January 29, 2013

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 by Chairman, Watty Brooks Hall.

Members present: Watty Brooks-Hall, Nancy Bassett, Polly Shipley, Shannon Byers, Tamara Swain, Nita Rentrop, John Oros, Jr., Laura Todd, Gail Sredonja, Chip Petersen (Director of Collierville Parks and Recreation) and Sheila Moody - staff.

Members absent: Shannon Izquierdo, Bob Chandler, Tina Parmar, and Alderman Tom Allen.

Sheila Moody distributed the meeting agenda.

Minutes from the September meeting were distributed by Polly Shipley, Secretary. Minutes were approved as written.

Watty asked each member to give a short member’s report.

Sheila Moody gave the Tourism report. She handed out new Tourism packets to all members and gave a report on the American Bus Association Conference which she attended the first week of January. She had several meetings and made lots of contacts for possible tours in 2014. Included in the packets are the new Collierville Visitors Guides.

Shannon Byers – on Main Street Collierville Board and she helped with tourism in Louisville KY.

Tamara Swain gave dates for MS Summer Concerts series and noted that the MS committee would be selecting bands in February.

Laura Todd talked about the MS Board planning meeting and that the calendar of events for 2013 had been set and sent to Parks department. She also reported that she had attended the TN Directors meeting in Nashville.

Gail Sredonja let the committee know that any dates or events that we would like added to the Chamber calendar, that she would be glad to do that if the commission would just send her the information. Gail is also on the Town Beautiful Commission.

Nita Rentrop spoke about the Motor Coach lists and doing follow-ups to get more tours to Collierville.

John Oros, Jr. discussed his responsibilities at the Memphis Convention Bureau and how he can help Collierville with baseball tournaments etc.

Polly Shipley spoke about the Kiwanis club and the great things they are doing i.e. Haunted Trail and Angel Tree to raise money for the different organizations in Collierville.

Nancy Bassett reported that the Contemporary Club raised over $12,000 with the Home Tours in December. She also discussed the Civil War reenactment and that the Biblical Museum has a $20,000 replica of the original printing press.

Watty handed out a report from Erin Narloch of all the wonderful things that are happening at the Morton Museum.

Officers were elected and are as follows: Chair – Watty Brooks-Hall; Vice Chair – Shannon Izquierdo and Secretary – Shannon Byers.

Next meeting date will be on April 23, 2013.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00.

Sheila Moody