Achievement: “With a collective dedication of personal commitment, determination, ability and willingness, you will realize your goals. And, it is in the afterglow of victory that your accomplishments will be most gratifying.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Attitude: “A frame of mind that illuminates with a spirit of vitality, energy and confidence. Success originates with a good attitude...the difference comes from within.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Character: “Character comes from within. It is not what others think of you, but what you think of yourself. It is not what others expect of you, but what you expect from yourself. It is not what others judge you to be, but how you judge yourself. For there are not standards greater than what people of character place upon themselves.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Commitment: “Driven by determination, fueled by duty, obligated by promise. A steadfast resolve to achieve. Resolute in the face of adversity, uncompromising in the restraints of time. It is often the difference between winning and losing; it is always the difference between what may be achieved, and what is.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Determination: “An inner reliance driven by tenacity and a bold conviction to accomplish, whatever the challenge faced or the commitment required. Simply put, it is the difference between the possible and impossible.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Enthusiasm: “A contagious and boundless energy that produces a zest for life and a spirit of exhilaration. There is no substitute for enthusiasm. Having fun in what you do makes the results of what you do even greater.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Excellence: “No matter what it is you do in life, it is your commitment to excellence at what you do that sets you apart from others, and allows for success.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Integrity: “A ceaseless beacon of light that comes from within, providing steadfast direction and an unwavering commitment to do what is right. Integrity cannot be bought or bartered. It is a reputation crafted by others, built upon honor, strengthened by challenge and reinforced by consistency.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Pride: “When everything is equal: ability, preparation, focus and responsiveness, there will still be a winner and a loser. What is the difference? Simple: the person who relishes the challenge, who refuses to lose. The person with the most pride.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Risk: “A willingness to accept uncertainty, regardless of a likelihood for jeopardy. You cannot simply wish to be where you want to go, until you leap from where you are.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Success: “It is not a port of destination, but a never ending journey through the tides of life. For it is the continuous quest for growth that provides a harbor for self esteem.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Teamwork: “A symphony of life. A collaboration of individual efforts focused on excellence, working in concert to achieve a collective goal. For there is no sound more exhilarating than the voices of many singing in victory.” by Robert E. Sgariata
Vision: “An intuitive ability to grasp what others are unaware of, and to behold what others cannot see.” by Robert E. Sgariata