Mrs. Tamra Wilson

Veritas Classical School

Kindergarten Assignment Sheet # 19

Begin: 1/27 Due: 2/3

Phonics/Handwriting: book D / e as in me / o as in go / y as in fly. You may refer to page 62 of Handbook for Reading

Day 1:

o  Letters and Sounds, pages 121-122.

o  Writing with Phonics, pages 107-108

o  I Learn to Read, Book D, pages 2-4. Review heavily on page 2 the short & long vowel sounds, along with the clue words. Review flashcard for sight word to on pg.4.

Special Sound Instruction – e as in me: “When e is the first vowel in a two-vowel word, it says its long sound. E also says its long sound when it is by itself at the end of a short word.” Write, point, and read with your child me, he, we, & be.

o  Make up several fun three- or four- word sentences using one- & two-vowel words to read together with your child. Have your child mark the vowels correctly in each word.

o  Review consonant & vowel charts, long & short vowel sounds, and one- and two- vowel rules.

o  Writing with Phonics, page 102.

Day 2:

Special Sound Instruction- o as in go: “We already know o says its long sound when it is the first vowel in a two-vowel word. O also says its long sound when it is by itself at the end of a short word.” Write, point, & read with your child so, no, go, yo-yo.

o  Writing with Phonics, pages 109-110.

Letters and Sounds K, pages 123-124.

Day 3:

o  Writing with Phonics, pages 111-112.

o  I Learn to Read, Book D- After rereading pages 2-4, read pages 5-8.

o  Sing Alphabet song. Have child give 5 vowels, saying long & short sounds for each. Review term consonant.

o  Review o as in go, and e as in me. Have child read each word again- me, he, we, be, so, no, go, yo-yo.

o  Letters and Sounds K, page 125.

Day 4:

o  I Learn to Read, Book D, pages 7-10. Reward good work with stickers or stars! (Ice cream works well, too!)

o  Letters and Sounds K, pages 127.

Special Sound Instruction- y as in fly. “We already know y says its long sound when it is the first vowel in a two-vowel word. Sometimes y pretends it’s a vowel. When it comes at the end of a short word and there is no other vowel, y says I.” Write, point to , and read fly, by, my, fry, try, cry, sly.

o  Letters and Sounds, page 128.

o  Rhyme – Dictate 2 words to your child. If the 2 words rhyme, your child should say yes. If the 2 words do not rhyme, your child should say no. If the 2 words rhyme, ask your child to say a word that rhymes with the word pair: house – blouse, car – star, cake – cart, ill – hill, book – hood, cake – lake, tail – tall

Optional Activities:

Phonemic Awareness: (understanding the sounds from which words are made)

·  Identify letters in the initial and ending position. Place lettercards in front of your child. Use the word list and have your child hold up the card which represents the sound he hears at the beginning or ending of each word.

·  Identify middle vowel sound in a word - Give your child lettercards a, e, i, o, and u. Dictate the following words and have your child respond by raising the correct lettercard for the middle sound heard in the word. (Stress the vowel so that your child clearly hears the middle sound.) brass, rod, drift, red, rust, grill, rest, rag, crab, trust, Rick, dress

Additional related activities:

Sentence Scramble: Use the word cards from the word list to create a simple sentence. Mix up the order but provide the first word of the sentence. Have your child read each word. Then unscramble the words by putting them in order and read the sentence correctly.

Character Trait: Kindness

·  Beyond the text of the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Susan Jeffers adds to the story line with her illustrations. In these pictures she shows a man taking time to feed the wild animals and bring presents to a family. Although this is not part of the poem, you can still discuss showing kindness to people and animals.

·  The Bible says a wise man is good to his animals, Proverbs 12:10. In addition, Acts 28 tells a story of people who were extremely kind to Paul and the other shipwreck victims on the island of Malta, while Hebrews 13:16 says not to forget doing good and sharing with others.

·  There will be no memory verse for this week! Continue reading and memorizing Robert Frost’s poem!

Critical Thinking: Complete pages 7 & 8 of Math Analogies.

Math: Complete both sides of Saxon workbook pages 78-84.

Exploring Number at the concept levelWe are working with number at the concept level. The children explore number patterns using concrete materials. Your child will demonstrate their understanding at the concept level by: 1) building a concrete model with a variety of manipulatives 2) describing what they created using language

Materials: A collection of small objects (your home collection e.g., rocks, buttons, goldfish crackers, beads) and a paper work space (8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper: Consider the color of the work space paper. For instance, a blue paper might be used to generate stories that take place in water or the sky, green paper might generate stories about the grass or a tree.) To reinforce number concept at home, do the following activity:

Procedure: Tell your child a number story. Ask him to act it out with the objects on the work space as you go. For example: The work space is blue. It is the sky. There are six birds sitting in the tree. Two birds flew away. How many birds are in the tree now? Then 3 more birds flew by and decided to rest in the tree. Now there are seven birds in the tree. Take turns adding to the story – all the time modeling the story with manipulatives.

Read Aloud: Please read a rhyme, pattern/repetition, or concept book to your child each day. Also include good quality children’s literature from these categories; concept books (alphabet, opposites, numbers, colors, seasons…) picture books, easy readers, poetry, chapter books and books that build and develop character. Encourage your child to relate the story to any personal experiences, to recall their favorite parts and to sequence the events in the story in order. Remember to read at least 10 minutes each day.

Sharing: none!

* Please keep the weekly assignment sheets in a folder at home to use for review and


Parent Signature ______

Homework checklist of what to return next week:

o  Letters and Sounds K, pages 121-128.

o  Continue memorizing Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost. We will be practicing in class as well. : )

o  Saxon K math pages 78-84