The UK Donation Ethics Committee is holding a one-day workshop to clarify and address the complex ethical issues associated with the donation after cardiorespiratory death for cardiac transplantation.

Use of the heart for transplantation after the donor has been declared dead by cardiorespiratory criteria brings a multiplicity of issues encompassing both ethics and law, and these become particularly emotive when paediatric patients are considered.

A number of clinical teams in the UK are considering the development of protocols for procedures of this type, for both paediatric and adult cases. The UKDEC is working with these teams and others to develop an ethical framework, setting out the principles for progress and identifying the ethical boundaries.

A one-day workshop will be held on 07 October 2011 in central London, at the Park Plaza Hotel, Victoria, SW1V 1EQ. The aims of the workshop are:

  • to clarify the ethical issues associated with procedures of this type;
  • to consider how these may be addressed;
  • to consider the issues in the context of bothpaediatric and adult donors;
  • to begin to develop guidance and information to support clinical teams and ethics committees developingsuch protocols.

This workshop will be of interest to:

  • Transplant surgeons and others working with recipients;
  • Intensive care staff, SNODs and others working with donors
  • Chairs and members of Research Ethics Committees
  • Other healthcare professionals involved in transplantation,
  • Patient groups, donor families and transplant recipients

Attendance will be by invitation only in order to ensure an appropriate spread of expertise and interest in this complex topic. If you are unable to attend but would like to send a nominee, please contact Maureen Bryan at:. A complete list of all those invited is attached.

Please complete the attached reply form and return to the secretariat.

The UK Donation Ethics Committee was established in 2010to consider ethical issues in organ donation and transplantation. It is funded by the UK Health Departments and hosted by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. For more information see


WORKSHOP TO BE HELD 07 OCTOBER 2011, Park Plaza Hotel, Victoria SW1V 1EQ

Please note that in order to ensure the appropriate spread of expertise and interests, attendance is by invitation only. Contact the secretariat if you would like to nominate an alternate. Please return this form as soon as possible to the secretariat ().

Job Title
Email address
Area of interest/expertise (please list all that apply)
What ethical questions would you like to be addressed in this workshop? (box will expand as you type)
Please note any special dietary or other requirements:


07 OCTOBER 2011.

Name / Organisation
Prof Terence Stephenson / Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Kevin Morris / Paediatric Intensive Care Society
David Field / British Association of Perinatal Medicine
Bruce Taylor / Intensive Care Society
Julian Bion / Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
Dr Peter Nightingale / RoyalCollege of Anaesthetists
Prof Shakeel Qureshi / British Congenital Cardiac Association
Steve Stott / Scottish Intensive Care Society
John Colvin / President, ScottishAcademy
Prof P J Helms / Scottish Paediatric Society
Chris Watson / British Transplantation Society
Clinical and Research Ethics
Andrew George / NRES (Chair, National Research Ethics Advisory Panel, NREAP)
Clive Collett / NRES (Secretary, NREAP)
Michael Buck / Lay member, Herts REC
Alison Wooster / Cambridge East REC
David Parkes / Cambridge East REC
Angie Scales / GOSH
Rachel Hodge / Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Vassilios Papolois / ImperialCollege
Keith Rigg / Nottingham
John Dark / Newcastle
Alex Manara / Bristol
Dale Gardiner / Nottingham
James Fraser / Bristol
Reinout Mildner / Birmingham
Patient/Parent representation
Pauline Weaver / Donor Family Network
[to be advised] / Donor Family
David Price / Medical Law, DeMontfort
Margaret Brazier / Medical Law, Manchester
Ian Kennedy / Medical Ethics
Dr Rebecca Bennett / University of Manchester
Dr Melissa McCullough / QueensUniversity, Belfast
Jennifer Leeming / Coroner, West Greater Manchester
Martin Smith / Chair, Donation Advisory Group, NHSBT

Clinical Teams in Newcastle, GOSH and Papworth; UKDEC members and others

Name / Org
Asif Hasan / Newcastle Upon Tyne
Raj Mohindra / Newcastle Upon Tyne
Jon Smith / Newcastle Upon Tyne
Stephen Louw / Newcastle Upon Tyne
Michael Burch / Great Ormond St
Matthew Fenton / Great Ormond St
Kate Bull / Great Ormond St
Vic Larcher / Great Ormond St
Stephen Large / Papworth
Yasir Abu Omar / Papworth
Katie Asplin / Papworth
Simon Messer / Papworth
James Neuberger / NHSBT
Gary Hughes / NHSBT
Sally Johnson / NHSBT
Hugh Davies / National Research Ethics Service
Paul Murphy / NHSBT
Karen Quinn / NHSBT
Paula Aubrey / UKDEC
Heather Draper / UKDEC
Bobbie Farsides / UKDEC
Joe Brierley / UKDEC
Gurch Randhawa / UKDEC
Leslie Hamilton / UKDEC
Graham Brushett / UKDEC
Anthony Warrens / UKDEC
Ellie Updale / UKDEC
Kesh Baboolal / UKDEC
Penney Lewis / UKDEC
Stephen Cole / UKDEC
Peter Simpson / UKDEC