APRIL 2010

It was an unexpected honor to be voted President of the USS LEYTE CV-32 Association. I will do my best to serve and to make decisions for the good of the Association. Plans for the Charleston Reunion 2010 were agreed to during the Board of Directors meeting at the end of March and finalized with Military Reunion Planners in April. This Newsletter contains all the necessary information for you to make hotel reservations and event registration. I realize that some of you will come early and leave later in order to enjoy the southern hospitality but it was decided best to concentrate all the joint LEYTE events within the three days of the scheduled reunion. We have also planned meals at opportune times in order to take advantage of additional hospitality time. The hospitality room is being limited by the hotel to wine, beer, soft drinks, and condiments over the counter. BYOB in your room is a member responsibility.

I am looking forward to the twenty fourth reunion in Charleston as I was unable to attend the second reunion in Charleston. I am looking forward to seeing all of you, new and regulars, so step up and say hi you‘ all. Reunion 2009 in New London was enjoyed by all. The visit to the Nautilus at the Submarine Force Museum in Groton was a high point for me. Looking back, life on the LEYTE was luxurious in comparison. The trip to Newport, Rhode Island provided an opportunity to see the shore side of what many of us had only a ‘long glass’ chance to see while swinging on the hook. A brief stop on the way back at Quonset Point and the Museum brought us up to date on things there and how they have changed. Most had the opportunity to tour the Coast Guard Academy and listen to the outstanding presentations by Cadets. It was hard to drag shipmates away from the nautical items in the museum there in order to be served a great buffet lunch. We are in planning for Reunion 2011 in Nashville and 2012 in Philadelphia. We will look at Mobile and St Louis or other site nominated from the floor for Reunion 2013. Speaking of reunions, look at bringing your children no matter the age and/or grandchildren to the reunions.

I am asking the Memorial Ceremony presenters to wear slacks, shirt, tie and blazer or jacket and the color guard to be in standard dress (Marines in red Navy in blue) shirt and slacks. This will bring proper dignity to this occasion when we remember deceased shipmates. We are still looking for shipmates to step forward to fill the Assistant Secretary, Historian, Hospitality, and Webmaster positions. Just see me and we will fit you in.

I would like to hear from anyone who has suggestions about improving the Association and activities. Contact me by email at [no attachments and please no pictures as I have dial up access and it takes forever to download]. I can also be reached at 209-754-1022 and by snail mail at P.O. Box 275, Mountain Ranch, CA 95246. I want to express a special thank you to Bill and Dana Crawford for stepping up (again) and taking over Ship’s Store from Bob Thomson on short notice. Here to you may be seeing some changes to include fast turnover items and ordering from samples (to reduce the size of inventory and logistics getting to the reunions).

To each of you, I wish smooth sailing and fresh warm breezes. /s/ Charles Hill


·  President: Charles H. Hill 209-754-1022

·  Pres-Elect: John E. Mitchell 480-239-9555

·  1st Vice-Pres: Leon Neimeyer 610-682-7488

·  2nd Vice-Pres Vacant

·  Secretary: William D. Carr 586-264-2048

·  Treasurer: Angelo R. Masi 239-348-0085

·  Fin. Secty: William McQueary 303-857-2167

·  Asst. Secty: Vacant

·  Chaplain: Frank Koeller, Jr. 610-282-1777

·  CMAA: Le Grande Van Wagenen 732-727-5993

·  Founding President: C. Farnsworth 518-346-5240

·  First Past Pres: Leon Neimeyer 610-682-7488

·  Air Group: W. Carl Jeckel 860-536-6006

·  Audit: Frank Koeller, Jr. 610-282-1777

·  Historian: Vacant

·  Hospitality: Vacant

·  Newsletter: Kenneth McLaurin 757-497-7188

·  Nominating: John E. Mitchell 480-946-3993

·  Publicity: Floyd Hale 317-546-5067

·  Registration: John Woods 847-695-6988

·  Ship's Store: William A. Crawford 894-737-4673

·  Webmaster Vacant


Dear Life Member shipmates of the USS LEYTE CV-32 Association; It has been many years since I have sat down to write a letter to the membership and this time it is to a very special part of that membership. Let me try to explain to you what this is all about.

For many years the USS LEYTE CV-32 Association had no problem maintaining a sound financial status. We had many dues paying members and each year we were always able to make money at our reunion. Now, for the last few years and to relieve strain on the staff we have had Military Reunion Planners and they made the profit, we didn’t. Consequently with fewer members attending reunions and carefully watching expenditures we have been drowning our treasury and slowly drawing it down. The Board of Directors is making changes that we expect will improve the situation. At our Board meeting in March I suggested that I write you as Life members for your support and to give us a ‘shot in the arm’.

Many years ago when we were planning our first reunion we suggested a small contribution. When I saw we were running short I wrote to those that had already contributed asking them to send an additional $25.00. There was an overwhelming response. Now I am back to the same old game. What I am asking now is that we, especially long term Life Members, make a one time donation of $15.00 (our new yearly dues) to help improve the soundness of the Association. Did you know, I didn’t, that we have over three hundred Life Members? Will you be so kind as to make out a check and send it directly to our Treasurer: Angelo R. Masi, 127 Glen Eagle Circle, Naples, FL 34104 indicating it is a ‘Life Member donation’. We will report the membership. Sincerely yours, Clarkson B. Farnsworth the results to


By Carl Jeckel

I missed all the Air Group shipmates at the New London reunion, which was great on submarines and surface navy. As I was the only member of VF-33 who was present I was asked to represent the Air Group at the meeting. I will try to continue the news as previously reported by Harry Connor and Garvin Kram both of whom have earned their white wings by now.

To introduce myself, I am W. Carl Jeckel former AM-2 in VF 33. If you are lucky enough to have a copy of the Korean Cruise Book, of 13 AUG 1950 – 25 FEB 1951, find VF-33 First Group. On the opposite page, I’m the guy with the spray gun. As I have not received other input at this time I will relate a personal story.

We were anchored in port. I was directed to change a wheel on one of our F4U-4s. I selected a striker to assist me and we gathered the jack and tools to do the job. We removed the old wheel and attached the replacement. We rolled the old wheel to the port side, and my helper jumped down onto the catwalk. I lay the wheel on its side and slid it toward the edge. I told him to grab it and eased it down. He said, “NO. Let it go. I’ll catch it.” I believed him and proceeded to slide it off the edge. It fell smoothly to the bottom of the catwalk. My helper did not move and the wheel bounced up and with an outboard curve it passed between the safety cables and over the side. We watched it fall and my heart stood still as I could almost feel the crow being ripped from my arm. It did not fall into the water. The motor whale boats were moored on outriggers below us. The wheel struck the forward edge and rear seat and ricocheted into the covered engine compartment. The air was filled with loud curses and naval profanity berating my ancestors and Airdales in general. When he quieted down, we inquired as to his health and lucky for him and us, he was not hurt. I apologized profusely and requested his assistance in recovering the wheel. We secured a line and sent it down to him. He made it fast to the wheel and we hauled it up. I did not report the incident and never worked with this striker again. That was almost 60 years ago.

Everyone will agree that Captain “sully” Sonenberger did a great job landing the airliner in the Hudson River. My brother alerted me to an item on the Internet that blew my socks off. Check this out. (you should have a wmv program in your computer). If you don’t, find someone who does and watch it together. Enter the_best_ever. wmv Subject: Landing the plane.

I would like to hear from any one from VF0-31, VF-32, VF-33 and VA-35 and any of the CAG 7 folks that were in LEYTE as well as the CVS squadrons that flew from LEYTE after conversion. Of course the helicopter squadrons are included. There must be some good stories out there. To share them send it to me at . Phone 860-536-6006. John Duby formerly of VF-31 has sent in “The Diary of a Plane Captain” to the Newsletter and should appear in a coming edition.


Don Roberts, Webmaster sent along a message to all shipmates using the ussleytecv32.com web site that some exciting changes have been made. These include Free Webmail Upgrade by providing cleaner interface and smoother navigation. Your current settings and contacts have been carried over and you will continue to access your mail in the same way. A new standard size of 250MB is included. Inactive boxes have been deleted as they are targets for spam. If you have any questions please submit a trouble ticket to the webmaster and include LEYTE in the subject line.

Don Hoff and Paul Lovely sent in photos as contribution to our 08/09 Reunion book prepared by Jack James for the printer.

Rowena Hebert sent in a copy of Carroll’s obituary and requested his name be placed in the Taps section of the newsletter and that shipmates remember him during the next memorial service.

Daye Wilkins sent in a request for a copy of the roster with updates with a check to cover cost of mailing.

Le Grande Van Wagenen continues to be the champion new membership driver as he often sends me emails on names of shipmates located to be placed on the roster.

A letter from Harry Berling to Harry Conner since deceased via the newsletter. Normally this would be in the Air Group corner but he refers to an article in the July 2009 on an Air Group Sailor. He writes, I know you don’t know me from Adam. My name is Gerhard Harry Berling and I read every word in your column in the Leyte newsletter. Boy you talk about bringing back memories. My tour of duty was from 1948 to 1952. The last year was on President Truman. The beginning of my tour was Great Lakes (boots), Flag Unit at Quonset Point, (operations office), made YN3 and sent to VA-35 as leading yeoman for temporary duty. The one they had was being discharged. Then was to go six weeks on the USS Wright (converted cruiser flat top), Portrex exercise, with the understanding that I was to return to the flag unit, per Personnel Officer from the flag. CDR Bagwell was pleased with my work and asked me to stay with VA-35. He said “I’ll take care of the details”. On returning to Quonset, dispatch orders were waiting. No more TAD. With VA-35, we made a med cruise and I have pictures of CDR Bagwell, Liz Taylor and her new and first husband Nick Hilton on the flight deck of the LEYTE in France. I knew the photographer. Mr. Conner, I was aboard at the same time and went through the canal, San Diego, Pearl Harbor, Japan, and Korea. Lost our Squadron commander, Mr. Bagwell and Mr. Osborne assumed command. Like you said, the only navy black pilot, Mr. Jesse Brown, was also lost. CDR Bagwell, after 3 years as a POW, returned to the US and Florida. I live in Cross City, Florida and I never attended a LEYTE reunion, sorry to say. I discharged myself from the Navy, VA-35 in Sanford, Florida in 1952. A month after I got out, orders came through advancing my rate to YN2. Too late - - I went to Cincinnati, Oh. Moved back to Florida in 1996. Mr. Conner again I’m saying your column was great.


By William Crawford

I arrived in USS LEYTE (CV-32) late one evening in January 1952. I was both thrilled and awed by this event because I was a Navy Brat (and now had a ship of my own, not Dad’s ship but mine)! My childhood goal was to 1) graduate from high school, 2) join the Navy, 3) go to sea and 4) go to the U.S. Naval Academy to become an officer like my Dad. So, here I was at the beginning of step 3. Boy was I excited!

I have to go back in time to explain that I had asthma as a kid. I had an attack when I was 14 years old so when I was 18 and was enlisting in the Navy, I asked my Chief at the Recruiting station if the asthma would keep me out of the Navy. He wasn’t sure so he looked it up in the medical regulations. The regulations said that there had to be a 5 year interval since my last attack and the Chief looked at me and said “well, one year won’t make any difference” and so he erased the age of 14 and changed it to 13. No big deal, right?

After completing Boot Camp and a tour at NAPS in Bainbridge, I received orders to report to Norfolk, Virginia and the USS LEYTE! Several months later, when the ship pulled into Quonset Point I was put on TAD because I had taken the Naval Academy entrance exam and had to have my physical completed before a certain date. The ship wouldn’t be back until after that date so after you guys went to sea, I found our that I had passed and I had to go to Chelsea naval hospital to have my final physical exam. Well I went to Boston and got my physical. The last step was to see a navy Captain (Medial Corps) and he informed me that I had passed with flying colors. But the Asthma thing sort of bugged me and so I asked him about it. He took down a book of medical regulations and discovered that there couldn’t have been an attack after age 12. After he looked at my application, he said “Well, one year won’t make any difference” and he proceeded to change 13 to 12 on my paperwork. Well, I may be dumb, but I’m not that dumb! I thanked the Captain and got out of there!