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“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37
Bethel Family
Please extend a warm Christian welcome to Dale and Lisa Le Duc. The Council received their membership request and has accepted them into the Bethel family.
Bethel Community
Bethel CRC is invited to join First CRC for the combined New Year's morning worship service at 9:30am on Tuesday, January 1, 2013 at First CRC (Bly Street).
Winter Storm Policy: In the event of a Winter Storm Warning we encourage the congregation to use their own discretion regarding church service attendance. Elders will contact their district members in the event of a service cancellation.
Attention MEN: Howard Minnema will be having a men's bible study on Spiritual Warfare. It will be meeting at his home twice a month starting January 9, 2013. Free coffee and cookies provided. There is a sign-up sheet located on the black grid bulletin board in the back of the narthex.
The Garden, our Bethel CRC Church Plant, would like to welcome you to worship with them. They are located at 402 E. 9th Street in Fond du Lac. The morning worship service begins at 9:00am. During the service they offer Nursery for ages birth-2 years and Sprouts (Children’s Worship) for ages 3 years-3rd grade. Hope to see you there!
The Cadets are going sledding on Wednesday, January 2nd from 6:30-8:00pm. Please meet at the Union and remember to dress warm and bring your sleds!
Attention WOMEN: Everyone wants to be vibrant and productive, living a fruitful life. The secret to the fruitful life is in our relationship with Jesus. Such qualities include love, gentleness, peace, goodness, kindness, and self-control. If you're looking for this kind of fruit in your life, Discover The Fruit of The Spirit is the study for you. Coffee Break will be starting again Wednesday, January 9, 2013. Nursery is provided from birth to 3 and Story Hour is provided for ages 3 to school age. Please contact Andrea Smits 382-5387 with questions and to get your book. Please complete your first lesson by January 9.
December 30, 2012
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
*Call to Worship
*Opening Song (see screen)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
*God's Greeting
*We Greet One Another
*Time of Praise led by Group #3
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
Knowing You
Jesus Saves
Congregational & Offertory Prayer
Offering: 1) General Fund
2) CWC
*Song of Preparation #448
I Lift Up My Eyes to the Mountains
Genesis 45:1-15
Closing Accounts
*Song of Response (see screen)
They'll Know We Are Christians
*Closing Song #544
Lead Me, Guide Me
() Songs for Worship Book
*Those who are able, please stand
December 30, 2012
7:00 p.m. Worship Service
*Call to Worship
*God’s Greeting
*We Greet Each Other
*Opening Song #170
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Congregational & Offertory Prayer
Offering: Back to God Hour
*Song of Preparation (see screen)
Another Year Is Dawning
Psalm 90
Shelter in the Storm
*Song of Response #442
Abide with Me
*Apostles' Creed
*Closing Song #556
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
*Silent Meditation & Reflection
# Psalter
( ) Songs for Worship Book
*Those who are able, please stand
Thank you!519pounds. Job well done!mas day represents Jesus, the Light of the World. The star represents the Star of bethlehPray For:
Those mourning the loss of loved ones…
~ Julia & Luke Houdek, daughter and son-in-law of Don & Lisa Rens, who had to return their
future, adoptive daughter to its birth mother
~please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning
Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness…
~ Scott Odiorne, who is in intensive care due to lung spasms and is also recovering from a valve procedure and a pacemaker installation
~ Nick Hull, who is recovering from surgery on his arm
~ Emily Kasper, 3 year old daughter of a co-worker of Jill Walker, who found out that the spot on
her lung is a very aggressive form of cancer
~ Joe Scheradella, grandfather of Derek Minnema, who is dealing with lung cancer
~ Brian Kartechner, who is recovering from a back injury suffered during a car accident
~ Lisa Rens, who continues to deal with stage IV colon cancer. She has resumed chemo treatments
after3 new tumors were found on her liver.
~ Kevin De Boer, Waupun Elementary school teacher and Varsity baseball coach, who was
diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer
~for all those who have been sick or had procedures, for continued recovery
Those suffering from chronic illnesses…
~ Sawyer Lange
~ Kristin Sauer
~ Dick Ritzema
~ Michelle DeKok
~ Trinity Lange
Those unable to attend worship services…
~ Bernice Loomans - Christian Homestead
~ Bonnie Luteyn -OakwoodVillage in Madison
~ Dick & Edith Ritzema - Christian Home
~ Leah Kemink - Whippoorwill House
~ Shirley Oosterhouse - Continental Manor
U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad…
~ Austin Page, grandson of Henry and Alice Heeringa, who recently enlisted in the Marines and is in basic training at Camp Pendleton in California
~ Erin DeVries, daughter of Glenn and Pat DeVries--currently stationed at Great Lakes Naval
Base, North Chicago, IL
~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--currently stationed in Michigan
~Bryce Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base,
North Chicago, IL
~Ashlyn DeVries, granddaughter of Annabelle DeVries--currentlystationed in Fort Lewis,
~ Andrew DeVries, grandson of Annabelle DeVries--who is currently home and serves one
weekend a month
~ Reverend Peter Hofman, currently stationed in Fort Bragg, North Carolina
To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list,
please contact Laura Hoekstra @ 324-4962or .
Office Hours the week of 12/31 will be: W&TH from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm.Please have allbulletin
announcements in by 9:00 am on Thursday to ensure they are included in the bulletin.