Names ______

Drama period ______Title ______

Duo Pantomime Assignment

Directions: Pantomime is the art of non-verbal communication, or using your body to communicate. You will create a story line with a beginning, middle, and end and central conflict that is clearly resolved. With a partner, you will create your own pantomime performance that follows these guidelines:

1. Your pantomime will be 2-4 minutes in length.

2. Your pantomime will have a clear beginning, middle, and end

3. Your pantomime will include at least 3 imaginary props

4. Your pantomime will have a clearly defined setting

5. Your pantomime will utilize at least 2 different levels

6. Your pantomime will have 2 easily understood characters

7. Your pantomime will have a title

Along with your performance, you will turn in:

1. Pantomime planning worksheet (1 per group)

2. Floor plan (1 per group)


You MAY, if desired, set your pantomime to music. However, the following guidelines must be observed:

1. The music must be instrumental (no lyrics)

2. You must bring your music on a cd or Ipod

3. The music should match the mood and tone of your pantomime story

4. Although you may time events in your pantomime to the music, be sure this is NOT a dance routine.

Although this is a group project, each student will be graded individually according to the rubric on the back of these instructions.

Duo Pantomime Rubric

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Preparation / Scene is rehearsed and actors know the elements and location of story events / Scene is only moderately rehearsed and actors do not know where to go on the stage or order in which events happened / Scene had limited rehearsal and it appears actors are performing sections of the piece for the first time / Unprepared. No thought to story, characters, or simple actions required by the performers
Partner Work / Action is well-timed with partners and each actor reacts to what his/her partner is doing / Actors are missing moments of timing or awareness with their partners / Actors are not responding or paying attention to partners except when in direct contact / Actors refuse to acknowledge or respond to partner at all
Consistency / Actors maintain the required consistency throughout the piece with regards to location and size of objects. All items are picked up and set down / Actors are inconsistent with handling items, but maintain the location of major items in the scene. / Major items move and handles items vanish and appear frequently during the scene / No thought is given to the consistency and location of items, audience struggles to understand what items are handled during the scene
Resistance / Actors showing varying levels of resistance when handling items throughout the scene / Actors show resistance extremes, but some items have no resistance / Actors show resistance on only one or two items in the scene / Actors show no resistance when handling items
Story / Story has a strong beginning, middle and end and a clear conflict / Story events build on one another, but conflict is weak or conflict does not get resolved / Story is a chain of events with no conflict / Story does not have a clear beginning, middle or end and has not conflict

Each category will be worth ten points. Your written work will also be worth ten points.

Total points = 60