28.4 pages 904-911
The Soviet Union Under Stalin
1. What was done with Lenin’s body?
2. Why did Stalin decide on this course?
A Totalitarian State
3. What did Marx predict would happen to the state?
4. What did Stalin turn the Soviet Union into?
5. List the goals of the Five-Year-Plan. (There are three)
6. What is a command economy?
7. How did the government try to push workers and managers to meet the goals set for industry?
8. What advancements were made between 1928 and 1939?
9. Describe the standard of living for those living in the USSR. Do not say “low.”
10. Explain the concept of collective farms.
11. What seem to be the advantages and disadvantages of living and working on a collective farm?
12. Why did some peasants resist the collectivization plan?
13. How did Stalin respond to this resistance?
14. What is the Terror Famine?
Stalin’s Terror Tactics
15. In what ways did Stalin take control of Soviet society?
16. What are the Gulags?
17. What is the Great Purge?
18. How did the purges increase Stalin’s power?
19. How do you thinking this affected Soviets’ feelings toward their government?
20. How did the purge affect the progress of the Soviet Union?
Communist Attempts to Control Thought
21. What FOUR ways did Stalin try to control the hearts and minds of the Soviet Citizens?
22. How did Stalin use propaganda?
23. How did Stalin try to censor the arts?
24. What is the reality of socialist realism?
25. What is Russificaiton?
26. Where and why did Stalin impose this policy?
27. Why did Stalin and the Communist promote atheism?
Soviet Society Under Stalin
28. How did life under Stalin change for
a. The Elite?
b. Children?
c. The sick?
d. Women?
Soviet Foreign Policy and Looking Ahead
29. What are the similarities and differences between Lenin and Stalin’s foreign policies?
30. How will people’s lives living in the USSR compare to those in the west?