. Please bring your deposit at this time. Packets are available in the front office.
- Introducing P7! Everyone is WELCOME! P7 is a Christian bible study group that meets EVERY Wednesday morning at 8:00 am in Room W113. Feel free to come and join us!
- ANCHOR CLUB: The deadline for paying the $15 dues is October 2. Please pay dues before or after school
"New ACT Review class opportunity at Mississippi College. See the counseling webpage or arrow appeal for more info."
2015-2016 United States Senate Youth Program
The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is an amazing opportunity for motivated student leaders to have direct contact with the highest-level elected and appointed officials in the nation who meet with them during a week-long intensive educational program in Washington, D.C. Students will meet with the President, a Justice of the Supreme Court, U.S. Senators, Cabinet Secretaries and many other leaders. They will visit historic sites, museums and memorials as they learn about the inner workings of the nation's capital. Sponsored by the Senate, the USSYP mission is to encourage the best and brightest students in America's high schools to pursue careers in public service.
The USSYP provides for all expenses, including travel and accommodations, as well as a $5,000 undergraduate college scholarship for each student. Two students from each state will be selected. To access the application and additional