Second Reading Item

California State University Dominguez Hills

Resolution on the Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs

Faculty Resolution 10-08 (MSP 9/1/10)

WHEREAS The Academic Senate of the California State University, Dominguez Hills (ASCSUDH) fully supports the commitments expressed by the Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU) in AS-2895-09/APEP/AA (“Opposition to Impending Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs”) and in AS-2926-09/AA/APEP (“Recommendations Regarding the Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs”); and

WHEREAS The ASCSUDH acknowledges and values the regional character of individual campuses and the diversity of their student populations, and affirms the necessity of diverse campus approaches to moving fully qualified first-time freshmen who require additional skill acquisition (remediation) in English or mathematics to achieve proficiency either prior to, or during, their first year of enrollment; and

WHEREAS Dominguez Hills students will be particularly adversely affected by mandatory “early start” programs which may prevent their working during the summer to earn funds for attending school during the academic year, be it

RESOLVED That the ASCSUDH urges that prior to any implementation the CSUDHimplementation team ensure that serious attention is paid to the financial consequences--both to the campus and to individual students--resulting from the various "early start" approaches. Exemptions should be made broadly available to students who have work or family responsibilities during the summer. The campus implementation team should explore seriously ways in which Early Start programs can be provided at low or no cost to students; and be it further

RESOLVED That the ASCSUDH, steadfast in its belief that the faculty are responsible for developing, delivering and assessing curriculum, urges that CSUDH faculty be fully engaged in the planning, teaching, and evaluating of any “early start” pilot programs and that CSUDH faculty be fully engaged in any planning, teaching, and evaluating of CSUDH “early start” programs; and be it further

RESOLVED That such “early start” pilot programs supplement but not supplant already existing, successful models of proficiency attainment at CSUDHsuch as Summer Bridge,and that the success of the pilot programs themselves be assessed over time to determine their effects upon such factors as retention rates and progress toward degree before the CSU considers mandating adoption of any “early-start” models system-wide.

CSU Academic Senate Resolutions on “early start” programs:

Chancellor’s Executive Order Mandating Early Start: