
ontario regulation 559/17

made under the

Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007

Made: December 13, 2017
Filed: December 19, 2017
Published on e-Laws: December 19, 2017
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 6, 2018

Amending O. Reg. 79/10


1.Section 165 of Ontario Regulation 79/10 is amended by adding the following subsection:

(5)Despite subsection (4), sections 166 and 169to 182 do not apply to the appropriate placement co-ordinator in respect of placing persons on a waiting list for admission to areunification priority access bed and ranking persons for admission to that bed, which shall bedone in accordance with sections 206.2 and 206.3.

2.The Regulation is amended by adding the following sections:

Reunification Priority Access Beds

Designation of beds

206.1(1)The Director may designatea specified number of long-stay program bedsin a long-term care home as reunification priority access beds, subject to any terms and conditions as the Director may specify.

(2)A licensee shall comply with the terms and conditions of a designation.

(3)The Director may, at any time,amend the terms and conditions of a designation or revoke the designation.

(4)The Director shall advisethe licenseefor the long-term care home in which one or more reunification priority access bedsare designated and the appropriate placement co-ordinator in writingof,

(a)the designation and any terms and conditions to which it is subject;

(b)if the Director amends the terms and conditions, the amended terms and conditions; and

(c)if the Director revokes the designation, the revocation of the designation.

Waiting lists and ranking, reunification priority access beds

206.2(1)The appropriate placement co-ordinator for a long-term care home shall keep aseparate waiting list for admission to the reunification priority access beds designated within the home in accordance with this Regulationthat is in addition to and separate from any waiting listthat is required to be kept under section 165.

(2)The appropriate placement co-ordinator shall place a person on a waiting list for admission to a reunification priority access bed in a long-term care home if,

(a)the person is determined by the placement co-ordinator to be eligible for long-term care home admission as a long-stay resident under section 155;

(b)the person applies in accordance with this Regulation for authorization of his or her admission to a reunification priority access bed in a long-term care home in which the person’s spouse or partner is a long-stay resident;

(c)the licensee of the long-term care home approves the person’s admission to the reunification priority access bed; and

(d)the person meets the requirements for placement in category 1 on the waiting list for a long-term care home under section 171.

(3)The following rules apply to the priority for admission to a reunification priority access bed:

1.The highest priority shall be given to applicants on a waiting list for admission to a reunification priority access bed in a long-term care homewho continue to meet the requirements under subsection (2) when the vacancy arises. As among themselves, they shall be ranked for admissionaccording to the date on which their spouses or partners were admitted to the long-term care home.

2.If there is no person on the waiting list for admission to a reunification priority access bed described in paragraph 1 when the vacancy arises, all other applicants who are on the waiting list for the home that is required to be kept under section 165 shall be ranked for admissionto the reunification priority access bed in accordance with the ranking of waiting list categories set out in Column 6 of the Table to section 181 and the rules for ranking within categories set out in section 182.

Admission to reunification priority access beds

206.3(1)The appropriate placement co-ordinator shall authorize the admission of an applicant to a reunification priority access bed only if,

(a)the applicant’s admission may be authorized under section 185; and

(b)the applicant meets the requirements for placement on a waiting list for admission to a reunification priority access bed set out in subsection 206.2 (2)when the vacancy arises.

(2)Clause (1) (b) does not apply if there is no applicant on the waiting list for admission to a reunification priority access bed who meets the requirements in subsection 206.2 (2) when the vacancy arises.

(3)A reunification priority access bed that is occupied by a resident who was admitted to the bed from the waiting list that is required to be kept under section 165 ceases to be designated as a reunification priority access bed.

(4)Ifareunification priority access bed ceases to be designated under subsection (3), along-stay program bed of the same class of accommodation as the reunification priority access bedis deemed to be a reunification priority access bedif,

(a)the long-stay program bed becomes vacant; and

(b)when the vacancy arises,

(i)all of the designated reunification priority access beds in the long-term care home are occupied,

(ii)there is at least one person on the waiting list that is required to be kept under subsection 206.2 (2), and

(iii)there is no resident described in clause 207 (1) (f) in the home.

(5)Subsection (4) applies despite subsections 205 (1) and (5), subsections 205.1 (1) and (2), the rules concerning transfer lists in section 207 and subsection 207 (5).

(6)The appropriate placement co-ordinator shall keep the licensee informed as to whether or not there is at least one person on the waiting list that is required to be kept under subsection 206.2 (2).

(7)A licensee of a long-term care home in which one or more long-stay program beds have been designated as reunification priority access beds shall keep a list of the names of each resident of the home who was admitted to a reunification priority access bed from the waiting listthat is required to be kept under subsection 206.2 (2), the date of admission and the date on which the resident ceases to occupy the reunification priority access bed.


3.This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2018 and the day it is filed.


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