Attraction Project Rubric

Name :______

Biological Attraction / Cognitive Attraction / Socio-Cultural Attraction / Overall Write-Up / Overall Presentation
4 / Student has given an example for biological reasons for attraction as well as biological reason for non-attraction. Student has accurately explained their decisions in a write-up / Student has given an example for cognitive reasons for attraction as well as cognitive reason for non-attraction. Student has accurately explained their decisions in a write-up / Student has given an example for socio-cultural reasons for attraction as well as socio-cultural reason for non-attraction. Student has accurately explained their decisions in a write-up / Student has addressed all levels of attraction or attachment. Student’s examples accurately demonstrate each level of analysis with valid studies to support / All portions of the project are addressed. There are few to no grammar and spelling mistakes.
3 / Students has given one accurate example for biological reasons for attraction or non-attraction, however the second example is wrong. Student has mistakes in their write-up. / Students has given one accurate example for cognitive reasons for attraction or non-attraction, however the second example is wrong. Student has mistakes in their write-up. / Students has given one accurate example for socio-cultural reasons for attraction or non-attraction, however the second example is wrong. Student has mistakes in their write-up. / Student has addressed most of the levels of attraction. Students examples are mostly accurate, some mistakes may be present / Most of the portions of the project are addressed. There are few grammar and spelling mistakes.
2 / Student accurately supplies only one example of either biological attraction or biological non-attraction. / Student accurately supplies only one example of either cognitive attraction or cognitive non-attraction. / Student accurately supplies only one example of either socio-cultural attraction or socio-cultural non-attraction. / Student has only addressed half of the levels of attraction, or has not fully included studies to support / Only half of the project has been addressed. There are few grammar and spelling mistakes.
1 / Student only supplies only one example of either biological attraction or non-attraction and the information is wrong. / Student only supplies only one example of either cognitive attraction or non-attraction and the information is wrong. / Student only supplies only one example of either socio-cultural attraction or non-attraction and the information is wrong. / Student has addressed half of the levels of attraction, and information has many mistakes or not studies to support / Most of the project is incomplete, there are many grammar and spelling mistakes
0 / Student does not demonstrate biological level of attraction / Student does not demonstrate cognitive level of attraction / Student does not demonstrate socio-cultural level of attraction / Student has not completed a write-up / No presentation is turned in
Conversion Chart
20 = 100
19 = 95
18 = 90 / 17 = 85
16 = 83
15 = 80 / 14 = 78
13 = 70
12 = 60 / 11 = 55
10 = 50
9 = 45 / 8 = 40
7 = 35
6 = 30 / 5 = 25
4 = 20
3 = 15 / 2 = 10
1 = 5
0 = 0