/ Dunfermline and West Fife
Sports Council / The Secretary
Music Institute
East Port
Fife KY12 7JA
Tel: 03451 555555 Ext 493344

Annual Membership Fee 2016 / 2017

The Annual Membership fee for affiliation to the Sports Council is due for the current financial year. Please note that for the first time for many years the membership has been increased but is still one of least expensive in Scotland,

In order that your Club can continue to remain affiliated to the Sports Council and enjoy the benefits of membership we require to receive your £10.00 subscriptionnot later than

Thursday 30THJune 2016.

It is worth noting that Fife Council's grant-aid schemes expect applicant Clubs to be affiliated to their local Sports Council. Please also let me know in which areas you would like the Sports Council to support your club e.g. Marketing events, policies etc.

Cheques/Postal Orders should be made payable to Dunfermline and West Fife Sports Council and be sent to the above address.

You can transfer it directly to the Sports Councils Account –please email me when you have completed the transaction

Bank of Scotland

Sort Code 80-06-55

Account Number 00309967

Occasionally Clubs have paid by cash without indicating which Club is renewing their membership, please be sure to identify your club. Please send your remittance with the attached form.

We wish to remind you that only Clubs currently in membership of the Sports Council can be considered for grant-aid and receive the support and information services provided by the Sports Council, some of which are listed below. In addition, consideration of financial support to appropriate coaches will only be given to those whose Club is affiliated to the Sports Council.

Yours in Sport

Lindsay Weir


P.S. If you are no longer the Club contact would you please pass on this information to the new contact, alternatively, let me have details of the person to whom correspondence can be sent.

Sports Development

Training and Equipment GRANTS FOR CLUBS


These are just some of the benefits available to our Affiliated Clubs


Affiliation Confirmation Form 2016/17

Name of Club/School/Centre ……………………………………………………………….

Name of Contact ……………………………………………. Tel No. ……………………...

Address ………………………………………………………………………………………...

…………………………………………………………………. Post Code ………………….

Email …………………………………………… .Mobile No. ……….……….

Secretary ……………………………………………………………………………………

Chair/President ……………………………. …………………

Print Name ……………………… Signed ………………………… Date ………...

I enclose a cheque in the sum of £10.00 payable to Dunfermline and West Fife Sports Council

Please return this form by 30th June 2016

Dunfermline and West Fife Sports Council is a voluntary organisation grant aided by Fife Council and in partnership with Fife Sports and Leisure Trust and Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, supporting local sport since 1967.


e-mail :

Tel No. 03451 555555 Ext 493344