Manoranjan Sharma is the Chief Economist of Canara Bank, the premier bank of

the country in terms of almost all parameters.Some of the highlights of his

career relate to the following facts:

x A brilliant multi-disciplinary background, viz., a First Class First

Masters degree in Economics, a First Class Postgraduate Diploma in Business

Management (equivalent to MBA) and a fair knowledge of Sociology.

x The award of a Doctoral Fellowship by the Indian Council of Social Science

Research (ICSSR) as well as a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by the

University Grants Commission (UGC).

x Complete familiarity with functions and working of most aspects of banks

as a result of extensive grounding in statutory inspection of banks

conducted under Section 35 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

x Extensive experience in managing policy and strategic processes, including

policy analysis, strategic planning and research.

x Incisive analysis of different facets of the macro-economy discernible in

his work on economic policy and planning, economic reforms, rural financial

institutions, non-farm sector, mainstreaming of gender concerns, banking and

finance, infrastructure, quality management, etc.

x Close association all along the line with the preparation of a

comprehensive SIDBI Study on Technology for Small Scale Industries - Current

Status and Emerging Needs brought out in September 2001 by Tata-McGraw Hill


x Excellent research record reflected in over 80 papers/review articles/book

reviews etc. published consistently over a period of twenty years in leading

national and international journals, books, economic newspapers, etc. These

include Occasional Papers (a research journal published by Reserve Bank of

India), The Eastern Anthropologist (an international interdisciplinary

research journal published from Lucknow), The Southern Economist (an

established journal published from Bangalore), Economic Digest (SIDBI's

journal published from Lucknow), CanBank Bimonthly Review (Canara Bank's

journal published from Bangalore), etc. Contributed several lead articles to

The Economic Times, Business Line, Dainik Jagran, etc.

x Understanding of the global economy and the challenges and opportunities

facing a developing country such as India within a global economy reflected

in the Editorship of SIDBI's journal Economic Digest / Canara Bank's journal

CanBank Bimonthly Review.

x Preparation of several background papers for the Banking Division,

Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi.

x Application of cutting-edge economics to real world problems faced by

senior policy-makers.

x Progressively rich experience in providing practical advice and

commentary on economic trends and developments together with relevant

management experience and a demonstrated ability to manage and work within a

team with multiple priorities and stiff deadlines.

x Global recognition as an expert in banking and finance, economic reforms

and structural transformation, rural development, small-scale industries.

Paper on 'Product Innovation and Business Process Re-Engineering: A Gateway

to Sustained Growth of Banks in India' accepted for presentation at the

Global Finance Conference scheduled to be held at Las Vegas, USA in April


x Nomination as an expert by the Bankers Institute of Rural Development

(BIRD), Lucknow - a leading institution for training of bank personnel in

South and South-East Asia - to review Research Project prepared on behalf of

the Swiss Agency for International Cooperation (SDC).

x Paper submitted to the International Symposium on Development Policies and

Options for the Next Millennium held at Indira Gandhi Institute of

Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai - an advanced research institute of

Reserve Bank of India - accepted as one of the top 50 papers.

x Papers presented at the foundation-day National Seminar at National

Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad during November 1999 and

again during January 2001 prominently published by NIRD.

x Paper submitted to the Bank Economist's Conference (BECON) 2001 (Kolkata -

January 2002) was selected as one of the about 10 papers deemed fit for


x Reliance on many of his ideas by the recent high-powered Expert Committee

on Rural Credit set up by NABARD for formulation of its views.

x Invitation to present papers at large number of state, national and

international seminars. Lectures at several leading institutions of higher

learning, including Academic Staff Colleges of various Universities. Close

association with several leading training institutions.

x Strong interpersonal and networking skills and a proven ability to engage

with different stake holders at a senior level.