Control of Substance Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

Risk Assessment Form RA2: Biological Risks

Department ______

Title of Activity ______

(Note 1)

Departmental Serial Number ______

Location/Class ______

Assessed by / Checked by
Signature / Signature
Date / Date
Review date

(Note 2)

1.  Brief description of work

I have received a copy of this risk assessment; understand the risks and the measures that must be taken to control such risks. (All staff and students to sign) (Note 3)

Name (print) / Signature / Date

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Name of Biological Agent(s)/Microorganism(s)

Synonym (if any): ______

Hazard Identification

For each named agent in column A, categorise each into ACDP level 1-4, and decide whether or not the agent(s) as used in the procedure presents a Low, Medium, or High risk to the user.

Hazard Ratings
A / B / C
Name of agent(s) / Category / Low / Medium / High

Type of biological hazard and any special circumstances that may exclude a person from carrying out the activity.

Risk to user / The biological agent could cause an infection in an individual / The biological agent produces a soluble toxin / The biological agent may induce cancer / The biological agent may endanger the foetus in pregnant women / There is a risk of allergy from the microbe
Other special provisions / Worker may be undergoing treatment or therapy / Worker may be allergic to material used in the procedure / Worker may be atopic

Routes by which exposures can occur.

Contact with or bite from infected animal / Penetration or absorption through the skin or cut in skin / Direct splash contact with eyes etc. / Inhalation or aerosol containing the agent / Oral self inoculation / Accidental parenteral inoculation via needle stab

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Potential Effect of Exposure


What could be the effect of exposure to the above hazardous substances?

Single acute exposure / Serious – requires immediate medical attention / Serious – may require treatment / Not known
Repeated low exposure / Serious – may require treatment / Not serious / Not known
Duration of adverse affect / Long term / Short term / Not known

Description of Working Practice (Note 5)

Scheme of Work (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Identify the stages in the procedure(s) where the risks are either medium or high, and describe the precautions to be taken to reduce this level of risk. (Note 6)

Training for work Activity (Note 7)

Specific training will be required

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Supervision (Note 8)

The supervisor will approve straightforward routine work in progress

The supervisor will specifically approve the scheme of work

The supervisor will provide supervision personally to control the work


Engineering Control Measures

If parts of the work cannot be carried out on the open bench, please specify where this work will be carried out, e.g. in a microbiological safety cabinet or in specialised containment room.

If there is a requirement for personal protective equipment, what is required and when is this to be worn:


Respiratory protective equipment

Safety glasses


Other ______


Monitoring (Note 9)

Monitoring for airborne contaminants will be required

Biological monitoring of workers will be required

Contingency Planning (Note 10)

Written emergency instructions will be provided for workers and others who may be affected.

Provision of the following may be required in an emergency:

Spill neutralisation chemicals

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Eye irrigation point Body shower Other first aid provision


Breathing apparatus (with trained operator) External emergency services

Do the precautions above adequately control the risks of handling the substances specified in the manner intended? If not please specify the additional precautions required.

Disposal of waste will be done by one of the following methods (consult the University Biological Safety Adviser if in doubt)

Exposure of liquids containing the biological agent to an appropriate disinfectant at a known cidal concentration. For Category 2 work all liquids containing the agent need to be autoclaved
Collection of inoculated petri dishes, (sealed with clear tape to prevent lid from falling off), and culture flasks for autoclaving
Collection of all contaminated plastics for autoclaving
Collection of contaminated sharps in a CinBin™ for incineration*
Collection of clinical waste in a yellow bag for onward transmission via the University to a registered company*
To specific laboratory waste collection, after rendering safe

Tick appropriate boxes. *There may be a cost involved for this service.

Specify any other disposal method ______

What legal permissions have been obtained? (List and attach a copy of the forms)

Implications for other persons

The following people may need to have a copy of this risk assessment, and sign the declaration:

Academic staff

Technical staff

Visiting staff


Secretarial staff


