Activity 6
Title: Reading Strategy for Nonfiction Text
Module: Reading as a Tool for Thinking and Learning
Procedures for conducting the activity:
You will demonstrate this pre-reading strategy for students by choosing a text passage and having them follow along on their copy as you demonstrate it on the overhead projector. The procedures are outlined for you on the Reading Strategy for Non-fiction Text handout. You will need to model this strategy several times before you expect students to do it on their own. One way to adapt this strategy for your classroom is to give the students a transparency and an overhead pen and have them place it over their textbook. This way they can mark and not damage the book. You may also want to use the strategy with a worksheet where students have to read and answer questions. For this Activity you will follow the steps using the handout called The Little Armored One.
Facilitator’s Notes:
When you do this presentation, you will lead the participants through the steps in the process using the text called The Little Armored One from the Texas state assessment. Follow the procedure as listed on the Reading Strategy for Non-fiction Text handout. Discuss the reason why each step is important:
Box Title - to make them aware of title and set tone for reading
Outline - to create a visual image of paragraphs
Number - to make them aware of how many paragraphs there are
Read and Circle - to select a few meaningful words
Write 1 Sentence - to create a concise summary of the text
You will need to print the Reading Strategy for Non-fiction Text handout and The Little Armored One on transparencies to use with this presentation.
Source or Copyright Information:
This strategy was adapted from a strategy used in the Ruby Payne A Framework for Understanding Poverty training.
The text called The Little Armored One came from the Texas State Assessment.
Reading Strategy for Non-fiction Text handout
The Little Armored One handout
Reading Strategy for Non-fiction Text Transparency
The Little Armored One Transparency
Overhead Projector