Grand Prairie Metro Rotary Board Minutes
August 4, 2008
Attending were: Gregg Driggers, Amy Edmiston, Sam Buchmeyer, Prudence Mathis, Glen McCrary, Richard Jolly, Richard Smith, Sylvia Guerrero-Dean
Call to order: 5:40 p.m.
Review & approval of minutes from July meeting. Prudence made a motion to approve and Glen 2nd.
There was discussion about receiving the minutes a week after the meeting.
Membership report-Sylvia: Sylvia reported that our attendance for July was 84%. Sylvia passed out some statistics on attendance issues. Sylvia will email link for on-line make-ups.
Financial report-Amy: Amy reported that the check written in January to RI for the water project has not cleared; she will be checking on the $100 for Martin. Gregg presented a receipt to be reimbursed for attending the District Membership meeting. Glen made a motion to accept report and Richard Jolly 2nd.
President’s report-Gregg: Gregg announce the arrival of Gabriel for 8/15/2008 @ 4:30 p.m., inviting anyone who could attend to welcome him at the airport. Glen & Gregg will get together and take Gabriel to register at SGPHS. Jeanine & Gregg will attend the Rotary Foundation Seminar, Meet & Greet is Fri., 08/08/2008, Taste of Rotary 09/06/2008 at Glen’s home, the date was changed to accommodate the Air Hogs fundraiser game for the Vernon Relief Fund on 08/15/2008.
Discussion regarding having a joint meeting with the Friday club when past-RI President, Glen Estes speaks; Mark Hepworth is the new Friday Club President, will check with James about program scheduled for that day and will announce at 08/05/08 meeting for a vote.
President Elect’s report-Chuck: Chuck was not present to report due to his son-in-law’s accident.
Club Service report-James: James was not present to report.
Foundation report-Jeanine: Jeanine was not present to report.
Community Service report-Prudence: Prudence is our new Community Service chair since Darcy resigned. She will be scheduling another Meet & Greet, will check with Lisa about the next blood drive, we have bought school supplies for 200 children, Dalworth Community scheduled their distribution to October, Sam will check with the local schools for any needs, still looking for folders & paper.
Vocational Service report-Richard Smith: Richard has 2 students to attend the CampEnterprise from GPHS. The principal has allowed for the absences. Martin will also be attending at no cost to our club. He needs a check for $700.00
International Service report-Pam: Pam was not present to report but Gregg had an email with an update: Medi-send is scheduled for 09/27/08; will verify minimum age for volunteers, Sylvia will send Pam & Prudence the web link.
Webmaster report-Glen: Glen reported that Club Runner is now our official site for reporting and checking our information, we will pay $199 start-up fee and a 3 year commitment; he will check with GPHS about the fundraiser for the Vernon Relief Fund to be held in Sept. 13th or 20th and with Applebee’s.
Sergeant-at-arms report-Jim/Richard Jolly: Richard reported that Jim found a plastic drawer for our supplies, Oct. 7th will be our club assembly to go over Pumpkin Run.
Historian report: position still open
Bylaws report: Gregg will ask Greg Geissner if he will continue with the position, if not, Glen has volunteered to take the position.
Interact report: decided to wait and see how Bianca adjusts to her new position before attempting to start a club at the school.
Pumpkin Run report-Jeanine: Jeanine was not present to report, Gregg reported that we have over $30,000 to donate. Glen suggested we have a an advisory committee for the Pumpkin Run that would keep records and statistics for incoming directors. “Pumpkin Run Advisory Chair” was added by President Gregg.
Child/Alzheimer I.D. report-Melinda: Melinda was not present to report. Gregg will check with her regarding any scheduled events.
Bulletin Editor-Sam: Sam reported doing great on bulletins, he had been on vacation last week and we didn’t have one for the meeting.
Old Business: None to discuss
New Business: Prudence would like to attend the next RILI class, will check with Beverly if we have a credit since Sandi was not able to attend the last one. Gregg mentioned submitting Beverly for Governor once Amy follows up with her regarding her dues.
Glen made a motion to adjourn & Sylvia 2nd.
Meeting adjourned: 7:00 p.m.