SNC1D – Physical and Chemical Properties worksheet

  1. For the following examples, indicate whether they are a chemical or physical property and explain why. Also state if the property is qualitative or quantitative.

a)The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.

The boiling point is a physical property of matter because the composition of the water molecules have not been altered. Water that has boiled turns to condensation, however, it can be returned to its original state.

This is a quantitative property because there is a numerical value attached to it.

b)The property of vinegar when mixed with baking soda.

When vinegar is mixed with baking soda, a new substance has been formed, therefore it is a chemical property. When the two substances are combined, bubbles are created which is evidence that a new substance is being formed.

This is a qualitative property because we are not measuring anything, we are simply observing the reaction.

c)When added to water, red food dye will turn the water red.

This is an example of solubility which is a physical property. The dye particles have mixed with the water molecules, however, no new substance has been formed (chemical bonding has not occurred).

This is an example of a qualitative property because there has been a change in colour, which is an observation without a numerical value.

d)The property of iron when it rusts.

Rust, or corrosion is a chemical property because the original properties of iron have been permanently altered.

This is also a qualitative property because the observations are not being measured.

e)Molasses pours slowly.

This is an example of viscosity, which is a physical property of matter. It is also qualitative because it is an observation that is not measured numerically.

f)Propane is flammable.

This is a chemical property because once propane catches on fire, it’s properties are permanently changed. It is also qualitative because it is an observation that is not measured numerically.

g)357 g of table salt (sodium chloride) will dissolved in 1 liter of water.

Solubility is a physical property of matter, because the salt molecules do not actually bond with the water molecules. This is a quantitative property because the amount of salt and water are being measured (a numerical value is attached).

h)Dry spaghetti noodles are brittle and dull.

Texture(brittle) and lustre(dull) are both physical properties of matter. It is also qualitative because it is an observation that is not measured numerically.

  1. What is the difference between a chemical and physical property?

A physical property describes a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or

measured without changing it's properties. For example, aluminum is malleable or copper

is a good conductor of electricity.

A Chemical property describes the ability of a substance to react with another substance to

form a new substance with different physical properties. For example, an iron nail with

begin to corrode after it is exposed to water and oxygen.