Reading SIP for Priority School Indicators

Priority School Data points:
A01, A02, A04, B10, B15, C13, D01, D02, E12, F03, F04, F07, I01, H01, H03, I03, I04, I02, I06 , (L03)
DO: Develop and Implement Deployment Plan
Step # / Cycle 1 List the specific steps your team will complete during the first cycle. / Person(s) responsible for completion of the step. / Measure/Indicator
(How will you know if the step is completed correctly?) / Start Date / End Date
1 / Training on monthly progress monitoring for students receiving Tier 1 intervention / IF / PLC minutes / 10/7/2013 / 10/7/2013
2 / Reading A-Z lessons with fluency checks in the elementary classroom / Bame / Fluency checks / 10/7/2013 / ongoing
3 / Begin next step of screening if indicated by the Literacy Diagnostic flow Chart / Bame (elementary), Reilly and Barkiewicz (middle school), Adams and Gonio (high school) with IF support / Assessment data will be placed in student folder / 10/07/2013 / ongoing
4 / Attend district level professional development through i3 + C3 = success for Tier 1 intervention strategies / Adams, Bame / I3 + C3 = success sign-in sheet / 11/2013 / 12/2013
5 / Attend training on implementation of individual PDSA / IF / PLC agenda and sign-in sheet / 12-16-2013 / 12-16-2013
6 / Teachers create classroom strategy boards / Classroom teacher with TA support / Strategy board visible in classrooms/CWT Data (Do) / 12/09/2013 / ongoing
7 / Assess students reading skill gaps at mid year(MS in January and HS in February) / Barkiewicz and Adams with support from IF, Reilly, and Gonio / Students data folders
RtI tracking sheet / 1/8/2014
2/08/2014 / 1/31/2014
8 / Analyze data and Identify next steps to meet student needs (more assessments, change Tier 1 strategy, identify progress monitoring strategy, move to Tier 2) / Core teacher with support from IF/RtI coordinator and Intervention Specialist / Data Day
RtI tracking sheet
Strategy board / 02/28/2014 / ongoing