Attributes of an Aquinas Learning Director?

  • Is in-love with the Holy Trinity

God is your first priority

  • Is in-love with Truth

“Quid est veritas?” (What is the Truth?) ~ Pontius Pilate (John 18:38)

“I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." ~Jesus (John 18:37)

“I Am the Truth, the Way, and the Life” ~ Jesus (John 14:6)

  • Loves to learn

“The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live.” ~Mortimer Adler

  • Loves to share Truth as handed down to us through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, carefully preserved by the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19)

  • Lives the Catholic faith in and outside the classroom as a result of loving God and the Truth He has revealed to us

"Breathe with both your lungs. Use your mind and your heart. Seek the truth with your brain and your heart and your soul." ~Archbishop Chaput, (Living the Catholic Faith: A Return to the Basics)

“Example is not the main thing in influencing other people; it’s the only thing” – Abraham Lincoln

  • Is organized

“Fail to plan; plan to fail” ~Harvey Mackay

  • Is dependable

You will have several families looking to you for leadership, inspiration, enthusiasm, and consistency

  • Is diligent

”I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it." --Thomas Jefferson

This is going to be hard work. We need people who have a good work ethic and is willing to go the extra mile for their families, for Aquinas, and ultimately for God!

  • Enjoys working with people
  • Children, parents, mentors, vendors, etc.
  • Can wear many hats when dealing with all sorts of people in all sorts of situations
  • Keeps everyone’s focus on God
  • Understands the benefits of homeschooling and is a homeschooler (or had been) themselves

It’s hard to promote something you don’t know or believe in.

“Home schooling is a very old way of doing things. If you look at any of the bills in your wallet or the coins in your pocket, they all have a picture of a homeschooler on them.” ~William Lloyd

  • Has business experience or is willing to learn

"Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience." --James Boswell

  • Is excited about being an entrepreneur

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work – Thomas Edison

  • Accepts and promotes the Aquinas Learning Mission

Please take a moment to read it and, if you don’t understand it, contact us to discuss it.

  • Is technologically savvy –main skills required: use of email, excel, word, mp3s, yahoo loops, and other office related software.

There’s just no alternative these days!

Embody the Aquinas Learning philosophy of education:

Reading List –

Classical Education: A Movement Sweeping America (Kern and Veith)

Abolition of Man (C.S. Lewis)

Reforming Education (Mortimer Adler)

Norms and Nobility (David Hicks)

Wisdom and Eloquence (Littlejohn and Evans)

EPIC by Steve Weidenkopf (Ascension Press)

Great Bible Adventure - Jeff Cavins (Ascension press)





Articles by Andrew Pudewa -

Classical Education consultants -

Catholic Resource -

*items in bold are required prior to starting your Aquinas Learning center.

Aquinas Learning Program

“Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe;
to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do.”~St. Thomas Aquinas


Aquinas Learning is a classical education mentoring program which guides students toward wisdom and virtue. Students meet once a week for a class day with their mentors and peers and, using materials and on-line support we provide, students continue studying the curriculum with their parents and siblings at home.

By studying the liberal arts and discussingthe great ideas of Western civilization,in full communion with the Catholic Church,the students will develop a taste and love for what is true, good, and beautiful and the skills of thinking, writing, reading, speaking, and listening through:

  • Good books with Socratic discussions
  • Core subject discussions (Catechism, History, Science, and Civics)
  • Memory practice (Latin, Grammar, Timeline, and Geography)
  • Fine arts studies (music and art appreciation, chants, and art projects
  • Oral presentations – elocution, listening and note-taking skills
  • Language Arts – IEW, Grammar, Diagramming, Copy Work, Spelling, Handwriting

The students will form ahabit of mind, that of being inquisitive, perceptive, ordered, and contemplative which will lead to moral and intellectual virtue, right reason applied to right action following God’s will for them.

Our Goals for Education

  1. TO KNOW GOD – We teach the students that subjects are fingers pointing to the Truth. Through divine revelation and our natural reason (fides et ratio), we lead students to perceive the Truth that is God.
  1. TO LOVEGOD – Upon perceiving this Truth, students come to a greater appreciation of God and His universe, His wisdom and His love for man, and so grow in love for Him.
  1. TO SERVEGOD – Gaining understanding of their place will lead them to act with dignity, honor, integrity, and nobility and to serve for the glory of God.

“But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? ...And He said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.’”~Job 28:12-28

"The glory of God is man fully alive, and the life of man is the vision of God. If the revelation of God through creation already brings life to all living beings on the earth, how much more will the manifestation of the Father by the Word bring life to those who see God?" ~St. Irenaeus (AdversusHaereses IV, 20, 7)

PRIMARYI & II – Morning Program

CORE SUBJECT STUDIES / Subject / Cycle 1 / Cycle 2 / Cycle 3
CATECHISM / Early Church & Bible / Creed, Sacraments & the Liturgy / Moral & Prayer Life
HISTORY / Ancient / Medieval & Renaissance / Modern Times / American History
SCIENCE / Biology & Earth Science / PhysicsAstronomy / AnatomyChemistry
CIVICS / Government Systems around the world. / Branches of U.S. Govt. /Founding Documents / U.S. Presidents
MEMORY WORKS / LATIN / Roots, derivatives, sayings, prayers
GRAMMAR / Etymology (Parts of speech defined) / Syntax (uses of the parts of speech) / Prosody & Figures of Speech (rhythm of language)
TIMELINE / Creation to Modern Times
GEOGRAPHY / Africa & Middle East / Europe & Asia 28 / Americas &
50 States
GROUP CLASS / FINE ARTS / Music Appreciation / Gregorian Chant Lessons
Art Appreciation / Art Projects
SCIENCE INVESTIGATIONS / Inquiry into the elements and order of God’s creation
(integrated to the themes studied in the Science curriculum above)
LITERATURE / GOOD BOOKS / Classroom or Family read-aloud of classic myths, legends, fairy tales, Bible stories, and biographies of saints and heroes followed by a Socratic discussion of the ideas and lessons encountered.


  • A classical approachto teaching
  • Roman Catholic Faith learned and lived
  • Peersconsistently meet on a weekly basis
  • Preschool for siblings ages 3-5 (when available)
  • Mixed-age (K-3, 4-6), single-sex classrooms (depending on Center size)*
  • Mentors that have undergone the Mentor Training Program
  • Dress code and Code of Conduct


  • Core Subject Studies and Discussions - studying Catechism, History, Science, and Civics, we examine the ideas and facts, draw on prior knowledge, then discuss, compare and discover relationships guiding students to a deeper understanding
  • Memory Works – memorizing relevant facts in Latin, Grammar, History Timeline, and Geography
  • Oral Presentations- practicing elocution, listening, and note-taking skills
  • Good Books– reading-aloud followed by Socratic discussions
  • Family read-aloud book club - once-a-month discussion on a pre-assigned book read aloud at home
  • Three cycles - studyingthe same subjects topics with all students for K through 6th gradefor a family-friendly learning experience
  • Science experiments– investigating God’s Creation through hands-on activities
  • Fine Arts- music appreciation, chant studies, art appreciation, and art projects
  • Student Activity Workbook – worksheets that correlate to the subjects studied in class and provide at-home relevance to the newly acquired knowledge


  • Level I (K-3) students will have an opportunity to:
  • Practice handwriting using the Palmer method manuscript and cursive style
  • Learn and review spelling rules (All About Spelling)
  • Recite and memorize poetry, sayings, Scripture, or quotes
  • Copy work exercises to review poetry, sayings, Scripture, or quotes
  • Participate in “Centers” where students choose an area of interest
  • Level II (4-6) grade students will have an opportunity to:
  • Learn writing techniques and styles using the I.E.W. program
  • Follow-up by studying the parts: Grammar, Editing, and Diagramming
  • Partake in Logic games and puzzles
  • Secondary Program (Grades 7-8, 9-10, 11-12) – Under development

*These are optional based on the number of students in a center.



Full Name:______

Home Phone
Cell Phone

Date of Birth______

Social Security #:______-______-______

Driver’s License #:______
Address: ______


Marital Status:______

If married, give maiden name:______

Have you lived elsewhere in the past 5 years? If so, give address/es on the back of this form.

Tell us about yourself: Please attach to application if insufficient space.

  1. Have you owned a business or led a homeschool group/club before?
  1. Please list any previous general work involving children.
  1. Have you had any previous teaching experience (including homeschooling)? If so, where, which grade level, which curriculum?
  1. Are you comfortable working with technology, namely the internet, emailing, and participating in yahoo loops?
  1. Please take a moment to share anything you feel would be helpful in getting to know you better: any talents, gifts, previous training (e.g. CPR), any physical handicaps or any other factors.
  1. Do you currently, or have you had children enrolled in Aquinas Learning?
  1. How much time can you dedicate toward your professional development and managing your Aquinas Learning center?

APPLICATION ESSAYS: Please limit your response to three paragraphs each.

1. Please read the article: “Classical Vs. Modern Education” by Patrick Carmack and
write a response including a summary and your personal opinion.

2. How can you bring the Catholic faith alive in your Aquinas Learning Community?

3. What influenced your decision to homeschool? What is your educational
philosophy and what are your goals for your children and students?


The following information is confidential and will not be released without written permission of the applicant. Virginia law requires that all persons who are working or assisting in work related to children must report any suspicion or knowledge of child abuse (VA 63.2-1501, et seq.; 63.2-100).

Please answer the following questions as truthfully as possible. As there may be a broad range of answers, no particular answer will disallow the applicant from becoming an Aquinas Learning Director. However, because our organization has a defined mission-one that embraces fully the tenets of our faith, is obedient to the Holy Father and faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Aquinas Learning LLCreserves the right to deny acceptance of any applicant that is not in unity with this vision.

If your answer is “yes” to any of the questions below, please write an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? Y N
  2. Have you ever been accused, charged, or convicted of any felony offense or any other crime? Y N
  3. Have you ever been accused or convicted of child abuse? Y N
  4. Have you consumed illegal drugs or narcotics? Y N
  5. Have you ever undergone treatment or counseling for alcoholism/substance abuse? Y N
  6. Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty to, or are charges pending concerning any other crime? Y N
  7. Have you ever been the subject of a civil lawsuit involving, or an investigation or allegation of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment or other immoral behavior or conduct involving adults or children? Y N
  8. Do you have any investigation, review or disciplinary action pending by an employer, organization in which you volunteer, or professional association, for sexual misconduct, violence or misconduct involving children? Y N
  9. Have you ever abused a minor, or engaged in conduct showing moral impropriety involving children? Y N
  10. Is there any other information that might be relevant to assessing your fitness for working with children or youth? Y N
  11. Will you grant us permission to perform a Criminal History Check on you? Y N

The information contained in this questionnaire is correct to the best of my knowledge. My

responses are all true. I understand and agree that any false answers or statements made by me on this form or any supplement thereto, or any false statements made to the representative of Aquinas Learning LLC during the interview process will be grounds for not allowing me to serve or for immediately discharging me, no matter when it is discovered.

I understand and agree that it is critical to the mission and purpose of Aquinas Learning LLC that all Directors and Mentors conform to the highest standards of safety, interpersonal conduct and sexual morality. I affirm that I will strictly comply with Aquinas Learning LLC policies and procedures, including those concerning child safety and protection, sexual abuse and misconduct, and interpersonal relationships. I understand and agree that failure by me to abide by such policies and procedures may result in immediate dismissal from my position. I hereby release any individual, church, denominational agency or official, reference, or any other person or organization, from liability for any damages of whatever kind or nature which may at anytime result to me, my heirs, or family, on account of noncompliance to Aquinas Learning LLC’s policies. I understand that a criminal records check may be conducted on me and I consent to any such check. I have carefully read, understand and agree to the foregoing "candidate statement" and further understand and agree that a copy of this form shall be as valid as the original. Furthermore, having carefully read the foregoing release, and knowing and understanding the contents thereof, I sign this release of my own free will and act.

Applicant Signature______Date ______

Statement of Faith

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate

of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

And one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen.

*Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed: new translation

INITIAL: ______



I, ______, on assuming the office of ______at

______promise that I shall always preserve communion with the Catholic

Church whether in the words I speak or in the way I act.

With great care and fidelity I shall carry out the responsibilities (onera) by which I am bound in relation both to the Universal and to the particular church in which I am called to exercise my service according to the requirements of the law.

In carrying out my charge, which is committed to me in the name of the Church, I shall preserve the Deposit of Faith in its entirety, hand it on faithfully and make it shine forth. As a result, whatsoever teachings are contrary, I shall shun.

I shall foster the common discipline of the whole Church and urge the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those which are contained in the Code of Canon Law.

With Christian obedience I shall associate myself with (prosequar) what is expressed by the holy shepherds as authentic doctors and teachers of the Faith or established by them as rulers of the Church.

And with diocesan bishops I shall gladly devote my energy so that apostolic activity, to be exercised by the mandate and in the name of the Church, is – with provision made for the character and goal of my institute - carried out in the communion of the Church.


SignaturePrinted Name Date

CLASSICAL VS. MODERN EDUCATION: The Principal Difference by Patrick Carmack

“Theinvestigation of the truth is in one way hard, in another easy. An indication of this is found in the fact that no one is able to attain the truth adequately, while on the other hand, we do not collectively fail, but everyone says something true about the nature of things, and while individually we contribute little or nothing to the truth, by the union of all a considerable amount is amassed.”

– Aristotle [Metaphysics, Bk II, Chap. 1]

Education can be viewed from many different perspectives. One view sees it partly as the transmission of the accumulated knowledge of a society, as per Aristotle, above. Children are born without culture they grow up in one, molding their behavior and beliefs towards their eventual role in their society. In primitive cultures, education often involves little formal education and perhaps no schools as such. In some, only one or perhaps a few sacred books are studied. In more complex societies the sheer quantity of accumulated knowledge can take many years of formal education to transmit to the next generation, even if broken up into specialized areas of study. Education itself in such advanced cultures becomes a matter of study since efficient and integrated means of transmission of knowledge become more and more critical. In this article we will take a brief look at classical vs. modern (principally American) progressive education, and the main reason why they do, or fail to, educate our children.