PROGRESSIONS : Where Do My Students Fit in Math Vertically?
TIME COMMITMENT: 45 min (This activity will have to move at a constant pace to fit into the 45 min time block.)
OBJECTIVE: Participant will create a vertical representation of a progression through a 5 grade-level span using methods and/or strategies, misconceptions, and vocabulary as criteria in planning math instruction.
DO NOT ASSIGN participants to write a lesson plan. Identifying a model and/or strategy , a misconception treatment plan, and few vocab words is all that is required.
·  K-5 Progression
·  K-5 Core
·  Participant’s Instructions
·  1 Poster Paper per group
·  Markers
ACTIVITY 1: (10 min)
·  *Participants will be divided into three small groups (8-10) and each group will need:
a K-5 Progression
a K-6 core to follow
an instructions list
assigned a grade-level progression
assigned a scribe and a timer
·  In a small group setting, participants will begin at the third grade-level progression to identify one or two teaching methods and/or strategies, a misconception treatment plan, and a vocabulary list associated with
this grade level’s instruction.
ACTIVITY 2: (5 min)
·  Each small group will divide into two sub-groups ( A and B ).
·  Each section will need a scribe and a timer.
·  Each group will repeat the directions in Activity 1 for a new grade level.
ACTIVITY 3: (5 min)
·  Each small group will continue in two sub-groups ( A and B ).
·  Each section will need a scribe and a timer.
·  Each group will repeat the directions in Activity 1 for a new grade level.
ACTIVITY 4: (10 min)
·  *Participants will need poster paper and markers for this section
·  Group A and B will combine back together, bringing information gathered from their respective grade levels.
·  Each group will be given a poster paper and markers.
·  The small group (8-10) will discuss their findings and reflections within the small group.
·  Using information gathered, the small group will create a visual representation on the assigned progression, including the criteria of teaching models/ strategies, misconceptions and vocabulary. The visual representation will detail the vertical alignment across 5 grades.

FACILITATOR AGENDA: Progression – Where Do My Students Fit in Math Vertically

ACTIVITY 5: (15 min)
·  Each of the three groups (8-10) will present and post their visual vertical alignment representation and their findings/ reflections to the entire group.
·  Lead a group discussion with points to consider and connections in mind.
·  Determine what standards from earlier grades must be mastered in order for students to be successful in this new learning.
·  Discuss what obstacles are presented when students come to you without the previous knowledge needed to engage in current grade level standards. How do you overcome this?
·  Who are the Standards Progressions Documents useful for and in what ways can they be used effectively?
·  Participants will understand while the core is the scope of math curriculum, progressions take on the role of sequencing math curriculum and need to be used in tandem with the core.
·  Participants will understand the cross-grade relationships with consecutive grade levels using strategies and vocabulary from the progressions as a way to build background knowledge to be used in future situations.
·  Participants will understand the mastering of grade-level standards is crucial to maintain the successful flow for students.
·  Participants will understand ignoring the flow of progressions can leave major holes or glitches in a child’s mathematical understanding.