Joost Jan DeMoes

1005 Oshkosh Court, Bakersfield, CA 93312



California State University, Bakersfield; M.A. Educational Administration June 1995

California State University, Bakersfield; B.S. Chemistry June 1989 Summa Cum Laude Chief Certificate of Completion Chief Business Official Mentor Project

PUBLIC SCHOOL FINANCE (Current position)

Chief Financial Officer for Rio Bravo-Greeley School District; managed $7.5 million annual operating budget and partially administered a $10 million facility modernization project through California’s Recession

Oversight responsibilities in the following areas: Accounting; Budget Development and Control; School Finance and Funding; Facility Planning and Construction; Human Resources; Maintenance and Operations; Information System Technology; Transportation; Risk Management; Food Services.


Writer for the District’s Local Control Accountability PlanLocal Education Agency Plan

Provided District-Level and School-Site Level Leadership for the implementation of Common Core Standards

50 Point Academic Performance Index (API) increase for Rio Bravo-Greeley Elementary from 2009-2011 which established the school as the fifth highest performing middle school in Kern County. Increased API Index for Hispanic and Low-Socio Economic Subgroups by 57 and 79 points

Triangulated academic performance data, goals and funding sources; ImplementedProfessional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention programs forincreased teacher collaboration and acceleratedstudent learning

6 years Adjunct Professor: Instructed Effective Mathematics Instruction for Elementary Teachers and Educational Leadership courses at Point Loma Nazarene University, Bakersfield

Restructured Title One Program to improve reading performance of students in K-3


California Music Educator Association State Administrator of the Year 2005

Writer for National Blue Ribbon School Award, Centennial Elementary School

Writer for California Distinguished School Award, Centennial Elementary School


Executive Director of Flood Bakersfield Ministries;

Provide leadership development for Bakersfield Influencers

Lead team to build housesin impoverished an area near Ensenada, Mexico;

MentoredMiddle and High School age youth;


Established Bakersfield Investment Club 201 in July 2013; $ 1 Million in Assets

Developed SAT/ACT Test Preparation and Academic Tutoring Business; GOBIGSAT

Managed 400-Acre Family Farm


Present Chief Financial Officer for Rio Bravo-Greeley School District

2008 – 2010 Principal, Rio Bravo-Greeley Elementary School

2006 – 2007 Principal, Centennial Elementary School

2000 – 2006 Principal, Freedom Middle School (Opened New School)

2000 – 2005 Adjunct Professor, Point Loma Nazarene University, Bakersfield Campus

1998 – 2000 Principal, Rosedale North Elementary School

1995 – 1998 Teacher & Coach Grades 1 & 6, Centennial Elementary

1992 – 1995 Teacher & Coach, Math & Science, Rosedale Middle School

1989 – 1992 Teacher & Coach, Math & Science, McFarland High School