l. Прочитайте, переведите:

1. He received the message that Mrs.Handless had come and was waiting for him.

2. The White Moustache didn't understand what he had done. He only realized that Maya had struck him with all her force and was crying.

3. Olga was sad: Maxim hadn't come and she would sit alone all the evening.

4. Miss Runner stood up and turned to the door. Maria was still talking to Andrew not seeing that he had fallen asleep.

5. Irene looked ashamed when she saw that she had said something wrong.

2.Прочитайте, переведите:

1. The door opened and all the guests were waiting who would come in.

2. Tatyana was trying to tell Nick that it was lаte and he had promised to let her go home about an hour ago, but he was talking so much that she was not able to say a word. Finally she decided that she would not be able to go home tonight and stood up to leave.

3. Kirill looked outside and saw that the day was going to be fine. He thought that he would certainly date that evening and began to look for the shirts and socks he had thrown around the room before going to bed.

3. Раскройте скобки, подчеркивая, что одно из действий предшествует другому:

1. She opened the door and (to see) that her husband (to come) back.

2. Love (to be forgotten) long before the last letter (to be written).

3. He opened his eyes and the pain in the leg (to tell) him that his leg (to be broken).

4. We realized that they (to spend) all the money and (not to be able) to pay.

5. We (to look) at Mary and (to understand) that she (not to be given) the job..

6. They (to let) her go after they (to ask) all the questions.

4.Раскройте скобки, подчеркивая одновременность совершения действий.

1. I (to turn) when I (to hear) that they (to shout) at each other.

2. I was surprised that you (to know) my name.

3. I didn't know whether the doctor (to mean) what he (to tell) me to do.

4. When we (to reach) the river, the children (to splash) in the water and the parents (to watch)them with interest.

5. Angela entered the room and (to notice) that Maria and Oleg (to have) fun on the sofa. They (to play) cards.

5. Раскройте скобки, определяя, как действия соотносятся друг с другом.

1. She (can not) imagine, what they (to do) there.

2. Janet (to remark) that she (to ask) the boss to see John and he (to meet) him.

3. Helen (to phone) and (to tell) that Oleg (to be ill) for some days.

4. She (to buy) the book and (to read) it.

5. Irene (to phone) when we (to play) chess and (to say) that Alexei (to visit) us a few days later.

6. Olga (to say) that they (to agree) to meet and after the meeting the question (to be settled) very quickly.

7. When I (to see) her, she (to cry).

6. Вставьте на место пропусков глаголы в той форме, которую Вы считаете наиболее подходящей.

1. I ... tired of him. For about an hour he ... me how he ... me. (to be, to tell, to love).

2. Quite soon he ... if the doors ... closed. (to ask, to be)

3. We ... in the forest for two hours when we ... that ... the way and ... in circles. (to wander, to find out, to lose, to go)

4. The boy ... and ... the teacher that the father ... the following week. (to smile, to tell, to come)


1. It (to be decided) that we (to fly) to Berlin as soon as possible.

2. Angela (to pretend) that she (to read), but (to listen) to the boys' talking.

3. Peter (to phone) to say that Julia (to agree) to come to the party with Kate and Kirill (not to be) alone.

4. Maya (to think) all the night, that soon she (to be) a wife of the mosthandsome man in the Universe. Still she (not to be) sure she (to be) very happy to see how the other girls (to look) at him.

5. Nastya (not to make) mistakes till we (to come)

8. Поставьте глаголы в необходимую форму.

1. Nastya and Julia (to have) lunch when Kate (to run) into the room and (to cry) that the boys (to go) to the picnic with the other girls. They (to laugh) when they (to go) under her windows, but Maxim (to say) that it (to be) a pity that Julia (can, to come).

2. The boys (to quarrel) constantly about who (to dance) with Lyuba, but when the time came she (to fall) ill and (not to be) able to come.

9. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в различные временные формы, Переведите каждый вариант. (Добавьте служебные слова, если необходимо)

1. They (to talk) when the dinner (to be served). 2. They (to stare) at each other (.?.) the band (to play) a sad melody. 3. They (to work) and she (to tell) him who (to spread) the rumours about the marriage of Alex and Olga.4. We (to appear) quite in time to find that the pupils (to finish) the task. 5. They (to trade) the house for $ 12,000 (.?.) the news of financial crisis (to spread) in the country. 6. They (to eat) the steak, (to eat) pasta and (to drink) Cola.

10. Измените предложение путем замены временной формы. Переведите оба варианта.

1. I was afraid that he would come and ask for money.

2. She told me that she had entrusted her future security to me.

3. The odd thing about him was that he was so shy when Kate was in sight.

4. It was most unlikely that he was making good progress in his Spanish.

5. It was mentioned that Oleg had been sent for.

6. He stretched himself thinking that Julia would get his letter.

11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.

1. She clung to the belief that Mr. Green (to bе) so fond of her that he never (to be) happy without her and she kept the secret that such a cute guy (to love) her.

2. Sergey thought that he (to sleep) well being so tired. He (to know) that he (to do) such a lot of work that day.

3. It was already their second day together. Since yesterday Maxim (to tell) Kate how great it (to be) to spend the whole week together.

4. It never (to occur) to Mary that she (not to get) the money and (not to be able) to buy the necklace.

5. We got to Waterloo at eleven and asked where the 11.05 train (to start) from. The porter who (to take) our luggage (to say) that it (to start) from platform number five, while the other porter who (to carry) two large suitcases (to say) that he (to hear) the announcement that it (to start) from number twelve. The station master (to come) to ask and (to send) us to number One. At the time we (to reach) the platform, the train (to move) slowly from the number seven.

12. Раскройте скобки так, чтобы получился текст.

The night (to fall) and the full moon (to be) high in the sky. The day (to go) and the competitions (to finish). Most of the tourists (to sleep) already, recalling the day of running and climbing and falling. Sergey and Kate (to sit) by the fire. Tatyana (to snore), Nick (to murmur) something. The day before he (to fall) down while crossing the brook and it (to take) two boys to pull him up the rope. When everything (to be) over they all (to laugh) about his hanging loose.

The mosquitoes (to buzz) around and Kate (to strike) Sergey's cheek killing two, He (to smile). It (to be) surprising that she (to take) care of him. He remembered how she (to be) upset when she (not to be given) the chance to take part in the competition. She (to say) that she (to run) better than John and Alexei. Still the time (to be) up and she (not to be allowed) to go.

They (to hear) the sound of the plane. It (can not) be seen except for the glimmering lights that (to move) among the stars. Soon after it (to be gone) there (to appear) another. There (to be) too much traffic in the sky nowadays.


1. Lyuda (to think) that if any stranger (to come) into the room at the time, he (to take) them for a husband and a wife.

2. I was thinking that it (to be) interesting to start a little gas company in one of those out lying villages, which (to grow) so fast lately and see if we (can) make some money out of it.

3. Angela (to tell) herself that it (to be) the day that (to decide) all her future life.

4. The letter that (to be received) yesterday, (to give) her the feeling of uneasiness and she was sure that it (not to pass) for weeks.

5. He (to lock) the door and (to start) down the stairs when a strange sound (to be heard) in Maya's flat. Someone (to cry) and (to shout) at the same time.

6. She (not to know) that they (to wait) for her for two hours to say goodbye to Olga who (to leave) in the evening.

14. Прокомментируйте использование временных форм в предложениях.

1. He was informed that his parents were out and Aunt Polly had come to him.

2. For a moment he didn't know whether he was asking the question aloud or only in his thought, but finally he understood that he hadn't uttered a word.

3. Angela was glad that they had been left alone and would be able to talk.

4. He made them promise that they would not get married until he had passed the exams. That would give them a year and by then, he hoped, she would have changed her mind.

5. She thought that her sister would see the idea that her husband had been made to decide the case in favour of John.

6. Sheila came to him to tell that they had just got a telegram announcing that John had been killed and they would have to go to the funeral.

7. I felt that she was itching to tell what had happened and would burst into talking as soon as I went.

8. She knew that he had been worried by the letter and was relieved to know that the things were taking a turn to the better and he would be accepted to the party.

15. Переведите на английский.

1. Князь Багратион согласился с таким выражением на лице, как будто все, что здесь происходило, он уже предвидел ранее.

2. Она чувствовала, что все, что говорила Майя, было правдой.

3. Несколько минут после того, как приехал император, слуги были высланы из комнаты, и стало ясно, что будет серьезным разговор.

4. Она выглянула в окно, увидела, что начался дождь, и поняла, что ни Олег, ни Кирилл не придут.

5. Слушай! Я сказал Ольге, что ты прочитал книгу и принесешь ей ее через несколько часов.

6. Она, казалось, уже позабыла о том, что происходило здесь всего несколько минут назад.

7. Внезапно он почувствовал, что девушка на другой стороне улицы наблюдает за ним.

8. Он был вынужден признать, что никогда не встречался с Ириной и просто следил за тем, какое впечатление производят его слова.

9. Мы знали, что Майя интересуется историей, но были уверены, что она никогда не станет ученым.

контрольные ЗАДАНИЯ.

16. Раскройте скобки и прокомментируйте употребленные временные формы.

1. Sergey (to decide) that he (have to) tell Lyuda that it (to be) impossible for him to come to her the next day, but he (to offer) to come any other day.

2. He (to understand) that Kate (to find out) easily why he (not to come) and (to tell) everyone that he (to be) afraid to meet Mary.

3. Tom looked at the teacher and (to notice) that she (to wear) the glasses so dark, that her eyes (not to be seen) at all. He (to smile) and (to think) how hard it (to be) to find out whether she (to look) at him during the test or not. But perhaps that (to be) the very thing the glasses (to be meant) for.

4. It was understood that he (to invite) them to dinner tonight.

5. He (to be sorry) he (to forget) that Alice (to sleep) in the room. But when he (to enter), it (to be) too late to return and he (to stop) to enjoy the view of her beautiful face.

17. Переведите на английский язык:

Майкл медленно шел по направлению к отелю. Был уже поздний вечер, и туман надвигался на город со стороны реки. Улицы были почти пусты. В это время почти все жители смотрели новый сериал. Он почувствовал голод и вспомнил, что не ел ничего с десяти утра. Он поглядел вокруг. За это время он прошел уже несколько кинотеатров, но ни одного кафе поблизости не было. К тому же, последние деньги были истрачены на билет из Кренстона. Возвращаться в отель не хотелось. Там его встретит толстая хозяйка, которая постоянно ходила по коридорам, разговаривая сама с собой.

Майкл понял, что даже если он пришел бы к себе в номер, он все равно не смог бы заснуть. Он знал, что он все равно не забудет Анжелику. Ее глаза, ее светлые короткие волосы никогда не покинут его снов. Он улыбнулся и вспомнил, как она смеялась, выходя из воды в своем оранжево-черном купальнике, как вытирала волосы полотенцем, а потом, улыбаясь сказала, что решила уехать с Эндрю в Россию.

А теперь, он взглянул на часы, она уже около часа летела где-то над океаном, а через несколько часов самолет приземлится в Москве и Эндрю будет представлять ее друзьям как свою невесту.

Вынести такое было невозможно, и Майкл повернул к реке. Вода уже сомкнулась над его головой, когда светловолосая девушка вышла из-за поворота, направляясь к отелю. Она улыбалась, думая, как хорошо она пошутила с Майклом, и как он будет рад, когда она бросится к нему на шею.

Она всегда умела шутить ...

18.Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1. Мы вчера узнали, что она больна. 2. Он думал, что она не придет в школу.

3. Я знал, что моя сестра изучает французский язык, и думал, что она поедет в Париж. 4. Мне сказали, что ты мне звонил. 5. Я думал, что ты в Москве.
6. Я не знал, что ты уже вернулся в Санкт-Петербург. 7. Я боялся, что заблужусь в лесу. 8. Она знала, что мы никогда не видели ее картины.
9. Ученый был уверен, что найдет решение проблемы. 10. Я знал, что ты приехал в Санкт-Петербург, и полагал, что ты навестишь меня. 11. Мы не думали, что он так рассердится. 12. Мы надеялись, что поедем в Лондон.
13. Учитель сказал, что наши друзья прислали письмо из Лондона. 14. Она сказала, что ее подруга пригласила ее в театр. 15. Мы боялись, что не купим билета в театр. 16. Мы увидели, что дети играют в песке. 17. Она сказала, что больше не будет купаться, потому что вода холодная. 18. Мой дедушка сказал, что в молодости он любил кататься на коньках. 19. Моя двоюродная сестра сказала, что любит оперу и будет рада пойти с нами в театр, хотя уже дважды слушала "Травиату."


© Ермолаев Н.В. 1997

Министерство образования

Комитет по образованию Администрации

Раменского района Московской области

Гимназия № 2

Кафедра иностранных языков

Supplementary Exercises



of Tenses


l. Прочитайте, переведите:

1. He received the message that Mrs.Handless had come and was waiting for him.

2. The White Moustache didn't understand what he had done. He only realized that Maya had struck him with all her force and was crying.

3. Olga was sad: Maxim hadn't come and she would sit alone all the evening.

4. Miss Runner stood up and turned to the door. Maria was still talking to Andrew not seeing that he had fallen asleep.

5. Irene looked ashamed when she saw that she had said something wrong.

6. Mr.Naumov looked as if he had eaten a tree.

2.Прочитайте, переведите:

1. The door opened and all the guests were waiting who would come in.

2. Tatyana was trying to tell Nick that it was lаte and he had promised to let her go home about an hour ago, but he was talking so much that she was not able to say a word. Finally she decided that she would not be able to go home tonight and stood up to leave.

3. Kirill looked outside and saw that the day was going to be fine. He thought that he would certainly date that evening and began to look for the shirts and socks he had thrown around the room before going to bed.

3. Раскройте скобки, подчеркивая, что одно из действий предшествует другому:

1. She opened the door and (to see) that her husband (to come) back.

2. Love (to be forgotten) long before the last letter (to be written).

3. He opened his eyes and the pain in the leg (to tell) him that his leg (to be broken).

4. We realized that they (to spend) all the money and (not to be able) to pay.

5. We (to look) at Mary and (to understand) that she (not to be given) the job..

6. They (to let) her go after they (to ask) all the questions.

4.Раскройте скобки, подчеркивая одновременность совершения действий.

1. I (to turn) when I (to hear) that they (to shout) at each other.

2. I was surprised that you (to know) my name.

3. I didn't know whether the doctor (to mean) what he (to tell) me to do.

4. When we (to reach) the river, the children (to splash) in the water and the parents (to watch) them with interest.

5. Angela entered the room and (to notice) that Maria and Oleg (to have) fun on the sofa. They (to play) cards.


17. Переведите на английский язык:

Майкл медленно шел по направлению к отелю. Был уже поздний вечер, и туман надвигался на город со стороны реки. Улицы были почти пусты. В это время почти все жители смотрели новый сериал. Он почувствовал голод и вспомнил, что не ел ничего с десяти утра. Он поглядел вокруг. За это время он прошел уже несколько кинотеатров, но ни одного кафе поблизости не было. К тому же, последние деньги были истрачены на билет из Кренстона. Возвращаться в отель не хотелось. Там его встретит толстая хозяйка, которая постоянно ходила по коридорам, разговаривая сама с собой.

Майкл понял, что даже если он пришел бы к себе в номер, он все равно не смог бы заснуть. Он знал, что он все равно не забудет Анжелику. Ее глаза, ее светлые короткие волосы никогда не покинут его снов. Он улыбнулся и вспомнил, как она смеялась, выходя из воды в своем оранжево-черном купальнике, как вытирала волосы полотенцем, а потом, улыбаясь сказала, что решила уехать с Эндрю в Россию.

А теперь, он взглянул на часы, она уже около часа летела где-то над океаном, а через несколько часов самолет приземлится в Москве и Эндрю будет представлять ее друзьям как свою невесту.

Вынести такое было невозможно, и Майкл повернул к реке. Вода уже сомкнулась над его головой, когда светловолосая девушка вышла из-за поворота, направляясь к отелю. Она улыбалась, думая, как хорошо она пошутила с Майклом, и как он будет рад, когда она бросится к нему на шею.

Она всегда умела шутить ...

18. Переведите на английский язык, соблюдая правило согласования времен.

1. Мы вчера узнали, что она больна. 2. Он думал, что она не придет в школу. 3. Я знал, что моя сестра изучает французский язык, и думал, что она поедет в Париж. 4. Мне сказали, что ты мне звонил. 5. Я думал, что ты в Москве. 6. Я не знал, что ты уже вернулся в Санкт-Петербург. 7. Я боялся, что заблужусь в лесу. 8. Она знала, что мы никогда не видели ее картины. 9. Ученый был уверен, что найдет решение проблемы. 10. Я знал, что ты приехал в Санкт-Петербург, и полагал, что ты навестишь меня. 11. Мы не думали, что он так рассердится. 12. Мы надеялись, что поедем в Лондон. 13. Учитель сказал, что наши друзья прислали письмо из Лондона. 14. Она сказала, что ее подруга пригласила ее в театр. 15. Мы боялись, что не купим билета в театр. 16. Мы увидели, что дети играют в песке. 17. Она сказала, что больше не будет купаться, потому что вода холодная. 18. Мой дедушка сказал, что в молодости он любил кататься на коньках. 19. Моя двоюродная сестра сказала, что любит оперу и будет рада пойти с нами в театр, хотя уже дважды слушала "Травиату."


6. Sheila came to him to tell that they had just got a telegram announcing that John had been killed and they would have to go to the funeral.

7. I felt that she was itching to tell what had happened and would burst into talking as soon as I went.

8. She knew that he had been worried by the letter and was relieved to know that the things were taking a turn to the better and he would be accepted to the party.

15. Переведите на английский.

1. Князь Багратион согласился с таким выражением на лице, как будто все, что здесь происходило, он уже предвидел ранее.

2. Она чувствовала, что все, что говорила Майя, было правдой.

3. Несколько минут после того, как приехал император, слуги были высланы из комнаты, и стало ясно, что будет серьезным разговор.

4. Она выглянула в окно, увидела, что начался дождь, и поняла, что ни Олег, ни Кирилл не придут.

5. Слушай! Я сказал Ольге, что ты прочитал книгу и принесешь ей ее через несколько часов.

6. Она, казалось, уже позабыла о том, что происходило здесь всего несколько минут назад.

7. Внезапно он почувствовал, что девушка на другой стороне улицы наблюдает за ним.

8. Он был вынужден признать, что никогда не встречался с Ириной и просто следил за тем, какое впечатление производят его слова.

9. Мы знали, что Майя интересуется историей, но были уверены, что она никогда не станет ученым.

контрольные ЗАДАНИЯ.

16. Раскройте скобки и прокомментируйте употребленные временные формы.

1. Sergey (to decide) that he (have to) tell Lyuda that it (to be) impossible for him to come to her the next day, but he (to offer) to come any other day.

2. He (to understand) that Kate (to find out) easily why he (not to come) and (to tell) everyone that he (to be) afraid to meet Mary.

3. Tom looked at the teacher and (to notice) that she (to wear) the glasses so dark, that her eyes (not to be seen) seen at all. He (to smile) and (to think) how hard it (to be) to find out whether she (to look) at him during the test or not. But perhaps that (to be) the very thing the glasses (to be meant) for.

4. It was understood that he (to invite) them to dinner tonight.

5. He (to be sorry) he (to forget) that Alice (to sleep) in the room. But when he (to enter), it (to be) too late to return and he (to stop) to enjoy the view of her beautiful face.


5. Раскройте скобки, определяя, как действия соотносятся друг с другом.

1. She (can not) imagine, what they (to do) there.

2. Janet (to remark) that she (to ask) the boss to see John and he (to meet) him.

3. Helen (to phone) and (to tell) that Oleg (to be ill) for some days.

4. She (to buy) the book and (to read) it.

5. Irene (to phone) when we (to play) chess and (to say) that Alexei (to visit) us a few days later.

6. Olga (to say) that they (to agree) to meet and after the meeting the question (to be settled) very quickly.

7. When I (to see) her, she (to cry).

6. Вставьте на место пропусков глаголы в той форме, которую Вы считаете наиболее подходящей.

1. I ... tired of him. For about an hour he ... me how he ... me. (to be, to tell, to love).

2. Quite soon he ... if the doors ... closed. (to ask, to be)

3. We ... in the forest for two hours when we ... that ... the way and ... in circles. (to wander, to find out, to lose, to go)

4. The boy ... and ... the teacher that the father ... the following week. (to smile, to tell, to come)


1. It (to be decided) that we (to fly) to Berlin as soon as possible.

2. Angela (to pretend) that she (to read), but (to listen) to the boys' talking.

3. Peter (to phone) to say that Julia (to agree) to come to the party with Kate and Kirill (not to be) alone.

4. Maya (to think) all the night, that soon she (to be) a wife of the mosthandsome man in the Universe. Still she (not to be) sure she (to be) very happy to see how the other girls (to look) at him.

5. Nastya (not to make) mistakes till we (to come)

8. Поставьте глаголы в необходимую форму.

1. Nastya and Julia (to have) lunch when Kate (to run) into the room and (to cry) that the boys (to go) to the picnic with the other girls. They (to laugh) when they (to go) under her windows, but Maxim (to say) that it (to be) a pity that Julia (can, to come).

2. The boys (to quarrel) constantly about who (to dance) with Lyuba, but when the time came she (to fall) ill and (not to be) able to come.


9. Раскройте скобки, ставя глаголы в различные временные формы, Переведите каждый вариант. (Добавьте служебные слова, если необходимо)

1. They (to talk) when the dinner (to be served). 2. They (to stare) at each other (.?.) the band (to play) a sad melody. 3. They (to work) and she (to tell) him who (to spread) the rumours about the marriage of Alex and Olga. 4. We (to appear) quite in time to find that the pupils (to finish) the task. 5. They (to trade) the house for $ 12,000 (.?.) the news of financial crisis (to spread) in the country. 6. They (to eat) the steak, (to eat) pasta and (to drink) Cola.

10. Измените предложение путем замены временной формы. Переведите оба варианта.

1. I was afraid that he would come and ask for money.

2. She told me that she had entrusted her future security to me.

3. The odd thing about him was that he was so shy when Kate was in sight.

4. It was most unlikely that he was making good progress in his Spanish.

5. It was mentioned that Oleg had been sent for.

6. He stretched himself thinking that Julia would get his letter.

11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в необходимую форму.

1. She clung to the belief that Mr. Green (to bе) so fond of her that he never (to be) happy without her and she kept the secret that such a cute guy (to love) her.

2. Sergey thought that he (to sleep) well being so tired. He (to know) that he (to do) such a lot of work that day.

3. It was already their second day together. Since yesterday Maxim (to tell) Kate how great it (to be) to spend the whole week together.

4. It never (to occur) to Mary that she (not to get) the money and (not to be able) to buy the necklace.

5. We got to Waterloo at eleven and asked where the 11.05 train (to start) from. The porter who (to take) our luggage (to say) that it (to start) from platform number five, while the other porter who (to carry) two large suitcases (to say) that he (to hear) the announcement that it (to start) from number twelve. The station master (to come) to ask and (to send) us to number One. At the time we (to reach) the platform, the train (to move) slowly from the number seven.