ACT, 2003

Published and Distributed by Secretariat of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development – New Sudan.





An Act to establish the Institute of Development, Environment and Agricultural Studies, its control, governance, administration and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.



1. Title and Commencement:-

This Act, may be cited as “The Institute of Development, Environment and

Agricultural Studies Act, 2003”, and shall come into force on signature of the


2. Definitions:-

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases shall carry the meanings attached to them:

“Chancellor” means the Chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) who is Chancellor of the Institute by virtue of his position.

“Council” means the Council of IDEAS established in accordance with the

provisions of Section 7 of this Act.

“Disciplinary Authority” means a body appointed under Section 53 of this Act.

“Enquiry Officer” means an officer appointed under Section 53 of this Act.

“Disciplinary Offence” means the contravention of any by-law made by the

Council where such by-law provides that its contravention shall constitute a

disciplinary offence.

“Dean of Students” means the Deputy Principal of the Institute.

“Appointments Committee” means a Committee set up in accordance with the

provisions of section 39 and 42 of this Act.

“Academic Staff” means the teaching staff of the Institute.



3. There shall be established an Institute to be known as “Institute of Development,

Environment and Agricultural Studies” at Yambio, which shall be referred to as “The Institute” and abbreviated as “IDEAS” and shall consist of the following centres:-

(1) Teachers Training Centre (TTC);

(2) Distant Learning and Peace Centre (DLPC);

(3) Farm Management Centre (FMC);

(4) Development and Policy Analysis Centre (DPAC);

(5) Wood Industry Training Centre (WITC);

(6) Civil Administration Training Centre (CATC);

(7) Any other centres which the Council may deem necessary.

4. The Institute shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common

seal and shall:-

(1) Be competent to sue and liable to be sued in its own name.

(2) Acquire, possess and let movable and immovable property;

(3) Borrow and lend money;

(4) Perform any other lawful activities in accordance with the spirit of this Act.



5. The Institute shall strive to be a centre for generating new ideas, translating theory


LIBERTY” shall be its motto.

6. The functions and objectives of the Institute shall be to:-

(1) Transmit, enhance and preserve knowledge by teaching and conducting

research through various means, including the use of appropriate

technology, broadcasting, correspondence, tuition, residential courses,

seminars and workshops.

(2) Provide teacher training in the areas of primary and secondary education,

vocational training, science and technology.

(3) Provide a “catch-up” programme of human resource development to

redress past imbalances.

(4) Train middle level professionals and technical cadres for the task of

reconstruction and development.

(5) Design appropriate programmes for non-formal education to broaden

access to education for the majority of the people of the New Sudan.

(6) Provide opportunities for higher education to a broad segment of the

population of the News Sudan through distant learning.

(7) Develop curriculum for study and research in subjects of relevance to the

people of the New Sudan.

(8) Provide educational programmes and courses of training, studies or

instructions including further education, vocational training, refresher

training, higher education and cultural studies.

(9) Conduct examinations for and award certificates, diplomas, degrees and

other qualifications.

(10) Research into traditional mechanisms of conflict management and

resolution, promote the study of African traditions in peace making,

maintenance of peace, reconciliation and their application in society.

(11) In the process of performing its functions, co-operate, collaborate and

consult with other institutions and organizations of education or research,

whether inside or outside the New Sudan.

(12) Provide consultancy and research services and facilities.

(13) Undertake research and consultancies by using the human and physical

resources of the Institute, whether alone or with another institution or


(14) Provide facilities and resources for students, other stakeholders and civil

society through community resource centres.

(15) Administer schemes of financial and other assistance for students and

persons studying or carrying out research at the Institute.

(16) Provide facilities for the staff to carry out their duties.

(17) Provide library and other educational facilities for use by the public,

subject to conditions that the Institute considered appropriate.

(18) Admit students into programmes of study offered by the Institute.

(19) Perform any other functions consistent with, and advance, the objectives

of the Institute.



7. There shall be established a governing body for the Institute which shall consist of

the Council, the Senate and the Management Board.


8. The Council shall consist of:-

(1) A representative of the Commissioner for Education.

(2) The Principal of the Institute.

(3) A representative of Deans of the Centres.

(4) A representative of the Senate.

(5) A representative of the Academic Staff.

(6) A representative of Students.

(7) A representative from each Region of the New Sudan.

(8) A representative of the New Sudan Women Association.

(9) A representative of the New Sudan Farmers Association.

(10) A representative of the New Sudan Chamber of Commerce.

(11) The Director of Finance in the Secretariat of Finance and Economic


(12) Two New Sudan Nationals of standing appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Senate.

(13) A representative of the Army.

(14) Chairman of the Council appointed by the Chancellor on the

recommendation of the Commissioner for Education, provided

subsequent Chairman of the Council shall be elected by the Council.

9. The Principal of the Institute shall be the Secretary to the Council.

10. The Council may also appoint such a number of Officers to assist the Secretary, as it considers necessary.

Functions and Powers of the Council.

11. The Council shall be responsible for the governance of the Institute. It shall also be responsible for determining the policies, direction, and objectives of the Institute.

12. Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Council shall have powers to do all things, necessary for the performance of its functions.

13. Without prejudice to the provisions of Section 11, the Council shall have power to:-

(1) Enter into contracts;

(2) Create, develop, acquire and own property;

(3) Enter into agreements or arrangements in respect of intellectual property

on terms that the Council considers appropriate;

(4) Purchase, let or otherwise acquire and own real or personal property;

(5) See, grant, or otherwise dispose of movable property;

(6) Erect buildings;

(7) Occupy, use control and manage land or buildings owned by the Institute;

(8) Raise and administer funds for achieving the objectives of the Institute;

(9) Accept donations, grants, bequests and assignments made to the Institute,

whether on trust or otherwise, and act as trustees of money and other

property vested in the Institute;

(10) Establish centres in the Institute.

(11) Establish and maintain cultural centres, libraries, laboratories, and

museums in connection with the functions of the Institute;

(12) Employ and/or manage staff, engage consultants, and appoint agents and


(13) Levy charges for work, services, and information done or supplied by the


(14) Grant loans to persons and bodies carrying on activities related to the

functions and objectives of the Institute on terms that the Council

considers appropriate;

(15) Form partnerships and enter into joint ventures and other arrangements

for sharing profits;

(16) Confer awards in respect of the programmes and courses it provides or,

in the case of programmes and courses accredited jointly, with other


(17) Provide honorary and other awards on persons whom the Council

considers merit special recognition;

(18) Liaise with industry, trade, commerce, the community, educational and

training bodies, and other organizations on matters of common interest;

(19) Advance research and scholarships and their practical application to

education, industry, commerce and the community generally;

(20) Accredit the educational programs and courses offered by the Institute in

its own right or jointly with other educational institutions;

(21) Award certificates, diplomas and degrees as may be prescribed by the


(22) Confer other awards including honorary degrees.

14. The Council may exercise any of its functions by delegation to a Committee.

15. The powers of the Council shall be vested in the Council as a body, and not in any

individual, whether a member of the Council or not, other than by determination

of the Council.

16. The powers of the Council shall be exercised through decisions of the Council as

recorded in the approved minutes of its meetings.

17. The Council shall exercise its responsibilities for academic management through

the Senate.

The Senate

18. The Senate shall be composed of:-

(a) The Principal as Chairman;

(b) The Deans of the Centres;

(c) Heads of Departments;

(d) Two students elected by the student body registered in the Institute;

(e) Full professors;

(f) The Dean of students who shall be Secretary to the Senate;

(g) The Senate shall appoint other members to assist the Secretary, as it may

consider necessary.

19. The Senate shall be responsible for academic affairs of the Institute.

Powers and Functions of the Senate

20. The Senate shall have power to:-

(1) Enter into agreements with other educational institutions or with any

government or organization for establishment of courses or programmes

of education, training, or studies leading to degrees, diplomas, certificates

or otherwise;

(2) Confer and award certificates, diplomas, or degrees jointly with other

educational institutions;

(3) Establish, manage and control students residence and other forms of


(4) Review programmes and courses of the Institute.

The Management Board

21. The Management Board shall consist of:-

(1) The Principal who shall be its Chairman.

(2) Deans of the centres.

(3) Heads of departments.

(4) The Registrar who shall be the Secretary.

22. The Management Board shall meet at least once a month to review academic

programmes and progress.

23. The Management Board shall have such other powers as prescribed or delegated

by the Council.

The Principal

24. The Principal of the Institute shall be appointed by the Chancellor from a list of

not more than four and not less than two persons nominated by the Council;

provided, the first Principal shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the

recommendation of the Commissioner for Education.

25. The Principal shall hold office for a term of four years and may be re-appointed

for additional terms.

Duties of the Principal

26. The Principal shall be the Chief Executive of the Institute and shall be responsible

to the Council for:

(1) Implementing the policies and decisions of the Council;

(2) Representing the Council and the Institute within and without the Institute;

(3) Managing the resources, personnel, facilities, assets, programmes and

operations of the Institute in order to achieve its vision and objectives as

efficiently as possible;

(4) Providing administrative and academic leadership to the Institute;

(5) Coordinating the functions of the Institute;

(6) Developing policies for consideration by the Council;

(7) Developing procedures that ensure the efficient and effective operations of

the Institute;

(8) Servicing the Council so that it can carry out its responsibilities in an

informed and efficient manner;

(9) Liaising on behalf of the Institute with other Institutions;

(10) Imposing strict discipline upon the staff of the Institute;

(11) Exercising any other functions prescribed by the Council or any other law.

The Deputy Principal

27. The Deputy Principal shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Council after consultation with the Principal of the

Institute, provided the first Deputy Principal shall be appointed by the

Chancellor on the recommendation of the Commissioner for Education.

28. The Deputy Principal shall hold office for a period of four years and may be

re-appointed for more terms.

29. The Deputy Principal shall be the Dean of Students.

Duties of the Deputy Principal

30. The Deputy Principal shall:-

(1) Act in the absence of the Principal;

(2) Coordinate the day to day activities of the Institute, including activities in

the students body;

(3) Carry out any other duties consistent with his position or as delegated by

the Principal;

(4) Exercise any other functions prescribed by the Council or any other Law,

in force.

Deans of the Centres

31. There shall be a Dean for each Centre of the Institute appointed by the Chancellor

on the recommendation of the Council, provided the first Deans shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Commissioner for


32. The Dean of the Centre shall:-

(1) Be the Chief Administrator of the Centre;

(2) Oversee the development of courses, lecturers teaching materials and

provide guidelines, teaching and learning materials for students;

(3) Establish and manage students records, including records of admission,

enrollment, progress, completion and graduation;

(4) Manage the delivery of programmes;

(5) Participate in the teaching programme, the conduct of workshops and

teaching through distant education methods.

33. Registrar

(1) The Registrar of the Institute shall be appointed by the Council after

consultation with the Principal; provided the first Registrar shall be

appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Commissioner

for Education.

(2) Duties of the Registrar:-

The Registrar shall be responsible to the Principal in respect of all the

Administrative and academic matters pertaining to the Institute.

34. The Registrar shall have such other functions as may be conferred upon him by the Principal.

Admissions Board

35. There shall be an Admissions Board of the Institute comprising of:-