New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable (#149)

Two Keynote Addresses on Regional Energy Issues; and,

Enabling Consumers in NE: New Technologies, Practices, & Policies to Transform Retail Energy Markets

Friday, February 26, 2016, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Host: Foley Hoag, 13th Floor Conference Room, 155 Seaport Boulevard, Boston

Convener/Moderator: Dr. Jonathan Raab, Raab Associates, Ltd.

Twitter: #RaabRT Website:


9:00 Welcome and Introductions—Dr. Jonathan Raab

9:05 Two Keynote Addresses on Regional Energy Issues

MA Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Matthew Beaton

Québec Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Pierre Arcand

10:15 Break

10:45 Enabling Consumers in NE: New Technologies, Practices, & Policies to Transform Retail Energy Markets

Harvey Michaels, Director Energy Mgt. Research, MIT (Sloan)

Jim Steffes, EVP Corporate Affairs, Direct Energy

Jim Gallagher, Executive Director, New York State Smart Grid Consortium

Micah Remley, Senior VP of Product, EnerNOC

Dan Allegretti, VP State Government Affairs (East), Exelon

12:30 Adjourn

·  2016 Roundtable dates:- 5/18 Special 150th Roundtable Gala at Seaport Hotel, 9/30 and12/9.

·  To get Roundtable agendas and announcements sign up for email notifications on the website -- (click the Roundtable Icon).

·  Live webstreaming of the Roundtable is free for employees of our sponsoring organizations, and $35 for others. For more info and to sign up, go to:

·  Powerpoint presentations for all Roundtables will continue to be available to all at no charge at

·  2016 Sponsor Drive Continues

The Restructuring Roundtable is generously sponsored in 2016 by Analysis Group, Anbaric Transmission, Canadian Consulate Boston, Cape Light Compact, CMEEC, ConEd Solutions, Constellation Energy, Daymark Energy Advisors, Direct Energy, Dong Energy, E4TheFuture, Emera Energy, Energy Tariff Experts, Energy Options, EnerNOC, Entergy, Eversource, Foley Hoag, GDF Suez, Hydro Québec US, ISO-New England, Kinder Morgan, Levitan & Associates, MassCEC, MA DOER, National Grid, NH Electric Co-op, Next Era Energy, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Northeast Gas Association, NRG Energy, Power Options, PSEG, Québec Delegation (Boston), Repsol, Spectra Energy, SunEdison, Synapse Energy Economics, and Unitil.