City Council – 06-28-11 – Page 1



JULY 12, 2011

Saint Michael City Center7:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Jerry Zachman; Council Members Kevin Kasel, Joe Marx (in at 7:09), and Cindy Weston;City Attorney Dave Lenhardt; City Administrator Bob Derus; and City Clerk Diana Berning. Council Member Schoen was excused from the meeting, but listened to the discussion via phone. Mayor Zachmancalled the meeting to orderdeclaring a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was said.

Set Agenda.Discussion regarding a circus during Daze & Knights was added to the City Administrator Report. Council MembersWeston/Kaselmoved approval of the agenda as amended. All voted aye.

Citizen Input.No one asked to be recognized under Citizen Input.

Consent Agenda.Council Members Kasel/Westonmoved approval of Consent Agenda Items a) throughj),as listed below. All voted aye.

a)Resolution #07-12-11-01 Approving Minutes of the June 28th City Council Meeting and July 7th Emergency Meeting

b)Resolution #07-12-11-02 Approving the 2012/2013 Law Enforcement Contract

c)Resolution #07-12-11-03 Approving Equipment Sharing Agreement

d)Resolution #07-12-11-04 Assessing Penalties for Failure to Comply with Liquor Laws

e)Resolution #07-12-11-05 Approving Special Use Permit No. 2011-S-02 for a Dog Grooming Business

f)Resolution #07-12-11-06 Accepting Bids and Awarding the 2011 Street Striping Project

g)Resolution #07-12-11-07 Approving Public Works Uniform Contract

h)Resolution #07-12-11-08 Amending the 2011 Daze & Knights Festival Budget

i)Resolution #07-12-11-09 Approving Application for Bingo & Raffles at the St. Michael Catholic Church

j)Resolution #07-12-11-10 Approving Easement Agreement for 341 Halsey Avenue NE

City Attorney Report. Attorney Lenhardt had nothing specific to report.

City Administrator Report.

Follow-up on Performance Measurement Program.Administrator Derus explained he found nothing that would prevent the State Auditor or media from using the data submitted to compare cities and services. Kasel said he was hesitant to participate in the program, since the survey results would not be very reliable. (Marx in). Derus said there is nothing further that is required of the city this year, the survey results and other information are not needed until 2012. The council decided to revisit whether to participate in the program or opt out once staff begins compiling the information.

CircusDuring Daze & Knights. Derus informed the council the Daze & Knights committee tentatively scheduled a circus during the city festival this year, but because of criticism received last time a circus was in St. Michael, the committee wanted to make sure council was okay with it. Kasel acknowledged the council does not approve other events scheduled as part of Daze & Knights; therefore, approval is not necessary for the circus. The council was not opposed to having the circus in St. Michael again. A lot of residents liked the circus last time it was in St. Michael.

Approval of Claims.Council Members Marx/Westonmoved to approve checks #30853-30918,credit card transactions, and July dental premiums in the amount of $276,382.90. All voted aye.

Marx invited the council to a car show in Rogers on Saturday, July 16th. It will be posted.

Adjourn. Council Members Marx/Kaselmoved to adjourn at7:17p.m. All voted aye.



City ClerkMayor